

  • this guy.... clearly knows whats up :laugh: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  • why you be hatin' on us tall chicks?? discrimination!!! jk. #tallgirlprobz
  • jonathan no longer exists [well i mean i'm sure he does still, somewhere, i didn't kill him or anything...wait now i sound creepy] so it would be more of an accidentally-on-purpose thing. too bad i don't have johnny around to blame it on anymore :devil: :devil: :devil:
  • once i sent a.... let's say, "suggestive" text that was SUPPOSED to be to my fiance who was on a trip across the country. the different time zones made it so i had to send my texts to him at 4am my time so he'd get it before work. needless to say, in a sleepy daze i sent it to the wrong "Jonathan" and i never heard the end…
  • don't think i'm her type.... lol
  • Hi! Welcome! I had a pretty gnarly case of PCOS as well, a few years back. my hormone levels were so out of whack I would pass out at random and sweat excessively for absolutely no reason [it made for a couple really awkward dates]. it was pretty gross, and painful, and frustrating. BUT! eating healthy TOTALLY helped, it…
  • don't we all go to the gym because of vanity [and health and gainz and whatever...but also vanity]? why wouldn't we want our hard work appreciated? i'm not saying slap me on the *kitten* and take me to dinner, but come on kids... we can all appreciate each other without being hyper-sensitive about it, just like we can…
  • touring is the worst! i haven't been since 2011 and i consider it a blessing ;) as musicians we're considered "weird" anyway, so producers didn't think twice when i came in with my tupperware of chicken and rice hahaha. it was my bandmates that gave me the most crap, even though they were technically the most understanding…
  • i'm a bit of a purist with running. obnoxious, i know. i DREAD the treadmill for a few reasons, but one reason i really, truly despise it is because no matter what incline or pace you have it on, it will in NO WAY simulate outside running because your body runs with a natural intuitiveness you just can't get on a…
  • you may be doing this already but my best advice would be to lead by example. my parents were in the same predicament, driving each other crazzzzzzzzy. my mom had all these great plans and ideas for getting healthy and would never follow through. finally my dad just decided to start eating healthy and working out, and…
  • haha you are the only other human who knows what i'm talking about!! i knew there was a reason i liked you ;) MM was my nectar, when the guys at the vitamin shoppe told me they were taking it off the shelves, i bought FIVE jars. i wish i was kidding. everyone made fun but that stuff was like gold, and now i'm out. break my…
  • i could be wrong here, but i find that most of the chicks who complain about "Creeps" are the ones who dress up at the gym and ultimately ask for the attention in the first place. not 100 % of the time, just a general observation. besides, ladies, lets not act like we don't check the bros out occasionally too. don't even…
  • thank you! that was really helpful. although I used the IIFYM calculator on IIFYM.com and it still said i needed 129 grams of protein. i'm really hesitant to eat that much, i have to drink like 3 protein shakes a day just to reach it, that's WITH eating eggs/some other protein with every other meal. i work out pretty…
  • paleo is tricky. i see a lot of people eat "paleo" wrecklessly, without any thought of calorie consumption. paleo is a more difficult diet to keep the calories down on, especially if you get caught up with paleo cookbooks and trends: everything is high high high fat and calories [sausage, bacon, coconut oil, oh my!!!].…
  • don't get scared because this is a vegan protein powder... but I LOVE IT. so so much. 17g protein, 90 calories, no fat, pure deliciousness. Garden of Life Raw protein powder [vanilla is my favorite]. best bang for your buck [in my opinion]. I do switch it up with whey sometimes because i miss the creaminess of whey, but…
  • goodness. my advice? eat more. your calorie deficit can actually inhibit weight loss. also, try switching up your work out routine. sounds like you do quite a bit of cardio stuff. try some weigh lifting, some HIIT, shock your body - keep it guessing. you can plateau with workouts just as easily as you can plateau with…
  • ok just learning to use these forums. THIS ^^^ hahaha
  • hahahaha yesssss ^^^^ someone thought what i thought!
  • one big reason people tend to go over on carbohydrates is because they're not eating enough "filling" foods so they're supplementing with "filler" foods. it's hard to tell without looking at your diary, but it's very hard to go over on Carbs when you're getting the majority of them from vegetables. try cutting down the…
  • oh boy, all these bros talking about what's hotter on a chicks *kitten*, and all we're worried about is, "IS THIS MATERIAL GOING TO HIDE MY SWASS????" #realtalk ps lulus are hot pps lululemon's size 6 is considered an american small, and they go down to a 2, so whoever is claiming that lulu is "too big" for them probably…
  • I am SO into this. Not only are you doing your body good by braving the free weight area, but you're also keeping people like me [that single chick in the corner] company! the general rule of thumb on the floor is, everyone kind of does their own thing. I get more "creepers" near the machines [one word: adductor] than i do…