For all the 5'5 ladies!



  • demery12371
    demery12371 Posts: 253 Member
    5'5" here too. Looking to slim down, get healthier, and keep up with my three kids all under 6. :)
  • Angelpecan
    Angelpecan Posts: 16 Member
    Oh lovin' this thread! I have always loved being 5'5! I feel like i can relate to tall AND short people! Haha I'm 5'5 and I'm not sure what my frame is! Haha! I think im medium frame! My highest weight was 180 and my SW on MFP is 155. CW is 149.4! My current goal is 130! Looking forward to getting through this journey with all of us 5'5ers!

    Feel free to add me!!
  • Kaye8395BTS
    Kaye8395BTS Posts: 159 Member
    5'5" here too. Lowest I've been was 118 and I was anorexic looking (size 0 on top, 2 on the bottom). I look my best when I'm working out and weigh between 130-135.

    I am 5'5 and agree ^^^^^^^ In high school I ranged between 120-130 and was very thin, my rib cage and hip bones would stick out. After college I BALLOONED up to 263 lbs. I am currently just under 159 lbs and aiming for 135-145!
  • cupajoe
    cupajoe Posts: 155
    5'5 here too!!! My heaviest weight was 235:noway: , My current weight is 154, my goal weight is 135 for now. I thought I'd set my goal 100lbs down from where I started this weight loss journey and see what I look like when I get there. I don't remember ever being that small so I have no idea what I would look like at that weight. This last 20lbs is killing just doesn't want to GO AWAY!!!
  • Tree72
    Tree72 Posts: 942 Member
    I'm 5'5" also. :smile: The best thing about this height is that average length jeans are the perfect length. My highest weight was over 250. When I first started trying to eat healthier and exercise more I was at 246. I'm currently at 179. I have a slightly large (just over into the large category by wrist measurements) frame and very broad shoulders. So I'm aiming for 145 at the moment. I'll evaluate when I get there. I haven't been that low since middle school. In high school I was in the 180s. So it will be a whole new world.
  • Melisha82
    Melisha82 Posts: 243
    I'm 5'5 ½" lol... I'm with y'all!! I am currently 178, my goal is 145 to start with and then we will reassess when I get there.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    Ah, I have to get long jeans as I am a 32 leg. It means I don't go in at the waist at all as there's no room between my hips and my ribs.

    I can get petites if I am wearing flats but regular if I plan on wearing heels every time I wear my pants.

    Same here :-)
    in Gap Jeans I'm an Ankle length.
  • stefraab
    stefraab Posts: 402 Member
    I'm 5'5 ½" lol... I'm with y'all!! I am currently 178, my goal is 145 to start with and then we will reassess when I get there.

    Same here - 145 is my goal but I really just want to be somewhere in the 40s, and fit and healthy.
    Although if I get to the 40s and start toning heavy duty and lose more weight then so be it :-)
  • darkhorse43
    darkhorse43 Posts: 70 Member
    I'm just plain old 5'5". No 1/2 or 3/8 for me. My highest weight was 165 after college. I lost 30 pounds on weight watchers about 8 years ago though I looked kinda sickly at 135. I gained back to 152 when I met my super tall and skinny boyfriend a couple years ago. Now I'm trying to get back down to 140 and from there work on getting fit which may help me lose a few more. I'm currently at 148.

    Oh and pants are never the right length for me either. I always end up stepping on the regulars and the shorts are like high waters.
  • navajoon
    navajoon Posts: 355
    hehe! I'm 5'5.5"! So... right smack in this weird height range. Sometimes people think I'm short, sometimes they think I'm tall. Do you guys ever get that?

    Someone else out there claims the .5"!! Haha! I always say I'm five, five and a half not just 5'5"! lol That makes me feel taller hehe

    Currently around 125, would like to be a stable 120, or a little under.

    I claim a .25! "5'5" and a quarter" is what I always say! Currently at 226, ultimately trying to get down to 150, which I haven't seen, probably since junior high. I have a larger frame (seriously, got the frame of my cousins who are all 5'10"+ but I stalled out at 5'5" somehow), so I think 150 would be pretty darn awesome.

