

  • Can you try putting your details into scooby - as I did (but guessed age) and came out with TDEE-20% 1301 TDEE 1626 BMR 1356 and has you do not have much to lose I would 20% is too high a drop anyway - certainly the way you are feeling I would up it Oh TDEE at 99lb - 1464 But…
  • have you read this post?? just might help define that scale number might not be correct?
  • def suggest that you read up more as high caloric rate - nope its not high its normal and what you should be eating :D always to maintain - your TDEE is what you need to eat to stay the same so eating at TDEE won't drop you pounds no BUT you need to do this because you have been undereating - hence why its worth reading up…
  • scooby has always been pretty spot on with me to be honest and yes I agree don't cut quite so harshly
  • HI and welcome - you should eat at your TDEE figure first 2087 and stay there until you feel mentally ready to drop your cals - believe me when I say after about 8 weeks you will struggle to drop any cals from that 2087 - honestly :) to gain muscle you should not really be in a deficit however many people say as a newbie…
  • WOL - way of life - sorry :) Did you check that link and redo your figures? once you know your TDEE then you can work from that
  • Ok so looking at this calcs TDEE 1580 CUT TDEE-10% 1422 with your BMR 1316 I think you might be cutting too harshly have you eaten at your TDEE yet or gone straight to cut? S
  • with that amount of exercise and still binging I would say your TDEE is too low - what are your numbers?
  • Hello you might want to to give a try as its simpler to get your details as yes 1000 does sound very low note of caution though you seem to want to lose 7lb and this WOL is not a quick fix - it will depend on your background of diets - or not - as to whether you need to rest…
  • not a problem at all :) glad to help :) and actually when eat less move more is pushed down your throat why should you look eslewhere! only when you realise that doesn't work :D well not really - anyway looking forward to your journal!
  • hello - try entering your details here: will give you another idea on figures - without age/height I cannot give you any better indication of if those figures are good or bad BUT please remember that industry guidelines is 2000 cals for an average women - so I think its too…
  • hello! and welcome - great that you have woken up to the bad diet way I agree its so very easy to think you are doing the right thing but just getting swallowed up in the diet and money revolution! anyway 3 months of that diet yes probably has lost you some muscle but its far from awful and easy to rectify - you are…
  • mestena87 - OMG wow what a truly inspiring post and person that you are - at also 5'4" myself I too have that 135 magic number in my head and I too usually sit at much higher than that (around 170/180). Lately I have been ignoring the scales and concentrate on how I feel and look - don't get me wrong I certainly could lose…
  • wow congrats!! ouch on knees though it could be that you upped it too much too quickly I would back it right off and do slow and moderate walking and then if you get no pain do brisk walk/slow walk intervals - don't forget that sometimes doing the same speed doesn't actually do a great deal but mixing it up - hard…
  • sweetxsour35 - sounds like too much of a cut to be honest - if you have a fitbit just use that average over the last month - and minus a 10% or 15% cut and then use that figure every day - exercise or not :) but keep at it and if you can steer away from scales as they are only telling a small part of the story but they can…
  • Hey Beamie2687 welcome and welcome back Being that I have just completed my reset and am now on cut I can totally say you do need a reset purely for the mental aspect of this - quite a few of us are posting daily journals on our ups and downs with reset and the mental side of things - and wow is it mental over everything…
  • starting my cut this week - feel fre eto add me - also a few of us are keeping cut journanls on the forums too in case that help s- you can follow how we go or start your own too!! Good luck and yes I am finding it pretty tough also!
  • C25K app or rather the podcasts are what I used and wow amazing - YOU CAN do this - you just have to start!! Take it easy take it slow and if you really feel you need to walk not run - then do it :D and don't make my mistake and just run a nice slow speed do not worry about the fact that you are running the same speed as…
  • Hi and welcome - don't forget to also join up over here too - - in case you fancy other stuff to read as well - careful though you can waste your day reading it all :) I am starting newbie and in reset but always happy to help others :)
  • I would suggest from what you are saying that your TDEE value is not high enough - looking at your activity maybe you are in the next band up? Are you working your way UP to eating at TDEE ie doing a reset (nods you should do one!) as that will certainly help you determine your TDEE Good luck either way!
  • Rory_123 just stick with it - if you are feeling that freaked then you are not there yet mentally or at TDEE as it does come off again - I am at 9wks and feel on top of the world!! so work through it - however horrid it is! depending on how long you were eating VLCD etc might depend on how long you hav eto reset though…
  • are you at your TDEE now Rory_123? and basically yes once your weight stablises you can cut - but its not supposed to be a quick process - from what people say the longer to give this stage the better it is in the long run - moving to quick now means you might have to re-reset later
  • just keep going - its worth it the other side honestly!! I am 9 weeks in a feeling amazing and I am eating 2500 a day and quite honestly I cannot figure out how I ever ate 1200 or less !! Honestly keep at it and the feeling will come - its more mental than anything else - so try to put it out of your mind and just say you…
  • def think EM2WL is for you - my thoughts on reset though - is it doesn't have to be long however if you eat up to your TDEE via 100 extra a day it won't take you long to get there ie just 7 days - however if you went straight to your "cut" then you are saying to your body your "cut" is your TDEE - so then when you need to…
  • Hiya link resent for you - not that I could remember which link I sent you LOL not quite awake as yet - but sent you link to my journey so far and EM2WL forums which might also be another good resource for you I am on week 9 upping again from 2000 to 2500 and wow 3 or 4 days into 2500 and I feel amazing feel like I could…
  • just in case this helps - have not read everything so sorry if got it wrong - however I was told that every 6/7 weeks you needed to eat at your full TDEE for 1 or maybe 2 weeks - to do a mini reset or rather to stop your body thinking your cut is your new TDEE - does that makes sense? So maybe yes your -15% your body NOW…
  • some great positives there - so pleased for you!! and yes I can see your 12/15 in retrospect is pretty good!!
  • great news - let us know how you get on!! 12lbs eek am impressed how well you are handling it!!! looking forward to hearing your results! What metabolic improvements have you noticed? Just curious?
  • Jennie5693 - wow fab article - yes "opened eyes" on that one - thanks for the link! I have been upping and finding it hard to cope with the larger size I am getting - but will stick with it!