Guys - Wowen in the gym - Lululemon's or short shorts



  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I love looking at hot guys working out at the gym. They are wearing minimal clothing and lifting heavy things, muscles flexing. That's hot. I can also appreciate a girl with a great body working hard, even though there isn't a sexual attraction. And I don't mind one bit if someone looks at me. It validates my hard work.
  • lexcoulstring
    lexcoulstring Posts: 386 Member
    You can have both! Lulu shorts FTW!


    Sporting those like a boss!!!
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    I love looking at hot guys working out at the gym. They are wearing minimal clothing and lifting heavy things, muscles flexing. That's hot. I can also appreciate a girl with a great body working hard, even though there isn't a sexual attraction. And I don't mind one bit if someone looks at me. It validates my hard work.

    Your strong logic and solid self-confidence has *no* place in this discussion of how adults interact in the gym.

    ( :drinker: )
  • I love looking at hot guys working out at the gym. They are wearing minimal clothing and lifting heavy things, muscles flexing. That's hot. I can also appreciate a girl with a great body working hard, even though there isn't a sexual attraction. And I don't mind one bit if someone looks at me. It validates my hard work.

    FINALLY! someone who gets it.
  • MiloBloom83
    MiloBloom83 Posts: 2,724 Member
    If you're at the gym and you're staring at girls you are
    1. A creep, sorry, no exceptions.
    2. Not working out hard enough.

    This comes around to

    3. You don't have a girlfriend because your body is crap because you spend time being creepy instead of working out.
    4. You spend the time you should be working out nurturing how much of a creep you are.

    Which comes around to

    5. Your body looks like crap and you have nurtured your creep side and now your chances of having a girlfriend are even more greatly reduced.
    6. You have manboobs because you thought excessive bench pressing would make girls notice you more instead of just catching on to your creepiness and noticing you less.

    In summation, creeps at the gym always look like crap and don't have girlfriends. Don't be a creep.

    Um, have you ever heard of resting between sets? And what is the difference between looking at a girl and looking at a guy? If a hot girl is around the gym, I will check her out a bit. If a guy has an impressive physique or is deadlifting, I'll take a gander at him as well. Does this make me a creep?

    I think it makes you gym bi...
  • LolBroScience
    LolBroScience Posts: 4,537 Member
    im just here for pics
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    If you're at the gym and you're staring at girls you are
    1. A creep, sorry, no exceptions.
    2. Not working out hard enough.

    This comes around to

    3. You don't have a girlfriend because your body is crap because you spend time being creepy instead of working out.
    4. You spend the time you should be working out nurturing how much of a creep you are.

    Which comes around to

    5. Your body looks like crap and you have nurtured your creep side and now your chances of having a girlfriend are even more greatly reduced.
    6. You have manboobs because you thought excessive bench pressing would make girls notice you more instead of just catching on to your creepiness and noticing you less.

    In summation, creeps at the gym always look like crap and don't have girlfriends. Don't be a creep.

    Don't hate because you're not getting checked out.
  • Mighty_Rabite
    Mighty_Rabite Posts: 581 Member
    Either/or, personally.

    No lie, if you're an attractive female in the gym and you cross my field of vision, I will probably acknowledge (typically in as less-obvious fashion as I can, as to not come off creepy) the beauty.

    Half the time I make said acknowledgement, I notice the eyes either finding myself simultaneously, or before I make visual contact. >_>
  • Well I figure if a guy is looking at me from behind..he's not at the squat rack. I know men will look. Heck, today someone wolf whistled at me as i ran to get coffee this morning with my face not washed, hair in disarray and I was basically in sweats.

    But staring? Ugh. I had this one guy behind me stare while I did my deadlifts. Creeped me out. He wasn't doing anything either. Now I am sure the guys around me have looked..and being men, of course they will, but they should be respectful and try to not be obvious. Heck, they stare if I wear pants from Target.

    This really goes beyond Lulu's/shorts shorts. It's about , "how would you want your mother or sister treated" if she went to the gym.

    Though I admit I have used my feminine side to steal a squat rack by batting my eyelashes and saying pretty please(we only have 4 at my gym)....

    and yes, that is hardcore.

    After that, I drop the nice act and get to lifting.

    I go to a gym where the majority of men are openly gay. I get stared at routinely by gay men. And trust me, a man staring at a girl is one thing. A confident gay male staring at another man is another thing altogether. MUCH more obvious. lol..

    Anyways, it's not quite the full on sexual assault some of you on MFP make it out to be.

    Slightly uncomfortable. Slightly. I don't need to lower my hat, get my glare ready, puff out my lats, wear my beat up clothes, and make it known I DEADLIFT and SQUAT (hardcore stuff!) just because a gay man made eye contact with me.

    Life must be REALLY uncomfortable for some of you that can't handle being appreciated by the other gender.

    And I fully understand that outright leering is a bit gross. But lets be real, very few men at the gym are outright leering. I've spent my fair share of time at the gym to know what goes on.

