elmarko999 Member


  • Cheers for the replies, Yeah - I had a feeling it would be in part food weight/some water weight - but not quite to that degree. I'm under no delusions it's all fat (no way I could lose that much fat with a modest deficit over that time period) - just strange to see it move too quickly (if it kept up I would have had to…
  • Personally I think it's a stupid statement (no offence to your mother). By that insane logic nobody who is living in any suffering 'wants' it to end (as if they wanted to they would stop it), the reality is people are unable to lose weight because they lack self-control or the mental stability required to make meaningful…
  • To publicly recognise it is a good step, as it indicates you are willing & ready to put things into action. Before diving into diet books, fad eating cycles & 3 hour long exercise routines I'd strongly reccomend taking a few steps. Firstly, visualise your goals - then make realistic time-frames in which to achieve them.…
  • I'm the same, I only record losses. But, I do weigh myself daily to ensure the gains are within the normal fluctuations I'd expect - as long as I do that I can't pretend it's not going up - also if it rises for a few days in a row I'll take a closer look at my diet to ensure I'm not sneaking a little bit more than I should…