Guys - Wowen in the gym - Lululemon's or short shorts



  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    Some adults develop new fat cells

    When normal-weight people gain modest amounts of fat, they do so by enlarging the fat cells in their upper body subcutaneous fat depot. In contrast, gain of lower body fat is largely the result of increasing the number of fat cells. Dr. Jensen highlights: "We found that the gain of as little as 1.2 kg of leg fat resulted in an average gain of 2.6 billion new fat cells! This finding refuted the long-held belief that adult humans do not develop new fat cells but are instead stuck with those that developed in their adolescence. We recently reported that adults do not lose these new leg fat cells when they lose weight.

    "New fat cells in adults, like new fat cells in children, come from preadipocytes. Preadipocytes are one of the most common cell types found mixed in among fat cells within adipose tissue. They are typically thought of as capable of replicating and, therefore, of generating a continuous potential supply of preadipocytes and adipocytes. When a preadipocyte receives an appropriate signal from the body, it will cease replicating and develop into a mature adipocyte, which then stores and releases fatty acids under relatively strict hormonal and neural control. Adipocytes also release various hormones, known as adipokines."

    From here:

    Not that it really matters. It all shrinks.
  • I got bored reading all the quoted stuff several pages back, so forgive me if I'm asking something already mentioned.

    But surely I'm not the ONLY woman on the planet who loves getting checked out? I'm happily married and not actually interested, but hey if someone wants to do some harmless window shopping and checks me out as part of that, that makes me feel great and not at all "objectified". Please do carry on looking!
  • in_the_stars
    in_the_stars Posts: 1,395 Member
    This is talking about when a persons healthy bf% is set. As an early teen your body sets the amount of fat cells it needs to be healthy. This is thought to be determined by aprox # of bf cells existing at the time.

    Is only confirms my statement.

    Edit to add fat cells can only fill so much, just like skin can only streaches so much. Once copasity is reached the body increases the number of cells produced till demands are met. Once this happens it goes back to business as usual.

    I'm just clarifying my earlier statement, and hoping to see members do some research on their own. :)
    Curious though, do you not believe that epigenetic changes can be passed through the germ line for many generations? Or that getting your genotype from a methyl markup from your grandmother doesn't matter?

    * done with this thread. ;)
    I'd rather be happy than right.
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    This is talking about when a persons healthy bf% is set. As an early teen your body sets the amount of fat cells it needs to be healthy. This is thought to be determined by aprox # of bf cells existing at the time.

    Is only confirms my statement.

    Edit to add fat cells can only fill so much, just like skin can only streaches so much. Once copasity is reached the body increases the number of cells produced till demands are met. Once this happens it goes back to business as usual.

    I'm just clarifying my earlier statement, and hoping to see members do some research on their own. :)
    Curious though, do you not believe that epigenetic changes can be passed through the germ line for many generations? Or that getting your genotype from a methyl markup from your grandmother doesn't matter?

    * done with this thread. ;)

    YAY! Derail over!!!

    Now, more yoga pants / short shorts!
  • I got bored reading all the quoted stuff several pages back, so forgive me if I'm asking something already mentioned.

    But surely I'm not the ONLY woman on the planet who loves getting checked out? I'm happily married and not actually interested, but hey if someone wants to do some harmless window shopping and checks me out as part of that, that makes me feel great and not at all "objectified". Please do carry on looking!
    *high five*

    I love being appreciated!
  • don't we all go to the gym because of vanity [and health and gainz and whatever...but also vanity]? why wouldn't we want our hard work appreciated?

    i'm not saying slap me on the *kitten* and take me to dinner, but come on kids... we can all appreciate each other without being hyper-sensitive about it, just like we can appreciate each other without being complete creepers about it.
  • ItsMeGee3
    ItsMeGee3 Posts: 13,254 Member
    don't we all go to the gym because of vanity [and health and gainz and whatever...but also vanity]? why wouldn't we want our hard work appreciated?

    i'm not saying slap me on the *kitten* and take me to dinner, but come on kids... we can all appreciate each other without being hyper-sensitive about it, just like we can appreciate each other without being complete creepers about it.
    High five
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    This is talking about when a persons healthy bf% is set. As an early teen your body sets the amount of fat cells it needs to be healthy. This is thought to be determined by aprox # of bf cells existing at the time.

    Is only confirms my statement.

    Edit to add fat cells can only fill so much, just like skin can only streaches so much. Once copasity is reached the body increases the number of cells produced till demands are met. Once this happens it goes back to business as usual.

    I'm just clarifying my earlier statement, and hoping to see members do some research on their own. :)
    Curious though, do you not believe that epigenetic changes can be passed through the germ line for many generations? Or that getting your genotype from a methyl markup from your grandmother doesn't matter?

    * done with this thread. ;)

    YAY! Derail over!!!

    Now, more yoga pants / short shorts!

    Am I the only one still waiting for more pics?
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    This is talking about when a persons healthy bf% is set. As an early teen your body sets the amount of fat cells it needs to be healthy. This is thought to be determined by aprox # of bf cells existing at the time.

    Is only confirms my statement.

    Edit to add fat cells can only fill so much, just like skin can only streaches so much. Once copasity is reached the body increases the number of cells produced till demands are met. Once this happens it goes back to business as usual.

