eslcity Member


  • Will 10lbs make a huge difference in what you look like well maybe not... but still it will make a differences on how you feel about yourself... one point to be made is that -- as you know the first weight to leave your body is basically from your extremities. However, at the end of a fat loss diet, the fat is usually…
  • I've lost all my weight walking briskly... I would suggest you swing your arms... and go at a pace that is brisk (to know if you are brisk enough if you can talk and walk you may need to pick up the pace)... but remember to be comfortable.. For those that dis walking you need to stop that... to be honest... any type of…
  • I live in asia.... one of the problems i'm finding is that now all the american size clothing are way to big (wide)... and the asian size clothing are too short.... so i'm kind of looking like peewee herman...
  • I also found myself never really hungry anymore... but that does not stop me from eating at my scheduled time.... being hungry is not requirement for eating and being healthy.... if you are required to eat... XXXX Calories then divided it into 3 meals.. force yourself to eat your required calories....
  • I totally believe you can even do better then that.... but it all depends on what body parts you don't mind cutting off...... the average arm is 5% of your body weight... and the average leg is 40% of our body weight...
  • I don't like the prices at Starbucks but for some student's parents love giving me starbuck cards for presents... so I’ve not had to pay for a Starbucks coffee in years.....^^ At this time I would like to thank all the parents that care enough to show their children's teachers that they appreciate them....…
  • once again....amen brother...
  • Another trick I use is that I put healthy snacks in my class... such as a protein bar.. (that I precut to make snack size) and anytime i feel hungry or to keep me from eating something sweet... like a dougnut.... I take a bite of a chocolate protein bar... i was suprised to see that a protein meal replacement bar...often…
  • As a teacher one of the tricks i have found to do extra exercise is never sit down and teach.. I walk around the room... I'm not sure just how your student's seats arrangement is but.... I put my class in a large circle (represented by the large green)... and I walk in that middle circle (orange)... Another trick I use is…
  • I would like to say good for you.... but remember if you had eaten the ice cream.... it wouldn't of been such a big problem... since all you would of had to do was go for another quick reason to deny yourself some of the pleasure of life....^^ Die(t) doesn't mean you have to die...
  • ______________________________ Dude as a history teacher..... the first thing that came to my mind was:..... WHAT!!! "It was the Japanese" However, loved your post...... made me laugh..... but..... I award you the face palm..... for the German remark
  • At my age I have noticed that my skin doesn't bounce back they way it use to....... One way i can tell this is after I put a tight rubber band on my hand or arm and after I remove it ...i watch to see just how fast does your skin bounce back to normal... if it is quick.... then you shouldn't have a too big of a…
  • I find myself bingeing when i'm alone in the house.... which as a teacher... I can be home during the day sometimes for a whole month at a time...^^ So what I do is if I find myself eating too many chocolate covered almonds or some other snack food my wife decided to keep in the house.... I first put it out of…
  • Yes...i can see the difference....but kind of glad my wife wasn't behind me when i opend the site.....:laugh: :wink:
  • Do I like exercise... I must say yes I do... I like the fact that now i have the strength and the stamina to do other things in my life... Exercise is a means to an end... and I like that and I like what i've become.......and lastly I like the me time.... it provides...
  • ^^ Totally Agree^^ The challenge is not to lose the weight but to keep it off....... for the long haul...
  • I have no idea why your arms would hurt after doing high rep exercise.....^^
  • @Go_Mizzou: That is not necessarly true...and while fasting should not be used as a method to lose weight it can help some people see that they can control their eating habits... that food is not in control of their bodies The ability to say No to food is a very important skill in learning to over coming bad eating…
  • ^^^Totally agree with this.... You guys are acting like buttholes... in how you are talking to people. Like any meal replacement.... shakeology or protein shake with multi-vitamin... it is an individuals choice and if i remember correctly most of America is still a free country and you guys all still have the freedom to…
  • I once had to take medicine to cure a fugus I had on one of my toe nails... that for some reason caused me to lose all taste... it was amazing just how much I lost when I could no longer enjoy the taste of food.... I know it has really nothing to do with what you were talking about... but it came to my mind when you were…
  • I personally not a stickler for exact measurements as some MFP people are... I do a little weighing... here and there... when i'm not sure about the size...... but mainly I just make educated guesses... but that is after a lot of practice... (however, i do log in every... to keep track of the food i eat) I mainly use MFP…
  • I really only use two machines the first is leg press.... because of a bad heel.. and i'm scared that if i press down wrong during barbell squat that I may find myself under alot of weight..... The other is a smith machine for bench pressing (i know, i know please no negative remarks...) I use the smith machine because I…
  • Where do i sign up... I have been thinking it would be a good thing to fast... and was going to do it for one day...but if there is a challenge i'm more then willing to give it a try...... ....... when do we start....^^
  • Today... you had a good day.... of eating and having fun... tomorrow you will run a little further.... walk an hour longer... until you can put that day of eating and having fun way behind you... you had 20years of cheat days..... and you put those behind you... you can put this one behind you also..... --ms
    in Cheat day Comment by eslcity July 2014
  • I try to get in cardio everyday at least once or twice... once in the morning before work... (stationary bike) 45minutes to an hour. then instead of just sitting around watching tv I will often ride my stationary bike.... the reason I got fat was because I got lazy.... so I'm not letting myself because lazy again.... I…