stephmofo Member


  • I think its a good diet because it prohibits processed foods. People can have food sensitivities to foods and preservatives that can stall their weight-loss and cause food cravings. I don’t agree how they ban potatoes! I still needed to log in my food intake with elimination type diets. I focus too much on all the…
  • oops! How do I erase a post thats already posted so I can prevent the comments after mine?
  • Don’t take this the wrong way .. but don’t be sfrsid of confrontation, don’t be afraid to help him be more considerate. Get into an argument with him if thats what it takes! You want to take working out slow, which is smart so you don’t get injured. Breastfeeding with an 8 month old with a mouthful of teeth, ouch. If he…
  • You’re going to see a lot of food pushers from people from high poverty countries. This is how they survived for centuries, food was very sparse at times. The good news is the Mediterranean diet is very healthy. Stay away from high carb foods and sweets though. We always have tomato and cucumber salad or some type of…
  • Thats dirty! I thought everyone was going off topic and kept reading to find out why I am cheating my mfp diary out of knowing about girl scout cookies. This is obviously a slippery slope that I must stop, I’m so afraid to hurt my husband I must tell him right away!
  • I think its definitely a character flaw, like a narcissistic type of flaw, their egos are easily damaged because they look outside of themselves and to other people for ego boosts, but unfortunately a common one. But if its sporadic it could also be a bad habit people do to come across as more confident than they are in…
  • Its hard but I suggest taking your emotions out of it. When making important decisions do you ignore all facts and go with your feelings? Of course not! Its not all or nothing, everything in this life is flawed, especially when eating out... maybe one day you unknowingly underestimate, the next might be an overestimate, it…
  • I still eat cheeses, but buy blocks of it and shred it myself to avoid potato starch. I use fresh parmesan and whole feta as well. I have been avoiding products with molasses, corn syrup, vinegar, corn starch and potato starch, which pretty much eliminates all processed foods. Do ya'll avoid foods that contain corn…
  • I know this is really, really old but I had a similar issue, it was sulfites. Get dried apricots, make sure it has sulfur dioxide in the ingredients, and eat a handful with a glass of water and 2 benadryls at arms reach. If it is sulfites you'll know, since dried apricots have a ton.
  • Thank you, I just now saw your message. For me, its only the sulfites, the allergist said it was very rare and even rarer for nonasthmatics. I contacted an allergy asthma group and they forwarded my email to a doctor, he has been very helpful, he told me to avoid garlic powder since spices are usually from china and they…
  • I wouldn't worry too much about taking advantage of free shoe fittings and gait analysis, if too many people abuse it, they will charge for it. Little children are making these running shoes in poor countries, life isn't fair, it never has been. Look out for yourself first, if you like the sevice and have a little bit of…
  • HI! I need to lose 70 lbs., I just had a baby without losing all the wight from the first one! I need friends that are willing to share their food diary and to hold me accountable. I don't have that many friends that share their food diary and the ones that do only eat fast food or protein bars!
  • I am 4 weeks post partum too and had my second one by vbac, which was a bit more traumatic than the c section! I am still sore and need to lose 65 lbs now since I hadn't lost the weight from the first one. Its going to take forever and I have no idea how I am going to bring a baby and a 20 month old across the parking lot…
  • Hi, I am 4 weeks pp and need to lose 60 lbs! I need encouragement and meal ideas, if anyone wants to friend me
  • I would tell your doctor and have him run some tests to make sure there isn't an underlying medical issue like an under active thyroid or something.
  • I have developed unhealthy relationships with food! When I was younger I would eat to calm down "the butterflies in my stomach." I lived on my own after high school, I was so broke and worked at different restaurants, to save money I would pig out on the free or lower cost meals they offered. At that time I chose high…
  • I have hypothyroidism and I had insulin resistance and I found the more simple carbs and sweets I ate made me hungrier and would make me crave more of them. Going carb free, although it did curb cravings, was too difficult. A nutritionist I saw recommended complex carbs and eating more proteins to stay full. I try to do…
  • That last one really kills me. Hello, there's a reason why Brad Pitt is with Angelina Jolie and not a woman who weighs 300 pounds. But God forbid I want to look attractive and date attractive people because that's "So shallow!" But everyone who says that is a hypocrite and they know it. I think there is definitely some…
  • I am overwhelmed too! I need to lose 40lbs and have been trying for the last 4 months but have lost nothing. I have just started logging in my food, I joined months ago for the weightloss graph which is pretty much a straight line. The amount of calories in "healthy" foods is shocking. Losing weight is overwhelming because…