    I'm just clarifying my earlier statement, and hoping to see members do some research on their own. :)
    Curious though, do you not believe that epigenetic changes can be passed through the germ line for many generations? Or that getting your genotype from a methyl markup from your grandmother doesn't matter?

    * done with this thread. ;)

    YAY! Derail over!!!

    Now, more yoga pants / short shorts!

    Am I the only one still waiting for more pics?

    I find butt selfies particularly difficult.

    ETA: however, I don't wear Lulus so maybe my *kitten* doesn't belong in this thread anyhow.
  • SunofaBeach14
    SunofaBeach14 Posts: 4,899 Member
    This is talking about when a persons healthy bf% is set. As an early teen your body sets the amount of fat cells it needs to be healthy. This is thought to be determined by aprox # of bf cells existing at the time.

    Is only confirms my statement.

    Edit to add fat cells can only fill so much, just like skin can only streaches so much. Once copasity is reached the body increases the number of cells produced till demands are met. Once this happens it goes back to business as usual.

    I'm just clarifying my earlier statement, and hoping to see members do some research on their own. :)
    Curious though, do you not believe that epigenetic changes can be passed through the germ line for many generations? Or that getting your genotype from a methyl markup from your grandmother doesn't matter?

    * done with this thread. ;)

    YAY! Derail over!!!

    Now, more yoga pants / short shorts!

    Am I the only one still waiting for more pics?

    I find butt selfies particularly difficult.

    ETA: however, I don't wear Lulus so maybe my *kitten* doesn't belong in this thread anyhow.

    I'm pretty sure a pic without pants of any sort would be most popular.
  • Any woman who is willing to shell out $100+ for a pair of yoga pants = not sexy in my eyes.

    Plus - who doesn't love when a girl with a nice booty has the cheeks hanging out the bottom of some itty bitty spandex shorts? I sure do love that ****.
  • summertime_girl
    summertime_girl Posts: 3,945 Member
    I got bored reading all the quoted stuff several pages back, so forgive me if I'm asking something already mentioned.

    But surely I'm not the ONLY woman on the planet who loves getting checked out? I'm happily married and not actually interested, but hey if someone wants to do some harmless window shopping and checks me out as part of that, that makes me feel great and not at all "objectified". Please do carry on looking!
    *high five*

    I love being appreciated!

  • bluefox9er
    bluefox9er Posts: 2,917 Member
    I am a huge fan of Lulu's, completely has taken my focus away from the short shorts in the gym. anyone else?

    real men don't need a gym.
  • Alex
    Alex Posts: 10,149 MFP Staff
    Hey Folks,

    Quick reminder to please keep it civil or move on and remember our photo guidelines when posting:

    12. No Profane, Vulgar, Sexually Explicit or Illegal Images

    All images on the site, including all profile pictures and images posted in the forums, should be work-place friendly. While we reserve the right to remove any photo we feel is inappropriate, here are some partial guidelines as to what is not acceptable:

    - no nudity
    - no underwear, thongs, g-strings, or banana hammocks
    - no pants or shorts worn mid-hip or below (no saggers)
    - no photos in which hands or objects are the only bodily covering
    - no excessive cleavage (if you would wear it to work, it’s probably OK)
    - no close-up shots of cleavage, butt, breasts or crotch in any state of dress
    - no hateful or violent imagery
    - no images containing profanity or vulgarity

    MFP Community Manager
  • giggitygoo
    giggitygoo Posts: 1,978 Member
    ^ someone had to specifically write "banana hammock" into the rules and guidelines. That's bananas! (I hate myself for that one)
  • DamePiglet
    DamePiglet Posts: 3,730 Member
    ^ someone had to specifically write "banana hammock" into the rules and guidelines. That's bananas! (I hate myself for that one)

  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    Ooooh, back in... see if this thread survives post-mod reminder of the rules.*

    (In my experience, that's usually the kiss of death for a thread.)

    Oh, and I vote for either. Who am I to tell someone what they should or shouldn't wear (and how much they should or shouldn't spend on their clothing?) I've learned in life that you often get what you pay for and that it is usually more expensive to buy the cheapest option...

    ...and in some cases the extra $$$ buys you a membership in some kind of secret club.

    *edit: my bet is that this dies out now...

    ...but could certainly still end in an Olivilock™.
  • RhineDHP
    RhineDHP Posts: 1,025 Member
    $h!t just got real. I'm breaking out the popcorn and just watching the drama unfold. This is better than if "Mean Girls" and "The Biggest Loser" were made into one show.

    The Meanest Loser?
  • Mia_RagazzaTosta
    Mia_RagazzaTosta Posts: 4,885 Member
    Any woman who is willing to shell out $100+ for a pair of yoga pants = not sexy in my eyes.

    Plus - who doesn't love when a girl with a nice booty has the cheeks hanging out the bottom of some itty bitty spandex shorts? I sure do love that ****.

    I'm not sexy because I bought lululemon stuff?

    Got it.
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    $h!t just got real. I'm breaking out the popcorn and just watching the drama unfold. This is better than if "Mean Girls" and "The Biggest Loser" were made into one show.

    The Meanest Loser?
