

  • you do look better! look at the pics from after Lanah! Dont be so hard on yourself. Your b-e-a-utiful no matter the size your clothes say! :) love you! Your #1 Fan! haha
  • Hershey Coconut Creme Kisses only have 30 calories in each one and they are AMAZING!
  • HAHAHAHAHAHA! hilarious!
  • I've been using the game EA Active 2 for the Xbox Kinect, it really works you out and has a lot of variety of activites so you don't get bored! I also have been using websites with free workout videos on them. Libararies also have a pretty good selection of videos and they're free as well. Hope this helps a little.
  • i have the same problem! I've been trying to work out during my lunch by taking a brisk walk and then doing a work out after the babies go to bed. It makes for a long day but it's more than worth it when you see the scale move LoL!
  • i do the salad trick and it actually does help!!!! Just need to remember to watch the amount of dressing you use!
  • My boyfriend and I actually have a little friendly competition going! we're both very supportive with each others efforts to get healthy. My closest friend (my sister) actually joined this site after I told her about it and we leave each other notes and comments to motivate each other! :)
  • welcome!!!! hope we can all be a help to you! :)
  • i already wake up at 6a to get the babies to the sitters and be to work on time so i'm not sure how much earlier i can get up! haha but i definately will start walking during my lunch hr, thanks for the advice!
    in Help! Comment by sbodi March 2011