Home workouts > Gym

Is it just me? Well mainly because I dont want people seeing me workout lol and I hate know it alls who would lecture you and preach you and say you're doing everything wrong blahblah instead of offering suggestions nicely. Even if I didnt ask for them in the first place, if the infos were given out of concern, let's say you're doing things wrong and they are concerned about you getting an injury, and not to just brag or rub it in your face that they have achieved their goals and you' have a long way to go, i would have appreciated that because a little info wouldn't hurt right? But no, all I met at the gym were cocky know it alls -_- no one genuinely cares. I've only been in a gym once and didn't like it at all. That's why I'm in MFP because most people genuinely cares and wants to inspire. What do you guys think?


  • chocorunner122
    Ya I agree. I feel like there is sometimes too much comipition at the gym and people judging each other based on what they look like or what they are doing. Plus, when your at home you can look at stupid as you want and make what ever odd noises you wish! :D
  • aconners9
    I'd love to workout at home but I live in a student house and the walls/floor are so thin you can hear every movement and no-one wants me sweating in the living room/kitchen hahah!
  • tbgree00
    tbgree00 Posts: 25 Member
    I have much better results with an at home workout video than I do with going to the gym. It's easier for me to do a video upstairs than it is to decide changing, waiting on the squat rack, then waiting on a bench in my tiny gym is a good use of time. T25 and P90X got me to 50 lbs lost so I'm sticking with Tony and Shawn!
  • AccioFitness
    AccioFitness Posts: 244 Member
    I sometimes have issues like this. Although I get far more uncomfortable having my husband watch me squat at home and go through my home-version of circuit training. Not sure why though, he's seriously my biggest cheerleader.

    Something that's helped me at the gym is to make some friends who are of similar build with similar goals and workout with them. We're both a bit chubby and sweating like hell, and suddenly it seems less awkward. When I'm working out alone though, if I let myself think of other people there I can get self-conscious rather fast. The other thing that helps is to bring my iPhone and sync it up to my Netflix account. If I'm too busy watching something while on an Arc Trainer then I won't have time to think about what other people might think.
  • stfuriada
    stfuriada Posts: 445 Member
    Depends on what you're doing.

    If you're just doing videos and light weights, then a home gym could work.

    But personally, I'd rather be in a gym sinceI'm lifting. Seeing what other people around my size can lift is a huge motivation for me to aim higher. Plus I want the assurance of having a spotter around.
  • Kevalicious99
    Kevalicious99 Posts: 1,131 Member
    Totally a gym person ... couldn't care less if people are watching. I am doing this for me .. and no one else.
  • DaniNicole321
    I like working out at home mostly for convenience, I can work out when my son naps rather than finding a baby sitter or leaving him with their daycare. But as far as cost goes, I can't afford an elliptical or any of the larger cardio equipment I was used to at the gym so that's a bit of a downer. I'm currently doing 30 Day Shred though so I'm not missing anything! Do whatever makes you comfortable and helps you get to your goals. But I do agree that the gym is a lot more pleasant if you can find a gym buddy to do it with you and trying it out more than once probably wouldn't hurt. Good luck!
  • Flixie00
    Flixie00 Posts: 1,195 Member
    Must be your gym, although to have come to the decision that everyone is a cocky know it all after one visit seems a bit harsh.

    My gym is great. People only talk to you to be friendly or to offer encouragement. There has been the odd occasion where I have seen someone offer advice in the weights room, but they have done so to stop someone causing themselves an injury due to bad form.
  • yogicarl
    yogicarl Posts: 1,260 Member
    Must be your gym, although to have come to the decision that everyone is a cocky know it all after one visit seems a bit harsh.

