tbgree00 Member


  • 6 beers = 840 calories (assuming 140 per beer), 10 = 1400 calories. That's 3-4 weeks of consuming 5,880 to 9,800 extra liquid calories on top of your meals. Finishing out the math 10 beers a day for 4 weeks is 39,200 calories. If your meals were bar food, pizza, take out, etc it's easy to put on tons of bloat in 3-4 weeks.…
  • I don't know how far along you are but I really liked Power 90 as a starter routine. It's around 45 minutes done by Tony Horton and is the precursor to P90X. The videos get a bit repetitive but the moves are solid. I dropped 20-30lbs doing that. He uses dumbbells, cardio, yoga, and abs pretty effectively. If you're a…
  • The 30 Day shred is good and the first 10 day video is free on youtube. If you have a wii, 360, apple tv, etc you can give it a try with no skin in the game. I started my weight loss with the 30 Day Shred, it hurt and I had to stop because of a knee injury but that wasn't related to the video. Make sure you're wearing good…
  • The best thing you can do for yourself is get a food scale and measure. You'll be surprised how much (or little) food is in a serving. I measure everything on a cheap 10 dollar digital scale. It doesn't take a ton of time and helps out a lot. Second best thing you can do is get a heartrate monitor. They're a little more…
  • P90X3 is fantastic. I'm starting week 6 and it's the most fun I've ever had doing a routine. I've done Power 90, P90X, T25, and the 30 Day Shred. Maybe I'm just now "ready" to do this stuff but it's a lot more fun and nicer to have a 32 minute commitment than have 60-90 minutes. If you keep positive and remember that…
  • I can't see your journal so I can't comment specifically but are you drinking enough water? Are you sneaking snacks or not measuring your food to record everything? Sometimes if your body is used to your workout you need to switch it up. Maybe you could try a high intensity interval program for a few weeks to see if you…
  • I get this a lot from my mom and grandparents. I don't see them all the time and when I do they tell me they're worried. The one that hurts a little is they say "You don't look like yourself." or "you barely resemble the little boy we cared for." I know they mean well and don't understand nutrition etc but it's still…
  • T25 is fantastic. It has enough variety that I haven't gotten bored and I burn ~350 calories every time according to my HRM. It's also fairly realistic. The moves aren't TOO hard to do and don't put a lot of undesired strain on me.
  • I have much better results with an at home workout video than I do with going to the gym. It's easier for me to do a video upstairs than it is to decide changing, waiting on the squat rack, then waiting on a bench in my tiny gym is a good use of time. T25 and P90X got me to 50 lbs lost so I'm sticking with Tony and Shawn!
  • I'm within a pound of hitting my goal and have started shifting away from the high intensity Beach Body workouts and am getting into heavy lifting. I think it's interesting how many "weight loss" routines and plans exist but how hard it is to find good resources on maintaining your weight. I'm so used to eating what I do…
  • I bought a fitbit and let it sync my steps to the site so I don't have to worry about it! A little pricey but it has been worth it for me.
  • I've tried it both ways. When I didn't eat back I gave up within a month and went on a long binge. Now that I am eating back I've stuck with it 180 days and don't see myself stopping any time soon. Eating calories back helps keep me sane and strong for working out, doesn't make all this feel like a sacrifice, and gives me…
  • A few years ago I was wearing size 44 jeans and they barely fit. Today I tried on size 32 relaxed fit at a store and they looked awesome on me but I put them back because I know I can get into the 32 boot cut jeans I love in the next month or two.
  • Personally I don't count mine. When I drink water I feel refreshed afterward and I don't get that feeling with coffee. I think it's a personal preference as much as anything.
  • I have a recipe from Abs Diet cookbook that is delicious and easy but a lot of salt so be warned: 1 avocado diced 1 can tuna or chicken drained 1 can black beans rinsed 1 16oz jar of Salsa 1 can corn drained (optional) I mix it all together in a big bowl and chill. I call it fiesta tuna salad and it goes great on crackers,…
  • I got to Disney World a lot and am having this same problem. That said I have a pretty good plan going forward. In Magic Kingdom and Epcot they have a treat called the Dole Whip. It's pineapple soft serve ice cream. From what I gather one serving is 80 calories and they probably give you that or a little more now since…
  • If you enter exercise on MFP it syncs it back to the fitbit site and adjusts the calories over there, then syncs back to MFP. You just have to set the time you started and duration. When I do Power 90 Fat Burner I mark it as 30 minutes of circuit training and would do that for 30 Day Shred when I was doing that as well.…
  • Hi, Yes I jumped up because I was really bored with 1-2. If I hear "No blue people!" one more time I may throw punches through my TV! If I'm doing 1-2 sculpt I can complete 3-4 sweat pretty well. If I do both at 3-4 in the same two day period I can't complete the sweat. I think doing the squats in sculpt 3-4 kills my legs…
  • I am on day 39 of the course right now. So far I'm down 3 inches on my waist and around 15lbs since I started doing it. I'm at the awkward stage where Sweat 3-4 is a little too hard combined with Strength 3-4 but Sweat 1-2 is pretty boring. I end up pausing during the high heat portions and try to finish out strong. The…
  • I'm trying to "clean up" my eating and make better choices but I will still have Girl Scout cookies or go out to eat. I try to plan for the big meals and make them something to look forward to. For me it is more sustainable to plan a bigger meal out every couple weeks and a few small indulgences through the week than just…
  • I have the Fitbit One so your mileage may vary on the Zip but I come into the myfitnesspal website and log my exercise duration and start time. Once I do that the fitbit changes its calorie adjustment to give me its estimate for my total activity for the day. Last night I had an adjustment of 450 and after working out for…
  • Thanks to seeing this thread yesterday I started the 30DS last night. I'm not in shape and have asthma so circuit training usually makes me rethink my life. The first session didn't do anything to change that but I finished and am sore but eager to do it again.