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I'm back at it myself after getting married. ☺️
bahahahahaha! You're hilarious
Hi all! So glad to be a part of this group and have another avenue of support :) I will be aiming to burn 4000/week. I'm not exactly well educated when it comes to diet and exercise, so I'm learning everything by trial and error! Will see how this goes and adjust from there... Good luck to everyone!!!
Love it!
Sing the national anthem! Would you rather talk with an obnoxious squeaky voice or have a super quiet voice no one ever hears?
TDEE? Can someone explain?
bahahaha! Shark week!?!?! Too funny!
Lately I've been making a super yummy fried egg sandwich!!! Whole wheat toast Pepper jack cheese Onion slice Horseradish sauce Pan fried turkey lunch meat Fried egg and a hearty drizzle of sriracha :) comes out to about 300 calories!
My reward is a a four day trip to Gatlinburg, TN in about two months! Requiring myself to be down 40lbs by then :) I'm going to ride some roller coasters!
I'm staying around 1200 (ignore the recommended 2570 listed on my page!) a day and my diary is open to friends. Feel free to add me and let me know if you need any of my recipes :) I try to cook ofter!
There are definitely expensive sports bras that will do the job, but I can't really afford those at the moment, so I wear a cheap comfortable bra with and underwire and I put a sports bra on top of that... works for me!
Honey, you have got to eat to loose weight! This may sound crazy, but it's true. Eating so little will put your body into starvation mode and significantly slow down your metabolism! 1200 is the very minimum you should be consuming outside a doctor's supervision. You should most definitely be eating several healthy meals…
Sounds like you're on the right track to me! I've been watching carbs especially as well and cutting carbs can cause significant weight loss! I'm down over ten lbs in less than two weeks and I had a cheat day on easter! Like others have already said stick with what you're doing and just watch yourself. I'd suggest a visit…
I'm totally in!
I feel ya girl! I have pretty much the same family history and I am determined not to end up there. I;m looking for my own support/inspiration group on here... Feel free to add me :)