mccandlessmom Member


  • I think that kicking yourself out of ketosis once in a while isn't going to be harmful, like maybe once every 3 months or so. That's what I am doing, allowing myself one cheat meal every three months. Since you have less to lose, maybe for you it would be every month? I know that when carb cravings hit, I need to do 2…
  • I wish MFP had like buttons. :)
  • I think it's 2-3 days to get back into ketosis. If you eat enough carbs, your body will store approx. 3 days worth of glycogen in your muscles. You will have to burn through that before you can get into ketosis again. That being said, if you only overeat carbs a little, you can take a walk after your meal and hopefully…
  • I've heard many people state the opposite. In fact I have read many articles that state HIIT is exactly the type of exercise you should be doing on a keto diet. There are also abundant personal testimonies to support it. I would suggest you keep you ratios within your normal boundaries, but when calculating your protein,…
  • Today is my 2 month anniversary of keto! Feel free to add me. I'm always looking for new friends for support and recipe swaps. Name: Allison Stats: Female/38 Where ya from?: New Hampshire, USA
  • I agree with fattyman. I try to keep my carbs low (below 15), and eat a majority of fat. My %s change everyday, but they are always between 70-80% fat. I just eat when I am hungry, and I only eat real food. Sometimes that means I only eat 600 calories a day. Other days I have eaten almost 2000. I figure my body knows what…
  • I only went back a few days on your diary, and other than your protein being a bit low, everything looks great to me. I'm by no means an expert, though. I'm glad to see you are eating real food, rather that prepackaged "low-carb" lies some people fall for. I have heard, and experienced this myself, that weeks 3 and 4 of…
  • I'm not sure. I always read/heard that the mental clarity comes from the fact that our brains run better on ketones than glucose. An allergy or intolerance would certainly increase that effect.
  • I am the opposite. I have a TON of energy in the mornings. I am waking up at least 30 minutes before my alarm (i used to lay in bed for 15 minutes after the alarm went, trying to wake up enough not to fall down the stairs on my way to the bathroom), and I feel like a million bucks. But, I am still tired at the end of the…
  • That sounds like a great idea to me, especially if you are frying in a good oil like coconut. Does your coworker understand keto diets? Maybe her comment was based on conventional diet wisdom?
  • I'm glad I could help! I don't know how far you are into keto, or how much you know about it, but I just found out there is a phase about 3-4 weeks after starting keto where your weight stalls for a while. I wish I had known this beforehand so I would be expecting it. I freaked out! If you find you hit this wall, keep…
  • Keto-adapted means your body has become efficient at producing and burning ketones for energy rather than glucose/glycogen. I had it explained to me this way: Imagine your body as a factory that produces tires for cars. Your factory has all the rubber, metal, machines etc. it needs to be very efficient at producing tires.…
  • I haven't made fat bombs before; I haven't even her of them until recently, so thank you for this thread! I can't wait to try some of these recipes, especially the cherry bombs. I am a bit hesitant to use any artificial sweetener since I read about an experiment that shows they can lower ketone levels, thus slowing fat…
  • Whoo-Hoo! Amen, sister! :) I feel incredible. I want to shout to the world about this diet, but I am just annoying everyone I know. LOL
  • Hi djgreen and blablues! Thanks for the welcome. Congrats on your weight loss, too. You both have done amazing!
  • Wow, congratulations for your success and recovery from anorexia. I know it can be a long, hard battle, but know you are among friends. Your post made me think of this story I read/watched about a guy doing a 5000 calorie a day challenge. He tried a low carb, high fat diet, then months later, a high carb, low fat diet (or…
  • Thanks, Cloudi2! I hope you enjoy this diet as much as I do. Just stick with it through the keto-adaption phase (yuck) and you'll feel great!
  • Thanks, ladymiseryali! I love soup, ( and LIVE for chili in the winter!) but have so far not found any good low carb ones to add to my collection. I will definitely try these! I have found a recipe for cauliflower bisque that is intriguing. Here's the link: Thanks again.…