Why a max of 2lbs/week?

Mherrm Posts: 4
edited September 27 in Health and Weight Loss
I recently started working out and I lost about 12 lbs in 2 weeks for an average of about a pound a day.

Today I downloaded the wonderful app for my Android phone. Sooo...why can the max goal be only 2 pounds a week, when I'm averaging about 6? Is it unhealthy? Am I losing too much weight to fast?


  • jpalmer7384
    jpalmer7384 Posts: 23
    Its expected to lose a lot in the beginning, but the healthy rate of weight loss is considered 2lbs per week, that is why its the maximum allowed! :)
  • natskedat
    natskedat Posts: 570 Member
    Beyond two pounds a week, you're probably losing muscle. 2 lbs. a week is the max for fat loss.

    Good luck!
  • aash28
    aash28 Posts: 85 Member
    I think that the app just uses it as a general rule of thumb. It's not unsafe to lose more per week as long as it's not due to starvation/overexercising!
  • CassieLEO
    CassieLEO Posts: 757 Member
    You averaged 12 pounds of water weight. No one loses that much, not even someone who is anorexic and never eats. You are at the begining of your journey, so your body is getting rid of the water weight that it has stored up. If you were to lose 6 pounds a week after all that water weight is gone, your body would go in to shock and you would be very sick.
  • mindspinmegs311
    mindspinmegs311 Posts: 31 Member
    2lbs a week is healthy weight loss, and studies show that it's the max number of pounds to lose per week if you want a more permanent weight loss.

    However... a lot of people tend to lose a drastic amount of weight when they first start a workout regimen/diet for the first couple of weeks. I wouldn't worry too much about your weight loss (congrats, btw!) but I would definitely be concerned if you keep losing weight that quickly. You probably won't have to worry, it will slow down once your metabolism adjusts to your new routines.

    So the reason they have 2lbs the max is because that's considered healthy weight loss, and maintainable weight loss.
  • rosieflo
    rosieflo Posts: 218
    I think in the beginning you always see big numbers (at least I do.) Eventually, for a safe weight loss, you'll even out to about 2 lbs a week if you are following the guidelines. Anyfaster than that can put you at risks for certain medical issues.
  • bajemajm
    bajemajm Posts: 4
    The number of calories consumed should be geared to a max of 2lbs for health reasons. They also won't let you go below 1200 calories a day. It's not uncommon to loose weight faster or slower over a short time. But in the long run you will see that it averages out. I also lost mega weight in the beginning, but now 3 months later I have to fight for each lb. Celebrate your weight losses and don't get hung up about numbers on the scale too much. Just stay the course and it will all work out in the end.:happy: :happy:
  • anacsitham5
    anacsitham5 Posts: 810 Member
    They say that 2 pounds a week is the healthy way and you are less likely to yo-yo your weight. But it also depends on your size. If you are a female, 5'7" and weigh 160 lbs and you are losing 6 pounds a week, that wouldn't be good. If you are larger and only recently started watching what you eat (dieting), then you could possibly lose 6 pounds a week in the beginning, but eventually it will slow down as you get down to a more normal weight for your height. In the beginning you also lose alot of water weight. That will slow too. If you are losing too much due to bad eating habits, you could be losing muscle in with the fat. That isn't good.
  • mindspinmegs311
    mindspinmegs311 Posts: 31 Member
    This is a good explanation of "water weight". http://www.fitsugar.com/What-Does-Mean-Lose-Water-Weight-14968229
  • stanvoodoo
    stanvoodoo Posts: 1,023 Member
    Doctors don't normally recommend more than that per week. They want you to lose fat not muscle and if you have a sudden weight loss it can be very hard on your body. Loss of hair is one thing that happens.

    They want you to loss it so it stays off by learning to eat better and exercise to build lean muscle.

    So eat your lean protein, veggies, fiber and drink your water and decrease your calories over time (1200 min) and increase your exercise and those 2lbs should come off most weeks.

    Good Luck!
  • rvanderpool3
    rvanderpool3 Posts: 12 Member
    I have seen my weight change in bursts depending how the various biological factors have aligned(water weight, etc...). The bottom line is, don't get so caught up in the scale. As long as you are meeting your calorie goals, you will consistently lose fat(not always weight). I have been on my journey for a year and half with MFP and I can honestly say that as long as you are honest with the tools on this site, it works!! This is not a diet, this is a new way of living for me.
  • acasey0123
    acasey0123 Posts: 640 Member
    losing that much is probably water weight since youre just starting out...if this keeps happening of high weight loss per week its not good....2 pounds per week is ideal because you will be able to keep off that weight longer
  • reba971
    reba971 Posts: 80
    I have a question pertaining to this. If it is so unhealthy...and I agree it is....why do they do it on "The biggest loser" on national TV they show people losing insane amount of weight...week...after week...and getting mad and crying ect if they only lose 2 pounds!
  • Fernandomike
    Fernandomike Posts: 95 Member
    To lose one pound of fat, you have to create a negative caloric balance of 3,500 in a week.. Obviously, two pounds would be 7,000. The math points out why 2 lbs is definitely on the high end unless you are losing water weight. If you consume 1,200 and burn 2,200 per day, then you have achieved it. Creating the 10,500 calorie deficit necessary to lose 3 pounds of fat in a week means that you exercise constantly AND eat like a bird. That ain't healthy.
  • annacataldo
    annacataldo Posts: 872 Member
    At the beginng you have alot to loose and its a big adjustment and lifestyle change... however you should not expect these types of results on a regular basis... your being more healthy, thats why you see 6lbs a week. Im 2.5months in and average 3lbs a week, but ive had weeks of no loss, weeks of gain, etc... its just an average... you flush alot of water weight out with the increase of water, etc.. you also dont want to loose weight too fast or else ull be left with alot of extra skin, etc, so its better to loose 2lbs a week which is considered a healthy number... but if u loose a bit more, thats ok too ;-) as long as u do so by eating enough and not overexcercising... also if ur really overweight, like me who is now 282lbs, u have alot more to loose at first, therefore u loose alot faster than someone whos 150lbs trying to loose a few pounds
  • ATT949
    ATT949 Posts: 1,245 Member
    That's interesting that you're losing weight that quickly.

    What's your starting weight, height, body fat %, etc?

    Without that info, people have make "assumptions" and jump to conclusions. I threw my back out once jumping to conclusions :-)

    If you're just a little overweight (which might be why you're only looking to lose a few pounds), you might want to go slowly and I say that 'cause of your age. Most males are still growing at your age and losing that much weight that quickly might not be the best approach for you.

    Please understand, I'm not knocking rapid weight loss but it's not for everyone.

    Insofar as the recommended 2 pounds a week - there are lots of reasons and some of them are medical reasons. Personally, I think one of the reasons is that people get obese because their relationship with food is screwed up (mine was). For many folks, if they could lose the weight in the blink of an eye, they would gain it back again because they haven't learned enough about what food they need compared to what food they want.

    A steady, gradual loss of 2 pounds a week helps people learn eating habits that will help them stay healthy for the rest of their life.

    Maybe a good analogy is what it's like to cram for an exam compared to really learning the subject matter. If you cram for an exam, you might be able to past the test but a week or a month later, you'll draw a blank. It's just the opposite when you really learn something - that knowledge stays with you for life.

    Just my tuppence.
  • Mtsidad
    Mtsidad Posts: 242 Member
    I wouldn't base too many of my life choices on a TV show. They're after ratings and human interest and all that.

    Normal people not on TV and not besieged with input and shame just learn to eat better and exercise more without applause and an audience. It's called living.

    But then, I don't go for those kinds of shows. If you couldn't tell.
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