

  • Raise it! Eat more to lose more! Fat2FitRadio.com - check it out. and track your inches. if you are lifting then you are gaining muscle so you will not see a loss on the scale like you would expect....
  • I had same problem. I reset my settings to 1/2lb loss and sedentary ( I sit at a desk all day) BUT I eat all my exercise calories back. This way on non-exercise days I am not starving and I have energy for my workouts on other days. Eat more to lose more :) And track your inches don't focus on the scale so much. For me I…
  • Some say to eat more to weigh less...a friend directed me to fat2fitradio.com. Check it out, I am still working out my details. My BMR is 1466 and i try to NET at least 1200 if not my BMR. I am not seeing huge results on the scale but results in tone and inches. My friend preaches protein and I have a really hard time…
  • Workout 5 and 6 are kicking my butt! Started on sunday with 5 and 6 yesterday and I am back to being extremely sore. having trouble with form on some of the moves. I hoping that I get a little more flexibility back by morning to hit 5 again. Anyone doing any extra stretches that help with the hip flexor, butt and hams?
  • Thanks everyone, just the encouragement I needed!
  • Instead of arms straight try doing where your on your elbows with your forearm flat on the ground . you can build from there
  • I'm starting tomorrow - Phase 1 Workout 1 - Started in the spring but broke a rib and just now getting back. Ready for her to kick my *kitten* lol
  • New here too - well at least being faithful with it! I could use some friends to keep me motivated as well! Feel free to add!
  • I will look that up on my kindle - thanks!
  • Thanks - I seem to do ok at home - kids keep me pretty busy and by the time they go to be I am way too exhausted to do anything much less eat. I have a horrible time at work - when I am not traveling I sit in front of a computer all day. 3pm is my danger time - tired, bored, stressed etc. And of course when I travel, I eat…