bsolada Member


  • I don't know if this applies to you but I am not a morning person or a person who can eat when they first wake up in the morning. Regardless of the day, I start my morning with chugging some water and a cup of coffee or tea. This helps wake me up and then I have more of an appetite. On my days off I tend to sleep in so I…
  • FYI I did end up getting a new HRM last week. I got the Polar F4 (it's PINK!) and I really think this is more accurate. If anyone else is having this problem check into getting a new HRM. For instance, yesterday I did 35 mintues of ChaLEAN Extreme, I did a cardio video. Per my Polar HRM I burned 384 cals. I looked back on…
  • Hello everyone, I am the OP and still having this problem with my Sportline Duo 1060. When I enter exercise calories on MFP it will tell me my burn should have been for instance about 500 calories, then my watch says something like 281 calories. Also working out with friend I burn so few calories it makes me not even want…
  • Girl I understand! I did Insanity expecting huge results or change but didn't really have differences on the scale or with measurements. For me I think part of it was that I could not do a good portion of the activites due to them being so heavily focused on the upper body. I am still gaining strength that way so I would…
  • Wow, interesting! I never knew there were bony parts and fat parts factored into the formulas. But this leads me to the question, how can your bony part shrink? My neck and wrist gets smaller when I lose weight, even if just slightly. But my frame stays the same size. Thanks for your feedback!
  • Any thoughts friends?
  • I don't sweat much either, but I know I'm working because my heart rate gets into the 180s. A little bit in between my boobs and some under the back of my pony tail, but that is it. You should feel lucky, my friends get jealous that I can walk out of the gym and look the same as when I came in and take my hair down with it…
  • My question is concerning if you have to remove the cup in a public restroom. Would I have to rinse it out in the sink? That's the only option I can think of which would be very embarrassing to do in front of other people in a bathroom. And it would definitely gross out others to see someone else's menstrual blood. What do…
  • Thank you so much for your responses everyone. It really means a lot to me. I read about all these people maintaining at around 2,000 calories and I get jealous because I think mine is between 1400s-1600s so I feel like I have very little room for error. Also, I don't even know if 118 is attainable for me but I do believe…
  • Shoot, I was actually wrong about my heart rate monitor being a Polar brand. It is actually a Sportline Duo 1060 I believe. Anyone have any experience with this particular type and its calories burned accuracy?
  • Thanks everyone for your replies so far! It really means a lot. I do have all my information entered I'm there but I guess there are a number of things I could try now. I have never wetted it before putting it on, so it's probably not really reading calories burnt at the beginning of my work out. I also wear it right under…
  • Maybe I am weird but I have only lost 13 pounds but I have lost at least 2 sizes, close to 3. I am not short, 5'5 1/4" tall, not sure why I have lost so many sizes, but I am not complaining. :happy:
  • Yes! I am 5'5" and have been stuck at 123 for about 3 weeks now. My goal was 118 just to see the teens. But I don't know if that weight is possible for me when eating a healthy amount as I carry a lot of muscle mass. I am confused as to whether my body doesn't want to get any smaller, or that my body just needs a new…
  • No need to be rude. I wouldn't post a not serious question. It was an honest question I've always wondered about. I am pretty informed on healthy eat and weight loss. I know junk food is unhealthy. I just was referring directly to how it effects weigh loss. My mom actually asked this question this weekend and wasn't really…