Typically the rule I always go with is; if the cold is in your head you're ok to workout as long as you feel like you can, always listen to your body, however if the cold is or moves into your chest don't workout (especially avoid cardio) its very hard on your respiratory system. This is just my opinion, I'm not an expert…
Thanks for the advice Amanda, ill definitely look into it! And for anyone who has ever said a bad word about you asking a simple question, shame on them! You are wonderful and doing amazing things for your health and future
Dont even want to consider month two yet loll, I start on Monday too, but ill just take it one day at a time just like with month one! old luck in your workouts!!!
I am doing insanity, after the first month and halfway through the recovery week I'm down 11lbs and 10inches, one more month to go, I can't wait to see my final results! I definitely recommend it! Best of luck on your journey!
Definitely go to a doctor, one thing you could try on your own as well is fill a water bottle about 3/4 full and freeze it, then roll it under you foot, it will help stretch out the tendons, that tends to help me
My lord, you weren't kidding! Definitely not easy!
Hmm, that makes sense, nothing Shaun t does is easy, guess my concern is that I would lose some of the physical gain I achieved in month one by taking a step back for a week. I'll give the recovery week a try, I'm sure my body will appreciate it lol! Thanks for sharing!
No, there should be a disk with your plyometric cardio workout then one that has pure cardio (this disc may have cardio abs on it as well) not the same but just as hard!
I agree! It is all in your head! If you can break that barrier in your brain that says you cant, just imagine what your body can accomplish
I get dizzy when seated doing the reps, I'm usually ok after a couple of seconds when the reps are done
Hmm, I never thought about breathing, ill definitely pay more attention to it. Hopefully it will help! As for looking straight ahead I'm pretty sure I do, but ill watch my posture more as well, Thanks for the advice everyone!
What I've noticed is when its really low calorie burn its probably because through out your swim the hrm loses connection for extended periods of time, when that happens it won't measure calories either
I have a foam roller and what they call the trigger point system, I use it usually before and especially after any workout, it is incredibly important to stretch after insanity, when I did insanity I found the little stretch after the workout wasn't enough. I can almost guaranteed that using the roller after will be…