

  • lol I think plenty of doc break rules. And you are correct, she did go into their dimension. I think maybe she was a closet pain lover. haha That or she just enjoyed watching people get ripped apart by hooks.
  • She had opened it in the first movie though. Of course she didn't open it for the pleasure aspect, she opened it being a nosey teenager lol. And I think maybe it was about drugs as well, but who knows what some people create things for. It could have been someone with a fetish of somekind :tongue:
  • Well what some would see as pleasure others may see as pain. Who are we to judge lol. But yes, it is a bit misleading, maybe someone should file a lawsuit for false advertisement.
  • Oh, and no he isn't evil, he is just doing his job. I mean if you had nearly a hundred pins shoved into your head wouldn't you want to rip people apart who opened the box as well? Most know what the box is for, so they get what they deserve.:devil: :devil:
  • LOL Pinhead is my hero. If you don't want to meet him face to face, don't try and figure out the box ;).
  • Well just look at it this way, it is sorta like an open food diary where you have tons of people who are willing to help and support and who are also going through the same thing. So it is kinda like having thousands of trainers at your fingertips ;).
  • I can understand you feeling like you need to be the one to worry about what everyone else is eating. My suggestion (yes I have had both of my adult children move back in with me at one time or another, the oldest is here now), they are grown let them be responsible for their own meals. Unless everyone will be able to sit…
  • My husband just returned from Afghanistan a few weeks ago :D. We have PLENTY of years in with it already (he is getting ready to retire finally lol).
  • Hi Mandi, welcome to MFP. I am also an Army wife (as made pretty obvious by my picture lol). Feel free to add me if you would like. I'm a bit older than 25 (heck my oldest daughter is 25) BUT we are all here for the same reason right. Congrats on taking the first step.
  • Don't let anyone get you down. If you are set to lose the weight, then you will. That is awesome that you have lost that amount already. I broke away from my calorie count last Saturday as well (I had 2 cans of Dr Pepper) but I didn't let that defeat me. I did my calorie count the next day and again today. We all hit a…
  • Thanks everyone, it is amazing how much support is available on here. I have also had to admit to my eating habits as well lol. It is kind of hard to give up certain things when you have been eating/drinking them for most of your life, but at my age, I don't have much of a choice if I want to get rid of the weight. It…
  • First let me say I am sorry for all the health problems you have had. What exactly are you snacking on after dinner? That can make a HUGE difference in weight loss as well. I think the "secret" is to just keep hanging in there, look for support and have confidence in yourself. My sister was overweight her entire life, then…
  • Hello and welcome. I have been on here for a little over a week now and LOVE this site. It is so very helpful in many ways. They just got the app for my blackberry done yesterday so now I am super stoked.
    in New guy Comment by gglover833 March 2011
  • Thank you ladies. I am jealous, I would LOVE to go to London. I'm sure you will look great before you get there (you look great in your pic already). That sounds like an amazing job as well. Enjoy London and I'm sure you can also get to the goal you have.
  • I know how you feel hun. I use to do the same thing. I know it may seem like you can't do it, but you can. Don't let the small things bring you down and make you feel like a failure. It's only if you give up and not even try that you would "fail" and that isn't what you have done. You not only can do this for yourself, you…
  • I completely understand how you feel. I will be 44 in June and am having to go through it myself. It did seem easier to get rid of the weight and keep it off when I was in my twenties (of course I think I was much more active then as well lol). Hang in there and lean on people for the support. If it wasn't for my family,…