Yes, about 58lbs in total. I make sure I have 2 Shreddied Wheat or some Rice Krispies and a Coffee every morning and that keeps me filled until lunchtime. If I don't eat first thing I find myself picking at stuff mid morning which is in itself a recipe for disaster.
As a kid in Northampton it was Breakfast, Dinner and Tea. As an adult in South Yorkshire it's become Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and Supper.
Encourage him to go on either a) a walk or b) a bike ride. If he is uncomfortable doing either a Wii with Fit Board is a great way of doing exercise indoors in private. But first off perhaps he joins up here and starts to just basic calorie count. A decent start for him.
I generally use the rule of eating half back of what I exercise. Seems to be working more than when I either didn't eat any or ate them all.
Hi, good going, feel free to add here too. Up near Sheffield
45 mins a day somwhere between 2pm and 4pm on the wii fit.
Same as above, feel free to add, along with others
Great stuff, many thanks for the help. A good read
Thank you for the reply and warm welcome. Any other advice from others would be appreciated too. Thanks