Ready to do this!!

I'm 21 and finally ready to lose weight!! I always thought I was 'fat' in high school, when in reality, I wasn't. When I was 19 I had my first kid, during my pregnancy, I gained 100 pounds. Since then I have gained another 10 pounds. I have become so miserable and lazy. Due to my weight gain I have also developed asthma. I am so ready to live an active life again and lose this weight!! I have recently become a stay at home mom and I can't even run around with my son because I am so out of shape and overweight. I also have a family history of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and more. I don't have any of that except slightly high blood pressure. I am honestly such a lazy person and making this change is going to be so hard for me. I'm always eating, like constantly. I really need someone who can support me and help me through this big change. My husband isn't too much of a supporter. He has the best intentions but he's always bringing home junk food and chocolate and surprises for me. He used to be big in motivating me and working out with me or telling me to get off my butt to work out haha. Now he tells me to sit down and relax and do what I want. Sorry if this post doesn't make sense! It's way past my bed time, but I can't sleep!


  • JulianB1980
    JulianB1980 Posts: 10 Member
    It's break that you are so young and already motivated to make some changes to avoid some of those dangerous health issues in your family history. I too have heart disease and diabetes in my family and am committed to avoiding them. I find that supporting others helps me be even more accountable for my own decisions. Feel free to add me as a friend if you'd like me to help you along your journey.
    TIFFANYLEIGHSMITH Posts: 41 Member
    Your post makes perfect sense. Good for you that you are so young and ready to make a change for the better. Don't do like me and wait until you are 40 to finally decide to lose weight and get healthy. You can do this!! Feel free to add me if you'd like.
  • ItsJustBeka
    ItsJustBeka Posts: 22 Member
    I feel ya girl! I have pretty much the same family history and I am determined not to end up there. I;m looking for my own support/inspiration group on here... Feel free to add me :)
  • ashleyjohnstonn1
    ashleyjohnstonn1 Posts: 359 Member
    You got this girl. It's all about a lifestyle change. I was exactly like you, and it only took me about two months to change my habits. I still eat what I want, just less, and substitute healthier options for unhealthy ones. (air popped popcorn instead of buttered microwaved popcorn, lowfat cream cheese instead of regular cream cheese, turkey burgers instead of hamburgers, baked fries instead of fried fries, etc) and I try to not go above calories more than once a week. If I do, I work out extra hard and long that day. As for working out, I HATED it, absolutely hated it. Now I look forward to working out every day, and I am sure to always reward myself with some calming hatha yoga at the end. Although I sometimes feel like "aw man I don't wanna get off my butt and workout" I know that I will feel amazing afterward, I always do. And you will too :) Feel free to add me! We'll get there together!
  • AshleyArleneNP
    AshleyArleneNP Posts: 77 Member
    Welcome! Your post completely makes sense. Just start with small changes. If you try to start too drastically, you will fail. I would sit down and have a conversation with your husband. Come up with other ways for him to surprise and encourage you other than food (my husband does lotto tickets and Chapstick - I love chapstick!). He at least needs to be on the same page. And if we wants junk food in the house and you can't resist - lock it up, litterly. Put a lock on a cabinet or something and given him the key.

    You can do it!! Feel free to add me! I am active every day on MFP and can always use friends to motivate. The more, the merrier and hopefully skinnier!!