Just started diet - rapid weight loss..


I've recently restarted by diet (I got down from 15.5 stone down to 11.5 last year, but over Christmas/operation & time I couldn't get to the gym I went back up-to 13.5.

In the last three weeks I've lost 14lbs which for me... is stupidly fast, I'm eating 1800 per day, still no gym (recovering from the operation), the only thing is I'm not eating any refined sugar (so only what occurs naturally in fruit/milk) & recently have switched from a heavy protein meat diet to pescetarianism.

I'm curious as to if anybody else has experienced rapid weight loss after switching from a high meat diet to dairy & fish, I'm not complaining just shocked - as my dieting experience from 15.5 to 11.5 was about 0.8lb's per week over a very long time (with regular exercise & a strict diet).


  • 4legsRbetterthan2
    4legsRbetterthan2 Posts: 19,590 MFP Moderator
    My first question would be are you weighing on the same scale in the same conditions because if not that will lead to alot of descrepancy.

    Also sometimes you see large drops early on due to water weight and gutfill.

    If you are feeling fine and there are no symptoms that you are not eating enough I would keep it up and you will probably level out soon.
  • It's possible cutting back on sugar reduced your carbohydrate intake and you've lost some water weight.

    Other than that it's hard to say. Chances are it's not all fat, probably lost some water. Depending on if you're female and just got off your cycle, de-bloating can cause some big shifts in weight.

    You know how when the scale number doesn't budge or goes up despite people's best efforts, people will give the advice to not pay attention to the number because it's unreliable and fluctuates sometimes? Maybe the same kind of thing here, you just don't often hear people saying that when you lose weight!

    Either way, congratulations on the weight loss!
  • elmarko999
    elmarko999 Posts: 5 Member
    Cheers for the replies,

    Yeah - I had a feeling it would be in part food weight/some water weight - but not quite to that degree.

    I'm under no delusions it's all fat (no way I could lose that much fat with a modest deficit over that time period) - just strange to see it move too quickly (if it kept up I would have had to go-to the doctor!).

    It's the same scales, same time in the morning (before eating) & I'm male (so little variation in weight normally).