Do you agree with this statement?



  • cwolfman13
    cwolfman13 Posts: 41,865 Member
    "You're not losing weight because you don't want to. When you really want to lose weight, you will."

    My mom keeps saying this to me. IMO, it's not that I don't want to lose weight. It's that I don't want to work out or eat healthy. I've been struggling with that since I was 15. I do want to lose weight, but the working part is the hard part.

    Follow up question:

    When will I know that I want to do it? Is it like having an epiphany? Or do people just force themselves to do it until they want to?


    For me, at first I was all...


    and all...


    and all like...




    Then I went in for a checkup when i was 38 and my doctor was like all...



    and I was like...holy crap, I'm only 38 with two little boys to take care of...I don't wanna die...I wanna...




    and when I'm older I wanna...


    So I took the steps necessary to help me achieve these goals...

    Now I'm all...


    and all...



    And I rock my nutrition. I'd also add that eating "right" doesn't mean eating boring and bland foods and nothing but veggies all day long...start doing some research on actual nutrition and get yourself some awesome cookbooks and get it on...
  • birdiecs
    birdiecs Posts: 237 Member
    I do agree and it wasnt fun when first starting. Moving is hard...eating some of the chcocolate is not as much fun as eatimg ALL the chcolate. Then this strange tipping point happen where moving became exhiliratimg and sweets didnt seem so fantastic. When doing IT became more fun than not doimg it.
  • SnowWhiteFanatic
    SnowWhiteFanatic Posts: 129 Member
    If I hadn't been diagnosed with diabetes in July, I would still be 47 pounds overweight and eating crap. That is what it took for me to change. It is sad to say, but I had no ambition or motivation. I didn't care. Do you think I like giving up all my yummy food? No way! But I love how I am looking now and all the compliments I get. I have 23 more pounds to go and I am determined as ever. It is addicting. Once you start and seeing results, it keeps you motivated.
  • girldownsouth
    girldownsouth Posts: 920 Member
    For me I read a blog on weight watchers and I totally identified with so much of it and got started. I was very overweight and started slowly, but quickly realised that I didn't actually have to change too much to fit my points allowance. Making healthier choices and exercising came with time, as I started making small changes the want got more. As I was getting into things happened and I spent time up and down for a while, and got fed up with ww, so have come here because I feel it has the things I liked, but better. I think that time something did click for me as unlike previous attempts I have not regained all my weight, and am now 35lb down from my start, and I definitely seem to have broken away from major binges at least. So I would advice you to look for your motivation/inspiration. Read blogs and success stories and find something that inspires you to change. And change breeds change, so just start with a small deficiency, factor in a little extra walking and hopefully as you see some success it will spur you on. Good luck.
  • Srarojas
    Srarojas Posts: 170 Member
    When I first started here, I asked a similar question regarding working out and exercise. One answer that stuck with me because it was blunt, to the point and honest : You don't want it bad enough.....YET!!!! Some people think that sounds harsh but for me, it was truth. I wanted the body and the benefits that come from working out, I just didn't want to do the work, which really meant, I didn't want it bad enough. I still hate working out but I force myself because I now want it THAT bad.

    I wish you luck in your weight loss journey. I hope that you find your way to weight happiness.

    True that!
  • astrampe
    astrampe Posts: 2,169 Member
    This is on your profile: "I'm going to be this same, fat stomach and *kitten* until I either have a heart attack and die by 40. It would be nice to have doctors take my health issues seriously instead of the prescription to everything being "lose weight".
    You know what? The reason your doctors said that is because they know what they are talking about - and the sooner you accept that as the truth, the better...
    Maybe you should really make peace with what you said in your profile, or else start WORKING for something better.....It's worth it, I promise!
  • RhysWill_I_Ams
    RhysWill_I_Ams Posts: 245 Member
    "You're not losing weight because you don't want to. When you really want to lose weight, you will."

    My mom keeps saying this to me. IMO, it's not that I don't want to lose weight. It's that I don't want to work out or eat healthy. I've been struggling with that since I was 15. I do want to lose weight, but the working part is the hard part.

    Follow up question:

    When will I know that I want to do it? Is it like having an epiphany? Or do people just force themselves to do it until they want to?

