Do you obsess over food?



  • Cherp18
    Cherp18 Posts: 224 Member
    I don't obsess about food. I start to think about the next meal and what's on hand to create it. The only time I MIGHT obsess a little is when I'm out. That is still a bit of an issue. When I'm running around, doing shopping etc & don't think to eat/snack and then I'm STARVING!! Then I worry ... What am I going to eat "out here in the big bad world??" That causes a bit of anxiety if I haven't planned ahead. BUT, that's how life is and I have to deal with it. So far, so good. No ones going to die if I can't find a low cal snack for one Saturday afternoon. lol
  • emhow
    emhow Posts: 79 Member
    Also, trips to the supermarket are a nightmare. If all I need to buy is lunch and dinner, I can spend up to an hour going down every aisle reading every label and end up buying like two items. I always need someone to come with me to snap me out of obsessing over what I can and can't eat. Fabulous.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    I was in the past, specifically with my carb intake. I started on this because of diabetes. I'd analyze EVERYTHING. Trying to make sure I stayed within my daily carb intake goals as recommended by my doctor. I think it was 150-200g? I can't remember but as I dropped weight and became more active my diabetes improved to the point that I reversed it and no longer need to take meds to control it. I've been diabetes free since Jan. 2011. Now I am much more easy going about it. I do have bad stuff but I'd say 80% of the time I am good.
  • lacroyx
    lacroyx Posts: 5,754 Member
    Switching to an IF style of eating has REALLY helped with this for me.

    I'm not familiar with this, what's the IF style?

    IF is Intermittent Fasting- there are several styles of doing it, but the two main ones I've seen practiced by MFP people are the Eat Stop Eat method, where you do a 24 hour fast one or two times a week and eat and eat higher calories the rest of the time, And leangains method in which you have an eating window of time everyday- I only eat from noon to 8pm every day, and then I am in a fasted state after dinner until noon the next day. I want to stress that you eat the same number of calories doing IF as you would in a traditional eating pattern...before people tell me about how unhealthy fasting is. There is a LOT of information on the boards here and a group for IF members, if you search on the term or look in to the group. I am fairly new to IF, but there are a lot of people more knowledgeable than I that have been practicing it for a long time. Feel free to friend me or PM me if you want any more specific information.

    I sometimes do this. With my weird work sechdule and sleeping habits I don't always have time in the day to eat 3 meals a day. Usually I eat 2x but there are times where I just eat once a day. With me I found sleep was important above all else. I always make sure I get plenty of sleep 7 hrs. minimum. In the past when I didn't sleep well I would be tired all the time. Working nights I'd be constantly snacking and grazing to keep myself awake. Exercise was completely out of the question since I was too tired to even attempt it.
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    I couldn't agree more. our ancestors didn't have the capability to create highly processed food, and had to hunt and gather.. there was definitely no obesity problem then!
  • TamaraHaase
    TamaraHaase Posts: 39 Member
    I had been about to say, nooooooo this is not normal, and suggest drinking more water or finding small snacks to eat every couple of hours or so. Then I read on and saw maybe I'm not normal! When I first started it was a challenge, but now it just feels like life and I'm really not concerned about food until it's time for me to eat a meal. When I do get hungry, I eat a snack. I don't obsess over staying within my cals/day; my thoughts are it's actually good to go over by a couple hundred calories now and again! That said, it is a rare occasion when I do - I'm typically under.

    I remember one other point in my life when I had dieted and there came a point when my relationship with food shifted - it was no longer my friend but just a fuel. I didn't even think about it during the day, or lust over thoughts of what sounded sooo good. Instead it was a secondary part of life, an 'oh yeah, time to refuel'. It was so freeing!! I felt like a new person and wondered if that was how 'normal' people lived everyday! Unfortunately, my dysfunctional love affair returned and here I am. I'm praying for the day that mind-shift returns. It will. It was my love affair with food that got me here in the first place.
  • CassieReannan
    CassieReannan Posts: 1,479 Member
    Yup, I'm right there with you. I think about food all day, look up recipes, count calories in everything, read nutritional labels till I'm blue in the face. Daydream about my next meals, too.

  • dotti1121
    dotti1121 Posts: 751 Member
    Yep...totally obsessed with food!
  • raeleek
    raeleek Posts: 414 Member
    Is normal when your on a strict calorie counting diet, to obsess and think about food. Even if i can't have it, i will always be looking up recipes for fattening treats to make. and all day, i will think about the little bit of food i will get to eat later, and i will spend so much time thinking of it and looking forward to it. its like since dieting, i appreciate food so much more. is this. normal to feel. does any one else feel the same way.

    You're an addict. No shame. A lot of us are on here. One day at a time!
  • mommasox
    mommasox Posts: 97 Member
    I was like that at first. The first 2 weeks all i could think about was candy and all the fast food places in our building. It was crazy! I couldn't stop thinking about it.

    I have gotten much better, but still do think about it on occasion.
  • HorseWithNoName27
    HorseWithNoName27 Posts: 188 Member
    I think I obsess less about it now then I used to it, but I know that I have a problem with food. That's what got me in this shape in the first place. I treated food as a friend and comfort and substitute for love--and I have since childhood. I hope that by tracking/planning my calories, losing weight, and getting active again, I can stop that cycle. I've got up and down in my weight a few times so far in my life--I don't want it to be a common thing for me.

    Mind over matter, I suppose. :smokin:
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I do this SOMETIMES...but I have found that if I keep myself busy/occupied with OTHER things, it doesn't happen NEARLY as much. Take today, for example, usually I have my snacks planned for the whole day and cannot WAIT to eat I forgot to eat half of them because I was busy, and it's dinner time and I'm barely
  • thingeringer
    thingeringer Posts: 241 Member
    Of COURSE I obsess over food! If I didn't, would I be reading these forums?
  • Spanaval
    Spanaval Posts: 1,200 Member
    Not really. I eat everything I want to, including junk food, in moderation. Since I'm not depriving myself, I'm less likely to obsess over it. I also do IF from time to time, and that has helped tremendously.
  • peachyxoxoxo
    peachyxoxoxo Posts: 1,178 Member
    I think about food all the time but that's probably not normal since I have a history of disordered eating. But I will say that dieting and calorie counting was the thing that made me so obsessed with food in the first place.
  • TaniaCorric
    TaniaCorric Posts: 51 Member
    I watch the food Channel while on my Cross Trainer
    Know thats weird:ohwell: