

  • My high protein / low carb is: 2 eggs, 99% FF ground turkey seasoned like sausage (or lean ham bits) and Fat Free Cheese, water, coffee Protein shake with milk or a slow digesting protein. Tuna fish, (or turkey, lean ham, lean ground beef) Salad (lots of salad, little dressing), seasonal fruit. Lots of water. If you eat…
  • Walking a jogging are cardio and will burn calories and will slim your entire body, including your core. If you want more tone in your arms use wrist weights and exercise those muscles. Eat lean, be lean.
  • Sounds like you've had some great success. Celebrate that! Maybe your at the point where you're building more muscle than you might think. Don't just look at the scale, it can be an evil task master. Another thing that I've had some success with in punching through my plateu is zig zagging my calories intake, and changing…
  • The number of calories consumed should be geared to a max of 2lbs for health reasons. They also won't let you go below 1200 calories a day. It's not uncommon to loose weight faster or slower over a short time. But in the long run you will see that it averages out. I also lost mega weight in the beginning, but now 3 months…
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