    I have to say I slightly agree because the whole reason I chose to lose weight was my wedding day. Whilst I knew I had to lose weight I only started in January because that is when it felt right for me. I think you'll know when something happens, and sometimes it isn't a nice thing like you'll see a photo or someone will say a comment and something just snaps and you have to do something. Pardon the language but I got called a fat **** when I was out bike riding and it has been the greatest piece of motivation for me. But that's just me. You have to remember losing weight is 80% diet 20% exercise (Hard ****ing work) and 100% Willpower. Good Luck!!
  • My mom says the same sh** to me... about everything "when you WANT to do [insert somethign i have not accomplished] you will do it" and it's true.

    Wanting to do something and actually doing it are two different things. I had to work out some personal, emotional issues before I started ACTUALLY doing things I had been "wanting" to do.

    So when you are ready to make the commitment, you will.
  • bonkers1224
    bonkers1224 Posts: 80 Member
    When I first started here, I asked a similar question regarding working out and exercise. One answer that stuck with me because it was blunt, to the point and honest : You don't want it bad enough.....YET!!!! Some people think that sounds harsh but for me, it was truth. I wanted the body and the benefits that come from working out, I just didn't want to do the work, which really meant, I didn't want it bad enough. I still hate working out but I force myself because I now want it THAT bad.

    I wish you luck in your weight loss journey. I hope that you find your way to weight happiness.

    Very well said :smile:
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    cwolfman wins the interwebz! :flowerforyou:
  • COliver416
    COliver416 Posts: 87 Member
    There's the old story of the man who seeks the guru to learn about success. Everyone tells him that the guru knows success and can teach anyone how to be successful. So the man approaches the guru and asks for the secrets to success. The guru is skeptical but decides that he will show the man. He tells the man to go to the beach at 5:30 in the morning. The man leaves and agrees.

    The man arrives at the beach at 5:30. The guru arrives. The guru tells the man to walk into the water. The man, knowing this guru has taught many people success, walks out into the water. The guru follows him. The man looks at the guru and says, "Now what." Suddenly the guru grabs him and pushes him under the water, holding him down as he fights to get up, fights to breathe, fights to live. After a minute of struggling and fighting, the guru lets him up, and the man says, "What the heck is that!"

    The guru says, "When you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, than you will be successful." When you want to lose weight, keep that weight off, then you'll be willing to change your lifestyle, create healthy habits, and live your life to the fullest.
  • EatTrainWin
    EatTrainWin Posts: 13 Member
    "You're not losing weight because you don't want to. When you really want to lose weight, you will."

    I think your mom is right. If you aren't willing to work for your results, then it's more of a wish than a want.
  • PolacaFL
    PolacaFL Posts: 213 Member
    There's the old story of the man who seeks the guru to learn about success. Everyone tells him that the guru knows success and can teach anyone how to be successful. So the man approaches the guru and asks for the secrets to success. The guru is skeptical but decides that he will show the man. He tells the man to go to the beach at 5:30 in the morning. The man leaves and agrees.

    The man arrives at the beach at 5:30. The guru arrives. The guru tells the man to walk into the water. The man, knowing this guru has taught many people success, walks out into the water. The guru follows him. The man looks at the guru and says, "Now what." Suddenly the guru grabs him and pushes him under the water, holding him down as he fights to get up, fights to breathe, fights to live. After a minute of struggling and fighting, the guru lets him up, and the man says, "What the heck is that!"

    The guru says, "When you want to succeed as much as you want to breathe, than you will be successful." When you want to lose weight, keep that weight off, then you'll be willing to change your lifestyle, create healthy habits, and live your life to the fullest.

    Love this
  • Yes, I agree with the statement.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    Clearly you WANT to lose weight, otherwise you wouldn't have posted this thread. Congratulations - that's step one ticked of the list.

    It's best to take action at the WANT stage, as opposed to the NEED TO stage (that's generally when your health is seriously at risk).

    Moving on to step two can sometimes be a bit difficult if you've not done much exercise or dieting before. What's best to do, where to start.

    If you are starting off I would suggest doing something simple to start with and probably more important something fun.

    Have a look around and see if maybe there are some walking groups local to you or some other low impact classes. The social aspect of exercising can sometimes be the difference between sticking with something and not.

    I personally have always found it easier to exercise if I'm doing a group activity as opposed to doing something on my own (it's a hell of a lot more fun). Plus you get to make friends with other people who are on pretty much the same journey,

    A site like this MFP is also fantastic. Get some friends who will give you encouragement - Please include me.

