secondrowchick Member


  • I had the same problem - also when walking for long periods of time. I found some insoles in a walking shop that helped reduce pressure points on the balls of your feet/big toe which really helped. They were made out of two types of gel. This is what I used but there are others on the market.…
  • I find wearing 2 sports bras helps - one normal and one racer back. As for the running, if you have an iphone there are some great apps - I'm using 'get running' but try googling couch to 5k (C25K) as that one was quite good too! Jen
  • Hey! Welcome! My tip - read these posts while eating dinner - it stops me going back for seconds or heading for the chocolate bar at the back of my fridge!
  • Hey, I know exactly what you mean - I have yo-yo'd in weight the last 2 years but am still a size 18/20/22 depending on the shop. I never wear tight clothes even when I have lost weight - maybe its because I'm pretty self conscious about my weigh and having bulges over the top of my jeans etc! I always cringe when I see…
  • I did have the same problem but started eating an apple sliced with a small amount of almond butter on it - especially if i've been to the gym. If I haven't been to the gym, I just drink some water!
  • Hey there, I know what you mean about motivation - I am 26 and currently weigh just under 19 stone (about 270 pounds I think) and for the last 10 years I have been too scared to step on the scales. I have found the biggest motivation to be seeing every little pound dissapear and tracking my weight on here. I managed to…