    My gym is great. People only talk to you to be friendly or to offer encouragement. There has been the odd occasion where I have seen someone offer advice in the weights room, but they have done so to stop someone causing themselves an injury due to bad form.

    this is what I thought but you said it better.
  • ThePlight
    ThePlight Posts: 3,593 Member
    I prefer the gym, quite honestly.. I like to fiddle around with the machine my fiance uses lol. If I can't do it, here's there to help me either way :P

    At home, of course.. You can wear whatever you want. No shoes, and just work out in undies if you want haha.
  • Quieau
    Quieau Posts: 428 Member
    Anyone dying for an elliptical (like me) should know that Nordictrack's 990 Pro with Audio and i-Fit compatibility (really nice machine) is on sale right now through their site for $899 (down from $1599, i think) and it's interest free financing for 18 months. if you made a payment for 18 months on 900 that's about 50 a month, not too bad for what you get and how long it will last. that includes free delivery to door. I hired someone to assemble for me (takes 2 people about 2 hrs to assemble if they are pretty good with these things) for $100 rather than pay the $249 through Nordictrack for assembly. I've had it about 2 weeks and LOOOVE it! The i-Fit is especially cool, allowing me to map any route in the world I want via google maps and have a visual tour of the route as I go as well as terrain adjusted to match it. It's a lower price than the used ones were running on Craigslist, and this is an award-winning machine with many good reviews. (I'm not from Nordictrack, just love my elliptical!)
  • cquenga
    I am about to start the INSANITY work out program! I wanted some advice for this program and how to succeed. I have tried the gym and other programs as well as Zumba.
  • B_TEEN
    B_TEEN Posts: 95 Member
    My preference would be the following based on the activity

    1. Running = Outside > Gym
    2. Cardio = Gym Class > Home Video
    3. Weights = Home > Gym unless you have a trainer or need to use bells and resistance equipment.

    Since the colder weather is approaching, my split will likely be 60/40 home-gym. By spring, the split will be between working out outdoors or in classes.
  • MisterDerpington
    MisterDerpington Posts: 604 Member
    You've been to one gym once and clearly that means all gyms should not be used? K.
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    I like going to the gym and doing various classes. I don't find any problems with other people. I also have a small gym in my building and I workout on the elliptical machine a couple of days a week because there aren't enough classes that don't have a charge for them to go more often.
  • Spaghetti_Bender
    Spaghetti_Bender Posts: 509 Member
    I've been doing home workouts for a few years, but i wouldn't mind being in the company of others when it comes to exercising.
  • mrsamanda86
    mrsamanda86 Posts: 869 Member
    I've been a member of my gym for roughly four months now and go usually 4 times a week... The ladies at the front desk and child care are super nice and do small talk with me. A few of the people I regularly see working out at the same time as me make eye contact and smile, and that's the extent of any contact I've had with anyone other than the occasional "hey do you mind if I use this real quick?" No one has ever tried telling me how to do something, unless I ask... and they are basically ALL more fit than I am... Maybe you just went to a sucky gym? I'm all for people working out on their own at home, just doesn't work for me. I love going to the gym, I hate working out to videos or running outside.
  • dym123
    dym123 Posts: 1,670 Member
    Plus, when your at home you can look at stupid as you want and make what ever odd noises you wish! :D

    You've obviously seen (or heard) me workout :wink:

    Actually I love home workouts, I get home from work, change, workout, take a shower...done. Though I'm looking to take my lifting to the next level and may have to join a gym. That I'm not looking forward to. :grumble:
  • lauraspberry
    lauraspberry Posts: 655 Member
    Thank you for your responses! I enjoyed reading each and everyone of them :)

    And for those hating on me for not liking the gym, it's my opinion and I respect yours so don't get all up on me telling me I'm wrong. I like the gym for the spinning classes but that's just it. As long as we are all reaching our goals I guess it's all good :) people are different, i'm not shoving my beliefs in your faces I'm just asking if people feel the same out of curiosity since I've only been to one gym, I'm not generalizing haha. Thank you for everyone who shared their experiences! And clearly, it's the gym that I've been to wasn't so awesome like one of the people here said.

    Have a great day everyone! Keep on pushing!
  • JoRocka
    JoRocka Posts: 17,525 Member
    any work out you do is a good one.

    I just prefer the gym. I like the social aspect of it- it's my home away from home. It's my space that's everyone's space- i dunno. I hate working out at home- I can do it- quiet efficiently actually- but I don't like to- not at all.

    I'd just sit on the interwebz all day and not actually workout- it's easier for me to get off my duff and go to the gym ACTUALLY.