For all the 5'5 ladies!



  • abruemmer
    abruemmer Posts: 1
    @ seasonalvoodoo
    Wow, I felt like I was reading my own post. Our weight is the same and so is our goal weight. Best of luck to you. My lowest weight was 167 almost 2 years ago. I gained a little by loss of dedication to eating healthy and working out regularly, then got pregnant and gained a ton. My baby is 9 monthes old and I have barley lost anything. But I am back on track and I did it once and maintianed for a long time and I know I can do it again.

    You have done incredible so far. Keep it up!
  • ylnevaeh
    ylnevaeh Posts: 4 Member
    I am 5'5" too but when I went to the Dr. they said I was only 5'4". Was I ever bummed out. I didn't think I had shrunk that much - they just slammed the measuring stick down on top of my head and made my spine buckle!!!!!! But what every my height I am finally lower than the 190 something that I have been for the past few years. Used to be every day I say that I was going to watch what I ate only to fail before the end of the day or a few days. This time it is differant. This MFP seens to be working but it is a slow process. I found that drinking more water has helped some and I finally got around to exercising. I just hope that I can keep going to get to my goal (around 140-145).
  • shimmergal
    shimmergal Posts: 380 Member
    Thanks for posting this. Looks like there are a lot of women with the same stats and goals as mine :smile:
    Feel free to add me as a friend so that we can support each other in reaching our goals. I have a great group of MFP friends and they offer me daily support and I try to do the same.

    Brief intro - I am a mom with 2 kids. I have full-time job as well. I eat mostly healthy but, my biggest problem is I am snacker:embarassed: . But, I love working out and I know it is one thing that keeps me sane. I work out 4-5 times/week and my exercise routines include TurboFire/Cardio Gym classes/ Zumba/strength training (gym)/3K-5Kjogging on weekends with family, etc.

    HW: 161
    SW: 157
    CW: 154
    GW: 135
  • cocobeenie
    cocobeenie Posts: 98
    How is everyones progress coming along? I kind of had a rebellious phase and ate some junk that didnt exactly help me along on my journey. I'm back on track though and happy about it. How are you all doing?
  • nicxox
    nicxox Posts: 175 Member
    Hey, another 5'5er here! =) Only just started calorie counting, my current weight is 149 and my goal weight is 126. I've always been a bit on the curvier side so really hope I can reach my target weight!
  • TheLaser
    TheLaser Posts: 338 Member
    I am about 5'5" (1/2) and have been hovering around 121-124 for over a month now. My goal is 120 but I would like to see what it's like at 115 again before making a final maintenance decision. Are any of you having trouble shedding those last 5 or so pounds? What have you found that worked?

    (Just for the record I don't eat any processed food, sugar or sweeteners except if it comes in the form of fruit, work out each day for at least an hour with a variety of workouts, and am mostly vegetarian. I've been pretty good about the calorie counts and have only recently started experimenting to try to shake things up a little, but that's not working either. I don't really know what more I can do and still have it be sustainable!!!)
  • bsolada
    bsolada Posts: 23 Member
    I am about 5'5" (1/2) and have been hovering around 121-124 for over a month now. My goal is 120 but I would like to see what it's like at 115 again before making a final maintenance decision. Are any of you having trouble shedding those last 5 or so pounds? What have you found that worked?

    (Just for the record I don't eat any processed food, sugar or sweeteners except if it comes in the form of fruit, work out each day for at least an hour with a variety of workouts, and am mostly vegetarian. I've been pretty good about the calorie counts and have only recently started experimenting to try to shake things up a little, but that's not working either. I don't really know what more I can do and still have it be sustainable!!!)

    Yes! I am 5'5" and have been stuck at 123 for about 3 weeks now. My goal was 118 just to see the teens. But I don't know if that weight is possible for me when eating a healthy amount as I carry a lot of muscle mass. I am confused as to whether my body doesn't want to get any smaller, or that my body just needs a new routine to kick it out of its "funk." Let me know how you do!
  • claire_b79
    claire_b79 Posts: 101 Member
    I'm 5'5 and a half I think...used to say I was 5'6 but I measured myself a while ago and I must have shrunk!

    Here are my stats:

    Age 31
    HW: 138
    SW: 133
    CW: 123
    GW: 120

    I have a pretty small frame and what appears to be a lot of body fat. So right now I'm just trying to lose the fat and then work on gaining new muscle. Ultimately I don't have a number in mind. I really just want to look leaner and feel better naked!
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