Support from Home

I just want to take a minute to address something that isn't widely talked about. That is the suport that our families (most espeicially our spouse or significant other) can offer. I am blessed to have my husband. He is behind me all the way on making the diet changes I need to make. He never complains about the time I spend at the gym. He listens as I talk ad nauseum about my workouts and food and my fitness pals. I've only lost 4 pounds so far, but he tells me he can see the difference - bless his fibbing little heart. So often we focus on what isn't working and who isn't helping us in our journey.

I'd love to hear from you all about the ways you are getting support and encouragement from your mates. Then go tell them how much you appreciate them!


  • sbodi
    sbodi Posts: 13
    My boyfriend and I actually have a little friendly competition going! we're both very supportive with each others efforts to get healthy. My closest friend (my sister) actually joined this site after I told her about it and we leave each other notes and comments to motivate each other! :)
  • Zaxmon
    Zaxmon Posts: 2 Member
    You two are lucky. Unfortunately my wife doesn't want to hear about my stuff. It's not that she isn't supportive, she is, but she is an emergency room doctor and very rarely has anytime real time to exercise. So when I talk to her about what I am doing, and that I have lost 5 lbs, etc, she gets upset at her own lack of progress. So I limit what I say about it so that I don't upset her. This is another reason I am reaching out for support online (because I also don't know anyone in my area).
    Good luck to you in your continued support at home!

  • susanswan
    susanswan Posts: 1,194 Member
    I'd say my husband is supportive in the big picture, and has taken pretty well the changes that I have made to his diet as well such as : low fat mayo, brown rice, high fiber tortillas (although they must look, taste, and act like white flour), ground turkey instead of beef, more veggies, less salt, less oil, and less beef and pork in general, fewer fried foods, and fewer breaded meats. My husband can make french fries for himself anytime he wants to and can cook. He is nice in that he doesn't want to eat junk in front of me or offer me any bites of his "bad" food. He does miss our cook a thons that we used to do. Perhaps after I get closer to my goals and am well on my way, I will loosen up a little, but for right now, I am what he refers to as a Food Nazi. I am pretty strict about what I eat. He doesn't always like to hear it, but has told me even after exercising for just a couple of weeks and losing only 3 pounds that my face was looking thinner. He's not the type that you can be repetitive on a topic, but I have my sister and friend for that and you guys of course where I can feel free to run the topic into the ground if I want to! = D He has never told me to lose weight even when I was 205 or has been anything but complimentary towards me telling me I am beautiful. He could stand to lose a good 20 pounds or more maybe, but he joins me on the weekend bike rides and walking the dog in the evenings if he isn't too tired. He plays raquet ball for a couple of hours 2 - 3 times a week, so he does get his hard core exercise in, too!
  • ItsTerriC
    ItsTerriC Posts: 436 Member
    Wow, I feel even more blessed now. I can't believe there are so few people here that have supportive, encouraging spouses. I just gave mine a big hug.