    Feel free to add me, anyone... it's fun to have the extra support.
  • alb_photog
    alb_photog Posts: 110 Member
    5'5... which I thought was the most "average" height in women ever... lol.

    I am slowly coming out of denial that I am no longer hourglass shaped, but rather pear shaped. Having 3 kids will do that to you.

    cw: 148
    gw: 130- 135 toned
  • stormieweather
    stormieweather Posts: 2,549 Member
    I'm 5'5" also (and 50 yrs old).

    SW 177, CW 161. I want to get into the 130's, ideally. I was 115 until I had my first child, then 125 until I reached middle age and had an unexpected, late-age baby - 5 years ago. I've been hanging in the 160's and 170's ever since. Lowest weight ever was under 100 pounds and I looked positively horrid. I'm aiming for 135 and as little flab as possible. We'll see how I look when I get close, as to whether I change goals or not.
  • Mandam1018
    Mandam1018 Posts: 70 Member
    5' 5.5"! I am currently 147 and wanting to get down to 130-135. I am medium build with longer legs but not super long however if I want to wear jeans with boots or heals, I have to get long in length. I was very athletic in highschool and had a great body but was almost too skinny weighing around 115-120. I can not wait to be healthy and active again!
  • happy_summer
    Ooh can I join please! Another 5'5 and a HALFer!! :-)

    HW 147
    CW 138.8
    GW 119 (for now - have a v small frame so may need to go lower)

    I'm in London, UK. Just started on MFP and loving it - looking forward to keeping in touch with you all!
    Feel free to add me as a friend for motivation / support! ^.^ xx
  • shelly650
    shelly650 Posts: 319
    Hello! Im 5"5' too!! Finally a thread for us inbetweeners!!!

    Well, My name is Michelle, Im from Ireland and my Highest weight was 185.5lbs (terrible i know!)
    My MFP starting weight was 175.2lbs and Im now down to 168.2lbs!

    I would love to get down to 135ish but I have set my goal at 145 and I can work on it from there!!
  • hunni70
    hunni70 Posts: 57
    Hi'ya i'm 5ft5 but i'm one of the heavier girls on here !!!
    sw= 260
    cw= 247
    gw= 150

    My heaviest weight was 287 but that was a while ago. I used to be 5ft6 but i lost an inch along the way! i must be shrinking in my old age ha ha!
  • MissingMinnesota
    MissingMinnesota Posts: 7,486 Member
    Hi'ya i'm 5ft5 but i'm one of the heavier girls on here !!!
    sw= 260
    cw= 247
    gw= 150

    My heaviest weight was 287 but that was a while ago. I used to be 5ft6 but i lost an inch along the way! i must be shrinking in my old age ha ha!

    Your are pretty much at where I started a year ago. It is doable just stick with it.
  • Kityngirl
    Kityngirl Posts: 14,332 Member
    Yet another 5'5" and a HALF girl. That half makes a difference....I swear. :laugh: My highest was 230ish my current is 170 and my goal is 155. We'll see after that, but I'm not sure I would want to go much lower. I want to be healthy, not necessarily skinny.
  • beccala18
    beccala18 Posts: 293 Member
    I'm either 5'4-1/2" or 5'5" but I claim 5'5"!

    HW/SW: 173 (Was at this for about 2 years before I decided I wanted to lose the weight)
    CW: 163 (10 pounds in 2 months!)
    GW: 150

    Once I get down there, I'll see how I feel. I don't think I've weighed that since early high school, so I have no idea what it will look like - especially because I now have boobs!
  • PrincessKittenpants
    Well I always thought I was 5' 6" but when I got weighed on one of those scales that tells you your height aswell, it said i was only 5' 5". Gutted! Not sure whether I have shrunk or been delusional all of my adult life lol. Anyway, I am currently about 142 and want to be about 125-130. Hard work!!

    Oddly, I agree with everything abve except my current weight is 152!