Julesdublin Member


  • I think the ability to say no to crap food has a lot to do with dissociating food with feelings. Most of the time when we overeat it's not because we are hungry - it's because we are searching pleasure/comfort. I honestly believe that seeing food as an enjoyable but functional part of our lives leads to a healthy weight.…
  • Put 3 prunes in a glass of water and leave them overnight soaking. In the morning drink the water and eat the prunes. It works wonders.
  • I have been on mercilon for years and I have no problems at all. I think you have to try different brand of pills until you find the best one for you. You shouldn’t have to put up with these side effects. It’s too much.
  • I struggle with the same. I can drink a lot of beer during a night out. I am trying to have just 1 night out per week and never more than 4 pints and it’s already around 800 calories. Deadly. When I started MPF I was a lot more conscious but I can feel I am becoming more and more relaxed with my drinking. With St Patrick’s…
  • Just google "Will Spinning make me fat" and you will see...
  • Hahaha! Thank you, guys! I feel like showing her this thread :laugh:
  • Swimming is a great cardio exercise. I broke my ankle really badly few years back (I have a metal plate and pins inside) so high impact exercise is a no go for me – swimming is just perfect. Biking as well. The only thing that I don’t like is the way chlorine can make my hair really dry, even when I wear a cap.
  • I think Nature hasn’t produced just one type of bird, flower, tree, rock…why should it produce just one type of person? We are all different. Some pear shaped, others apple shaped, some with stumpy legs and others are quite lean. It’s just to make life interesting. We are bombarded by a beauty ideal that it’s unattainable.…
  • I don't think I would be able to stick to dieting if I didn't have the occasional day off.
  • Once a week. Sometimes once every 10 days.
  • Sooo true! :laugh:
  • I deleted sugar from my macros for exactly the same reason. I eat loads of fruits and I am always above my limits.
  • Effexor is considered one that doesn’t cause any weight gain either and every forum is full of people that ballooned on them. Sometimes I feel glad I only gained 22lbs. Some people can gain A LOT more. I think every person reacts to the meds in a different way. Some lose, others gain. You can’t know how you’ll react until…
  • I took Effexor for 1 year. The last 6 months was trying to wean myself off them. It was a nightmare. I gained a tonne of weight as well but since I stopped I seem to be losing it quite steadily. It’s a very difficult call. You have to put your mental health above everything. If the panic attacks are disturbing your life…
  • Photoshop is a bugger for women’s self-esteem… :noway:
  • I was wondering exactly the same...
  • I work in an office as well. Bringing your own lunch really helps. I leave everything ready the night before so I don’t have to wake up early to prepare my food. I just put it in my bag and off I go. Keep healthy snacks at your desk so you can munch on fruits and nuts instead of the more caloric office canteen stuff.
  • You won’t look like a body builder if you lift heavy weight as you are a woman and you don’t have enough testosterone to look like The Incredible Hulk. I find that with lifting the calorie expenditure is not as high as with cardio. I do both as I need to lose the “layer of sexiness” that is covering my body at the moment.…
  • Logging everything that I eat is helping me to keep control of my eating. I also bought a food scale and it’s helping me to have a better notion of the calories per portion. MFP is doing wonders for me so far.
  • Me! I've gained over 22lbs while on Effexor. The weight wouldn't come off while I was taking them - even with going to the gym. I stopped the medication in December (I took for 1 year only). Even while on the weaning off process I began to lose some weight (really slowly). Now that I am not on them anymore and dieting and…
  • I think having 1 cheat day (within reason) per week is important to keep my sanity. I’m not planning to be the next Naomi Campbell and I have a life to live. I’ve been losing consistently. Listen to your body. I feel hungrier during the day so I tend to have few snacks. I am happy with a small dinner unless I am eating…
  • Saudi Arabia and Yemen springs to mind… Yeah, in these countries alcohol is not part of a night out indeed… Are you honestly trying to say that in Southern Europe people don’t drink to socialize? :noway:
  • I am banking some calories already for Saturday when Ireland is playing England in the 6 nations rugby match :tongue:
  • I live in Dublin, Feel free to add as well :)
  • I hear you, sister.... I hear you. Same here :sad:
  • I live in Ireland. The United Kingdom is another country. The Irish and the Brits have similar drinking habits all right but they are different people with different culture. And I am not even Irish, by the way. 3 pints is hardly the amount of alcohol that will make me drunk dancing the Macarena on the top of the table. I…
  • Thank you for all the replies! I will keep having my well deserved pints in moderation because as the saying goes “In Heaven there’s no beer that’s why I drink it here” And for the lady that said 3 pints of Guinness is too much – I am afraid I have to disagree with you on this one. 3 pints is grand; I don’t even get tipsy.…
  • I always thought it was around 170 calories per pint... :frown:
  • In all fairness I don't even remember seeing Coors Light in a pub here in Dublin... Or maybe I just don't register ;)