

  • Running out of time to read this post fully but want to put in my 2 cents... I also have had the cravings my fix was... Increasing fat intake. protine will help with minimizing loss of muscle. I add full cup worth of milk into my daily plan. Please note that as you exercise more, you have an increased above average resting…
  • Wow, you are a big tipper. I will leave a 15% tip rounded up to the nearest dollar for good service, 10% for bad, 20%+ reserved just for awsome service. Don't usually leave a tip for pickup due to the fact I was not waited on, which is what tips are intended for, a show of gratitude for services rendered. When taking-out…
  • You might have an addiction... I know I deal with similar issues, I usually have 14-16 oz brewed coffee most mornings, weekends I have 2 10 oz mugs with milk and sugar as a treat. if I dont I get headachs throughout the day. These are symptoms of withdrawl which I have come to accept, in trade to being awake in the morning…
  • I am pretty much in the same boat, though I do track my suger intake on the side just to be sure its not a large persentage of my carbs. Side note, I put 12-13g of suger in my 14 oz coffee most mornings. Just to keep it from being to bitter.
  • Ah, pull out the BL articles :) I guess it might fall under the Calorie cycling at least in a form... Buttlersoft, that sounds about like what I am talking about. Also if I remember right there is a certain point at which your body will stop metabolising a massive intake and just send it through the system with minimal…
  • As far as greater definition, for short term thing (photo shoots, a day at the beach, ect...) you might look into water restriction type diets, these will reduce water retention in the body and show definition well. but this is not a long term type solution. Beyond that sounds likely that you just need to keep doing what…
  • Alcohol calories are "Ethanol" measured in grams, 7 cal a gram. considered a form of carb, but will burn slower then average carbs. you can calculate the amount of calories in any drink based on its proof. I created a formula to do that a while back but have since lost it or I would post it. Alcohol is like any other cal,…
    in Alcohol Comment by rezrighter March 2014
  • Keep in mind that most calorie based data, be it caloric information off of a box, or your "calculated" metabolism is not exactly accurate, so as long as you remain in the ball park, and not excessively over, you are fine. The real tell is if you are generally loosing what you expect to loose a week, you are fine. Long…
  • Keep in mind that most calorie based data, be it caloric information off of a box, or your "calculated" metabolism is not exactly accurate, so as long as you remain in the ball park, and not excessively over, you are fine. The real tell is if you are generally loosing what you expect to loose a week, you are fine. Long…
  • just did a quick search, this popped up... Scosche Rhythm Strapless Pulse Monitor or Scosche Rythym Armband Heart Rate Monitor, as long as you got a smartphone... who hasn't these days.
  • You should never eat less then your BMR, thats called a starvation diet, and we all know how unhealthy those can be. It is possible with exercise and exertion to drop below your BMR. Some types of athelats do this regularly. Though I am not sure I would recomend this on a daily basis.
  • HIIT is great for afterburn, you dont get as much of a calorie burn during HIIT training then a standard cardio session due to shorter duration, well you can but... Anyway HIIT keeps your metabolism up for up to 24 hours after the workout, during the recovery period. Standard cardio has relativly little afterburn by…
  • Sworkit. I am a fan of bodyweight training, though I will toss on some weighted straps (10 lb on legs, 5 on arms) occasionally. I use Runkeeper for my running and biking. Both of these apps are free, though Sworkit has a pro version.
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