question on negativity please

I know many of you have been very successful on this site... congrats, it has really inspired me to keep going! I do have a question though... and this might be purely coincidence...

I lost 15 lbs in just a few months in the last part of 2013. it was awesome. I didn't stop losing until January and that's when I joined this site. I'm just wondering if maybe this site is really stressing me out more than anything... because hearing all the successes and everything its hard not to compare myself to others. Maybe the logging and feeling watched is stressing me out and hindering weight loss more than helping it? I don't know if I should continue on here...

Has anyone else had this experience? Again like I should this may be complete coincidence and I just happened to hit my plateau or maybe its stressing me out more than helping me


  • cebreisch
    cebreisch Posts: 1,340 Member
    Logging your food when you're starting out can be stressful. I remember when my husband first started logging, he said he couldn't believe that what he was eating thinking he was being relatively healthy when he sooo wasn't!

    This is your journey, not anybody else's. That means you have to find out what works for you. You aren't competing against anybody.

    Every doctor, dietician, or weight loss specialist will tell you that logging our food is crucial for effective weight loss. The people who've had success on this site, in most cases, have figured out something that works for them. MFP is apparently one of them. You don't have to make your journal public....unless you're asking people for help on your diary. Even then, you only have to make it available to those you choose to make it available too.

    I'm sure there are other sites that will allow you to log your food intake. If MFP isn't working for you, find another one that does.

    It's hard to figure out how to proceed when there are things that scare you about the journey. It's all about finding things that won't blow you out. Keep on'll figure it out soon enough.
  • scrapjen
    scrapjen Posts: 387 Member
    I joined MFP last May ... I lost 15 pounds pretty quick and then stalled. I've since lost about 15 more (I weigh in daily and my Fitbit Aria scale connects wirelessly, so it always auto-updates and bounces my poor MFP ticker all around).

    I guess it's possible that this site could have a negative effect on you ... DO you feel stressed when checking in? Are you comparing yourself to others and feeling bad? I've felt nothing but good things on MFP ... I like the accountability of seeing the numbers of calories in vs calories out (although I do keep my diary private ... a simple solution if you feel like you are being watched). I enjoy the social aspect of others on the same journey ... struggles and successes. So even though it has been a slow, slow continuation, I really credit MFP for keeping on track.

    You can always try dropping off and seeing if you have more success on your own. Changing things up if you feel things aren't working is generally a recommendation. Not all things work for all people. But often the first 15 pounds or so do come off easily, followed by your body adapting to the changes in your routine. I think I'm an MFPer for life though ...
  • healthygreek
    healthygreek Posts: 2,137 Member
    I keep my diary closed so as not to feel this way. I did feel stressed with an open diary.
  • LHudson53
    I would love to offer some ridiculously awesome advice, but the poster before me covered it all beautifully!

    All I know is that I got to my goal weight with MFP. Then I got cocky and stopped logging in. When I stopped keeping a food diary and having the support of my friends here, I basically "lost my mind" and gained all my weight back.

    So for me personally, this is the way to go. But you will find your way...and as long as you continue with what works for you, you will be fine.

    Good luck!
  • Boogage
    Boogage Posts: 739 Member
    It could be stressing you out. I've been successful here but I do fret a lot over the calories and macros now and sometimes it takes the enjoyment out of life. The system here does work but I guess it's not for everyone. We're you counting calories before? Has mfp set you a lower calorie goal that you're struggling to keep to? If you were losing eating more before then you could set your calorie goal higher again to relieve some of the stress. For most people the standard 1200 calls is too low. Mfp also has a tendency to over estimate calorie burns so if you're eating them all back you could end up eating at maintenance. Is your diary private- you don't have to share what you're eating with anyone. If you're really worried, try taking a break from mfp and see if the weight loss starts up again. You can always come back.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    Hmm...I kinda get what you're saying. I am extremely competitive, so I know what you mean. I can get down when I see my friends losing, and me, not so much. Then I have to get real with myself. I don't have very much weight to lose. It's going to take me longer. I eat more than 1500 cals a day. A lot of my friends don't, and that's fine. But everyone's journey is different. Some times I get embarrassed about the food in my diary lol. If that's the case, I'll still log it, but I won't "complete" it. Most times people won't go in there unless MFP makes this grandiose announcement that you've completed it lol. I also get extremely stressed out if I am ever in the red, or even close.

    It's ok, OP. I think we all have been there at some point or the other. Sometimes I wonder what mfp does to my mental health. But when I get like that, I have to check myself. And i'm pretty good at doing that lol. I am always very critical of myself and it's just not my diet. I've always done it in school, in college, my physical appearance, my job, EVERYTHING. I'm like WHY CAN'T I BE AS GOOD AS SO AND SO. Such a negative, unhealthy mindset. Sometimes you just have to take a step back and ask yourself if you're being realistic. If you are, that's ok too. Struggling is a part of life. Just have to move past it.
  • Julesdublin
    Julesdublin Posts: 39 Member
    Logging everything that I eat is helping me to keep control of my eating. I also bought a food scale and it’s helping me to have a better notion of the calories per portion.
    MFP is doing wonders for me so far.
  • WBB55
    WBB55 Posts: 4,131 Member
    We want you to be successful. If having your diary open is stressful, try for a while with it closed.

