a6pack Member


  • Ready for more challenges - maybe then I might remember to wear my fitbit when I head out on a run! :) https://www.fitbit.com/user/3M7V54 - feel free to add me!
  • Add me too! https://www.fitbit.com/user/3M7V54. I like doing the challenges to keep me motivated!
  • I have to do a better job of reading and comprehending! ugh
  • I think you are asking about connections between mapmyfitness and myfitnesspal? You have to go into settings on mapmyfitness or walk and go to Connect Apps and Devices - select MFP. In MFP, go to More... and select Apps & Devices. Find mapmyfitness and add it. I hope that is what you are asking about! :)
  • After not being active for over one year, I'm back. I've kept my exercise habit going, but need to return to logging and tracking my nutrition. I could use some more friends - all are welcome to add me! :)
  • It was a good day to run- cool temps and a very flat course. I got a PR, which wasn't hard given the excellent conditions. It also didn't hurt that this was only my second 1/2 marathon ever- so getting a PR really wasn't hard to do! I enjoyed the course as running along the boardwalk and ocean was as scenic as it was fun!…
  • I too use MapMapFitness to record my exercises. i never track activities using UP. As was mentioned, activities like cycling, swimming and the like wont record properly with UP. MapMyFitness transfers the activity and the calories burned over to MFP. UP follows that by adding burned calories or even taking them away if you…
  • Hello everyone! I've used my Jawbone UP and MFP since November '13 and love it! I am even using the Coffee App. I am always looking for new friends on MFP and UP (brian.s.anderson65@gmail.com). Feel free to add for both apps! Thanks!
  • I am always looking for new MFP friends. I keep my log open and try provide encouragement as often as I can. I live outside of Washington DC and have at least another 10, may 15 pounds to go until I feel comfortable with my weight. Please feel free to add me!
  • Feel free to add me too! I started using MFP and MapMyRun last November. Last weekend I finished my first 1/2 marathon and have signed up for several more. My motivation ebbs and flows, but the technology helps to pick me up and keep me on track. Good luck with your training. If I could do it, you will too!
  • I've been using UP since last October and love it. At that time, I set a goal to complete a 1/2 marathon. I combined UP with myfitnesspal and mapmyfitness to take me off the couch and prepare me for the race. After dropping a number of pounds and training as best as I could, I was able to complete the Rock 'n' Roll 1/2…
  • I just finished my first 1/2 marathon yesterday! I'm scheduled to run several more this year, as well as some 5 and 10k's. Feel free to add me!
  • As already mentioned, exercise calories may be overestimated. To make it a bit more accurate, I linked myfitnesspal with my Jawbone UP account. Now, my daily step data from my UP is transferred over to myfitnesspay and a more accurate estimate of my calories burned is recorded. For example, on some days I will record a…
  • I log everything. It may be somewhat unnecessary, but I may be a bit obsessive/compulsive and not logging would be incomplete in my mind. It would bother me all day! ha
  • I admit, I never run without music. I do run while listening to comedy channels on Pandora. I find I grow bored with music, but comedy challenges my mind and keeps me more engaged mentally. I don't know if I could run for 30+ minutes on a treadmill without listening to something!