Do you record weight gains?

I was feeling philosophical about my weight loss earlier and realised that I never record weight gains. If I go up a few pounds I'll feel frustrated but I never log it on MFP. I wait until my weight inevitably drops back down to what it says on MFP and then if I lose another lb I will log that. So sometimes I might be losing/gaining weight due to normal fluctuations, but overall if I've lost say 10 lbs then I can be sure I have definitely lost weight from my starting point. If every time I went up a lb I recorded it, I'd end up losing motivation. Knowing yourself that you need to get back to MFP weight before you can log a loss gives you more motivation to work harder. That's just how I've been thinking; what do you do?


  • SugaryLynx
    SugaryLynx Posts: 2,640 Member
    I only record losses on here (until I bulk of course) but I actually have an app called Libra that I record my daily weight to see trends over time, so I know the that I'm going in the right direction. :)
  • I was feeling philosophical about my weight loss earlier and realised that I never record weight gains. If I go up a few pounds I'll feel frustrated but I never log it on MFP. I wait until my weight inevitably drops back down to what it says on MFP and then if I lose another lb I will log that. So sometimes I might be losing/gaining weight due to normal fluctuations, but overall if I've lost say 10 lbs then I can be sure I have definitely lost weight from my starting point. If every time I went up a lb I recorded it, I'd end up losing motivation. Knowing yourself that you need to get back to MFP weight before you can log a loss gives you more motivation to work harder. That's just how I've been thinking; what do you do?

    I do exactly the same. I know what trajectory I'm on and I just ignore fluctuations.
  • MacMomma2013
    MacMomma2013 Posts: 128 Member
    I measure and weigh myself one a week and record any and all changes. It just keeps me accountable and works for me.
  • I do record weight gains - to remind myself that "this is Life". Otherwise I can be too hard on myself and rigidly over-diet. Logging daily, for me, puts things in perspective and gives me a sense of control.
  • elmarko999
    elmarko999 Posts: 5 Member
    I'm the same, I only record losses.

    But, I do weigh myself daily to ensure the gains are within the normal fluctuations I'd expect - as long as I do that I can't pretend it's not going up - also if it rises for a few days in a row I'll take a closer look at my diet to ensure I'm not sneaking a little bit more than I should be (I try to take a relaxed approach the dieting).
  • jigsaw_me
    jigsaw_me Posts: 616 Member
    I'm the same, I only record losses.

    But, I do weigh myself daily to ensure the gains are within the normal fluctuations I'd expect - as long as I do that I can't pretend it's not going up - also if it rises for a few days in a row I'll take a closer look at my diet to ensure I'm not sneaking a little bit more than I should be (I try to take a relaxed approach the dieting).

  • Spacegirlley
    Spacegirlley Posts: 80 Member
    I'm the same, I only record losses.

    But, I do weigh myself daily to ensure the gains are within the normal fluctuations I'd expect - as long as I do that I can't pretend it's not going up - also if it rises for a few days in a row I'll take a closer look at my diet to ensure I'm not sneaking a little bit more than I should be (I try to take a relaxed approach the dieting).

    ^This^ I weigh daily but only record losses.

    I used to track fluctuations up and down, but got frustrated with it. Only tracking losses pushes me to go that bit harder so I can track a loss.
  • bperkins88
    bperkins88 Posts: 357 Member
  • btsinmd
    btsinmd Posts: 921 Member
    For quite a while I just did losses, because I was losing so quickly that I saw some sort of loss, even minimal every week, or two at the most. Now that I'm closer to my goal weight, I do similar to SugaryLynx. On my "official" weigh day, I record my weight on MFP only if it has gone down, but I weigh myself daily and record it in another app, that no one but myself can see, so that I can track trends.
  • IronPhyllida
    IronPhyllida Posts: 533 Member
    I can't see the point in registering your weight if you don't register the up's and the down's?! It's data and it's factual therefore it happened. You can't undo what you've done and hiding your head in the sand when you've had an increase seems a bit daft to me.
    Sorry if this offends.
  • bumblebreezy91
    bumblebreezy91 Posts: 520 Member
    I record everything in a planner that I have, but I rarely record gains on MFP unless I know they are fat gains. Like this morning, I was up three pounds - but I'm on my period, so I'm not going to record a true gain when all I did was retain some water. It's going to drop back down in a couple days & then it will look like I lost 3+ pounds and that isn't accurate. In the planner I have, I put a little dot by the days where I have my period, so when I look back, I'll know it wasn't a fat gain. I can't really do that on MFP, so I don't.

    Edited for clarification.
  • Barbonica
    Barbonica Posts: 337 Member
    I only record weight monthly, although I weigh myself daily. I record losses and gains, because after a month, it is probably real - not a fluctuation related to water weight or whatever.
  • TheKeithEllis
    TheKeithEllis Posts: 155 Member
    All weight gains are logged, helps to keep me accountable as it annoys the hell out of me to have to admit to increases! :O)
  • honeylissabee
    honeylissabee Posts: 217 Member
    I record my weight every Monday. I have maintained one week, and I gained 1 (since December 2). I just own up to it, and if I gain, I set a goal to try to weigh less than my pre-gain weight,
  • usernamekelly1
    usernamekelly1 Posts: 1,941 Member
    I log my weigh daily because I'm wanting to look at trends etc but I don't have it show up on my wall, just because my weight fluctuates and I don't want the contratz on weight that I gained the day before. Once I worked out the info I want - I'll most likely go back to weekly or monthly logging but only log the loses.
  • aldale
    aldale Posts: 118 Member
    Same as you! I only log losses.
  • Phrick
    Phrick Posts: 2,765 Member
    I can't see the point in registering your weight if you don't register the up's and the down's?! It's data and it's factual therefore it happened. You can't undo what you've done and hiding your head in the sand when you've had an increase seems a bit daft to me.
    Sorry if this offends.

    This, a little. Plus recording the ups as well as the downs helps me to realize the triggers, trends and reasons for gains (and losses!) over time. I can't get an accurate picture if I'm not taking accurate measurements - gains very much included.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Yes. I weigh weight gain. I like my record to be accurate. Also, when I lose the extra weight, I like to see it showing.
  • ibleedunionblue
    ibleedunionblue Posts: 324 Member
    Yes, I absolutely log weight gains and fluctuations. I've learned from some of them. For instance, I learned how increased sodium intake can affect a temporary fluctuation. I don't like the scales going up, but I have to be honest with myself.
  • somefitsomefat
    somefitsomefat Posts: 445 Member
    I have an wifi scale so it takes the "should I/shouldn't I" out of the equation. It records automatically no matter what.