    What's important, if you want to lose the last little bit of weight you'd like to see drop off, is that you're honest with your food intake and your exercise.

    But most of all, we want you to be happy. If you're not happy, then make a change. See if it helps.
  • handyrunner
    handyrunner Posts: 32,662 Member
    Every body has answered wonderfully on the whys of the situation so not much more to add..

    Its easy to obsess over this..especially if your having success...the thing i fear most is a significant back slide. The way i deal with it is to remind myself..whose watching the clock? I dont have to get there in any particular time, so why let it consume me, or why beat myself up if i have a bad day.

    I guess you have to ask..what is this site providing me...

    I come to track for my own purposes...I dont particularly need support in my journey (though I appreciate my freinds who give it to me everyday)..what motivates me is providing it everyone else
  • Samby_v1
    Samby_v1 Posts: 202 Member
    If I didn't log my results I would've gone over by about 700 cals at my Mum's last night!
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    MFP is a horrible tool if you're not going to do it properly. It gives you a false sense of security, that you can eat what you want while staying under your calories, so if you're not careful about portion control or don't weigh your food, or overestimate how many calories you burn during your workouts (heck even if you follow MFP's numbers)... you won't lose an ounce.

    I'm guessing that's probably why you're not losing. MFP is great... if used properly.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    There are plenty of good answers up there. I counted calories prior to MFP using an app that didn't have a social media aspect. It was just me vs my goals. Use the site in a way that works for you, and if that means a private diary, or private profile, or no friends that's your right. Good luck!
  • chelseafxx
    chelseafxx Posts: 251 Member
    The main thing to remember with this site as that we are all in this together. If you see people being successful, instead of feeling jealous or getting anxiety ridden, be happy for them. And surround yourself with positive friends that will be happy for you too! One person's success is not your failure. We are all at different stages of our weight loss/gains, different body types, personal issues going on at home, etc. Everyone is so different it is ridiculous to compare!
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    Yeah.. I guess part of it too is I'm getting married in June so I have put myself on a timeline since I got engaged. But even after that I was losing until I joined here.. and now I think I obsess over it too much.

    Before I wasn't necessarily "counting calories" but I would look at how many calories were in the foods I would eat and just use portion control. Another thing is I'm very close to my goal weight/look so I know it slows down at the end. But I was losing fairly steadily until I joined. maybe i'll jump off it it for a few weeks and see if anything changes
  • rml_16
    rml_16 Posts: 16,414 Member
    Who do you think is watching you?

    It can be stressful logging everything and can sometimes be frustrating. But really you are only accuontable to yourself. Set everything to private if you don't want others to see it.
  • 212019156
    212019156 Posts: 341 Member
    2 points:

    1) As you get closer to your "ideal" weight it is harder to lose weight.
    2) Eventually you have to learn to know how much you are eating without logging.
  • sassyjae21
    sassyjae21 Posts: 1,217 Member
    I don't think mfp gives you a false sense of security. If you're logging calories and you eat a huge meal and you are almost over your calories at 9AM in the morning, you will learn portion control pretty damn quickly.
  • dwood1231
    dwood1231 Posts: 275 Member
    When I started I compared my results to other peoples, that lasted about 3 weeks, I use MFP to keep me aware of what I am eating and how much or little I am working out. As helpful as that is the support and motivation from my group of MFP friends is what really helps me out. Good luck to you. If you need a supportive friend feel free to add me.
  • mccindy72
    mccindy72 Posts: 7,001 Member
    I know many of you have been very successful on this site... congrats, it has really inspired me to keep going! I do have a question though... and this might be purely coincidence...

    I lost 15 lbs in just a few months in the last part of 2013. it was awesome. I didn't stop losing until January and that's when I joined this site. I'm just wondering if maybe this site is really stressing me out more than anything... because hearing all the successes and everything its hard not to compare myself to others. Maybe the logging and feeling watched is stressing me out and hindering weight loss more than helping it? I don't know if I should continue on here...

    Has anyone else had this experience? Again like I should this may be complete coincidence and I just happened to hit my plateau or maybe its stressing me out more than helping me

    I would also ask if you are making adjustments based on your weight loss, because you will need to eat less as you lose weight.

    Another point would be to make sure you aren't just using any calorie count when you log a food - many of the foods that have been added by other members are, sadly, incorrect. Make sure you are weighing all of your food and logging it yourself by weight and nutritional label.
  • allana1111
    allana1111 Posts: 390 Member
    I'll also add one more thing.. I'm living with my future inlaws right now.. which makes it very hard to like weigh all my food and everything. it's already hard enough saying no to my mother in law.. I finally told her yesterday to not be offended if I don't always eat what she makes but I'm really trying to watch my intake