jawillia Member


  • Hi, I am 35, first pregnancy. I'm very early still (8 weeks) but I just lost 35 lbs and I'm so worried about how much I'll gain. I've been very fortunate so far that I have only had one bought of sickness, but that also means I've had no issues eating. I am trying hard not to gain too much. The pamphlet I got from my Dr…
    in Pregnant Comment by jawillia August 2017
  • Feel free to add me. I was at 1400, but recently updated my start weight (because i had gained about 30 lbs since starting my account) and the weight loss reset my calorie goal to 1250. Just discovering myself how to fit in this new range when I can't excercise. I've lost 35 lbs so far since March and I'm a constant user…
  • I've been there. Last July I broke my foot and then due to my very limited mobility and the fact that I have a desk job and I'm in school, my back gave out on me in May. I gained over 20 lbs , not sure what that is in stones, but it's a decent amount of weight. Anyway, I've been working on tracking my food and losing since…
  • I went through that exact same thing for 9 years. Ours wasn't as on and off as yours and we were older when it started, but I always had my race race around him, etc, and it was on and off a few times. He got a new girlfriend, I moved away. He eventually reached out to my friend to get my number because he missed me so…
  • There is no magic to any of it. Some people are very restrictive and others are way more lenient, like myself. I've been on this journey since March. I've lost 17.8 lbs since then, but still a ways to go. You HAVE TO COMMIT and you HAVE TO CHANGE YOUR LIFESTYLE or it will not work. You may lose some but if you don't change…
  • You can see thier status, food diary, etc. You can give them props or receive them for lost weight, working out, etc. It's a way to have people help keep you accountable and offer support, advice, and encouragement.
    in "Add me!" Comment by jawillia June 2016
  • This. Exactly!!!!! Don't diet, make a change in your lifestyle. Dieting only forbids you from eating certain things and most of them are not sustainable for your life. You've got to build habits that you can live by. Having something not so good in moderation is ok, just not every single day. Don't give up. Denying…
  • I think I have 3 or 4 days left. So, not long. I don't understand why the weight increases unless it fluids or something. Oh well, I'll get past it. Just extra annoying when I'm trying so hard! Guess I'm not alone.
  • Yep! It's a lifelong journey. Even once you meet your goal, you still have to maintain, which takes equal parts work. I've done it before. I lost 60lbs and was 135 @ 5'7". I felt amazing, but now I'm at 211 after losing 15lbs. It's because I lost the weight so easily (very strict fad diet) which you cannot maintain and…
  • I'm no dietician, but 600 calories would be dangerous. I know I weigh more than you and if I am only at 1000 calories and hit the complete button I get a warning that I am eating too few calories. MFP is specifically designed, based on your height, weight, activity level, etc to tell you what your calorie intake should be.…
  • Although...I just realized what you were asking and I didn't answer lol.
  • Some gyms can provide you with that information. When I joined my gym they gave me spreadsheet of thier busiest hours. Most commonly it seemed to be about a 3 hour block after working hours in the earlier part of the week. It shifted all over the place the rest of the week. Early morning and 8pm and after always seem the…
  • Feel free to add me
  • Seriously Amazing post!!!!!!!
  • Thanks, guys. These all sound yummy and easy enough to accomplish without holding me hostage in the kitchen
  • That sounds amazing!
  • Add me! I'd appreciate the exchange of encouragement and accountability
  • 13.6 , but that number fluctuates daily. So when I'm about 195 I'll feel like I've reached the below 200 mark. We'll get there, one step at a time
  • Just keep going. Every day will not be a victory. Every step on the scale will not show a loss. But look how far you have come. You're going to have moments when your weight increases some, but just recognize that it is and then get yourself back on track. A week ago I was eating salad everyday for lunch and yesterday I…
  • Geez. That is horrible. Don't give up. Those people were not your friends. A friend who makes such an amazing change in thier lifestyle that would improve not only how they see and value their self but also how much healthier you would be should be encouraged and congratulated, not shamed. Seems they enjoyed the unhealthy…