    I think it depends on the gym tbh. I used to go a local gym with some of my friends, but we had to stop because the people that went there were so gross and rude and the gym staff was so apathetic about it. There was one guy who basically stalked my friend around the gym openly leering at her butt and making really inappropriate comments and asking her inappropriate questions. She told the gym staff about it several times, and they apologized but never did anything more. She quit going to that gym after she complained about him cat calling her across the gym and making sexually explicit comments when she passed him and the gym's staff suggested she try bringing headphones and listening to music to block him out.

    Then there was the time my friend who's obese went to work out with us some of the guys moo'd at her, and said "I didn't know cows could run." when she got on the treadmill, and the staff didn't say anything, even though it was clear they heard them. A lot of the gym goers there treated it more like a place where you find someone to hook up with rather than a gym, and the atmosphere was awful. We were only going because it was pretty cheap and it was within walking distance for most of us.
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    If you're at the gym and you're staring at girls you are
    1. A creep, sorry, no exceptions.
    2. Not working out hard enough.

    This comes around to

    3. You don't have a girlfriend because your body is crap because you spend time being creepy instead of working out.
    4. You spend the time you should be working out nurturing how much of a creep you are.

    Which comes around to

    5. Your body looks like crap and you have nurtured your creep side and now your chances of having a girlfriend are even more greatly reduced.
    6. You have manboobs because you thought excessive bench pressing would make girls notice you more instead of just catching on to your creepiness and noticing you less.

    In summation, creeps at the gym always look like crap and don't have girlfriends. Don't be a creep.

    So if you look at a girl at the gym, you are a fat creep with man-boobs who isn't working out hard and doesn't have a girlfriend.

    Can't argue with that...uh...logic.


    Well, you are a known pervert with your units and muscles.

    In a pervert competition...(pervertetition?)'d easily be an 8:1 favorite head-to-head against me...

    ...and you just had a perverted thought while reading this very post to support my point.


    Subliminal pervert!

    We are deep in the woods now!

  • Marcolter
    Marcolter Posts: 103 Member
    Why do women Complain about sexism yet want to be objectified by putting it all out there? Yeah I have to stare at those tiny short shorts and wonder Duh you want me to stare at your *kitten* while I am on the treadmill.
  • RaggedyPond
    RaggedyPond Posts: 1,487 Member
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    The day a guy doesn't look at a hot woman is the day he isn't fit and healthy and we are all for being fit and healthy aren't we?
  • RECowgill
    RECowgill Posts: 881 Member
    The day a guy doesn't look at a hot woman is the day he isn't fit and healthy and we are all for being fit and healthy aren't we?

    I know that my mr. healthy will fit!

    Eh... doesn't sound so good for me now that I said it. :grumble:
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    The day a guy doesn't look at a hot woman is the day he isn't fit and healthy and we are all for being fit and healthy aren't we?

    I know that my mr. healthy will fit!

    Eh... doesn't sound so good for me now that I said it. :grumble:

    :huh: Umm.. ok I think. :tongue:
  • vtmoon
    vtmoon Posts: 3,436 Member
    If you're at the gym and you're staring at girls you are
    1. A creep, sorry, no exceptions.
    2. Not working out hard enough.

    This comes around to

    3. You don't have a girlfriend because your body is crap because you spend time being creepy instead of working out.
    4. You spend the time you should be working out nurturing how much of a creep you are.

    Which comes around to

    5. Your body looks like crap and you have nurtured your creep side and now your chances of having a girlfriend are even more greatly reduced.
    6. You have manboobs because you thought excessive bench pressing would make girls notice you more instead of just catching on to your creepiness and noticing you less.

    In summation, creeps at the gym always look like crap and don't have girlfriends. Don't be a creep.


    I knew that trainer staring at people's form was a creeper, and he kept saying it was his job. Boy will he be embarrassed when I show him this post!
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    This thread is amazing. :drinker:

    ETA: I just looked at the pricing for LuLu Lemon.........$100 for one pair of pants???! You've GOT to be kidding me!
  • the_summer_belle
    the_summer_belle Posts: 353 Member
    Um I live in Australia and have no idea what lulue's are but I wear a crop top and shorts whilst working out but I work out at home I feel more comfortable since last time I joined a gym it SMELT of B.O and God knows what every time and the equiptment was gross so once day I went and there was this weird guy... He looked like a wolf waiting to devour its prey and he wanted that prey to be me. He would deliberately exercise his glutes in front of me despite having the WHOLE gym which was pretty vacant to work out in.. yea not cool I prefer subtle creepin haha.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Went to bed, came back to learn that if guys are being creepy it's because I'm an attention seeker. And that the only guys who look at girls are unattractive ones. Always.

  • stephyy4632
    stephyy4632 Posts: 947 Member
    I love looking at hot guys working out at the gym. They are wearing minimal clothing and lifting heavy things, muscles flexing. That's hot. I can also appreciate a girl with a great body working hard, even though there isn't a sexual attraction. And I don't mind one bit if someone looks at me. It validates my hard work.

    100% agree^^^^^ I feel great about all the work I have put in when I see a guy checking me out its flattering IMO and Yes I look I`m human :)