    Good luck with step 2.
  • LRoslin
    LRoslin Posts: 128
    Yes, I agree with your mom. When we really, really want something we'll do anything to achieve it. Ask yourself whether it's harder to stay overweight or exercise. You don't have to start out with really strenuous exercise, you know. You can build up to it. When I started my current fitness regime I couldn't do 20 minutes of aerobics without wanting to die. Now I can do 45 minutes and not only does it feel great when I'm done, I look forward to it each day. And you can start small with watching calories, too. Track what you actually eat, to start with. Then start cutting down fat grams first, then calories.
  • msf74
    msf74 Posts: 3,498 Member
    "You're not losing weight because you don't want to. When you really want to lose weight, you will."

    I do and I don't.

    I do think a person needs some kind of desire to lose weight otherwise they won't begin (obviously.) Having said that given the huge stigma, bias and prejudice attached to obesity I suspect most overweight people do want to lose weight on some level, and in many cases quite desperately.

    The question then becomes why don't they consistently stick to a plan. Many begin but most do not last the distance or maintain their loss. Why is that? Are they lazy? Weak willed? Gluttonous? Unmotivated? Have no self control? I think in most cases none of that is true.

    Losing weight (and more importantly keeping it off) is a skill based on good habits. It requires information, confidence, self belief and mental coping strategies. The problem is that many overweight people simply do not have access to those skills, especially if they have tried dieting more and have failed (repeatedly). Saying to them "if you really want to you will" is about as useful as saying to a person living in crushing poverty that "if you really want to get wealthy you will". Well, duh! In many cases, in my believe, it simply plays into prejudices about obese people which makes it harder, not easier, for them to succeed.
  • elmarko999
    elmarko999 Posts: 5 Member
    "You're not losing weight because you don't want to. When you really want to lose weight, you will."

    Personally I think it's a stupid statement (no offence to your mother).

    By that insane logic nobody who is living in any suffering 'wants' it to end (as if they wanted to they would stop it), the reality is people are unable to lose weight because they lack self-control or the mental stability required to make meaningful diet & exercise choices to lose weight - are misinformed about deity choices, or have a myriad of negative eating habits which also require resolving.

    I yet to meet a single person who is severely over-weight who doesn't want to lose weight, they are just unable to muster to self-control or the determination to achieve it.

    It's a gross over-simplification of a huge range of psychological issues related to weight loss.

    People need support, good advice & sensible diet/exercises suggestions to fix potentially life-long eating disorders/problems/habits - not one liner platitudes.
  • p4ulmiller
    p4ulmiller Posts: 588 Member
    When will I know that I want to do it? Is it like having an epiphany? Or do people just force themselves to do it until they want to?

    When you catch yourself in a window and think "What a fat b'stard" before realising its your reflection.

    ETA: this was *my* epiphany!
  • KimiSteinbach
    KimiSteinbach Posts: 224 Member
    Something I discovered over many years of "dieting" when we have that mindset for many of us we hear the word diet as DEPRIVATION and some of us get very stubborn and do not want to be deprived.

    The best thing I ever did for myself was stop dieting

    I now do my very best to eat clean, its not easy to do and I don't manage 100% but I am completely aware of what I am eating and how much and that makes a big difference.

    I have helped several friends get started with a few tricks

    the first is make one small change every 2 days the changes you make are:

    no more soda, no more white foods, no more takeout every day

    my first small change was the size of my plate, from dinner sized to sandwich sized, im sure the first few days i loaded that plate with as much as i could have put on a dinner plate but it made me SEE what I had in front of me

    the next small change was to cover 1/2 the plate with vegetables and eat them first

    the next small change was to leave a bite of food on the plate, very hard to do lol but it is a good thing to learn

    when you start by making small changes you dont feel so deprived you dont make a big sudden change that will leave you feeling hungry and frustrated

    i also made sure that if i wanted a big mac i had a big mac and before i knew it i didnt want that big mac anymore, knowing i can have anything i want helps me make the better choices

    especially once i started exercise, i sure didnt want to put out all that effort only to wast it eating crap

    even if you dont want to WORK to lose the weight, you can make one small change every day, every other day or every week until you find you are eating better

    choosing a healthy liefestyle will make you feel so amazing that once you start you wont want to stop and you will never DIET again

    This is awesome and I'm saving it!