fortysixpounds Member


  • yea sugar withdrawal is temporary but it feels pretty awful. It does wear off, having said that I'd recommending gradually cutting back rather than going cold turkey. People can get very anxious with the headaches and the shakes even. I'd recommend weaning yourself of it, gradually reduce all the fake sugar and sugar in…
  • yes its quite normal especially if youre talking about reducing sugar containing foods...(I won't get started on my sugar rant :laugh: ) it mainly goes: sugar bad, artificial sweeteners worse. Try have some fruit to curb the craving or a little bit of honey. My sister is unbelievably difficult when she's hungry, I bring a…
  • not exactly but I got a groupon for this new gym that opened near me. The treadmills there stop sooo abruptly. Every single time I tried to switch it off, it stopped so suddenly I lost my balance and made a tit of myself haha. Also I set it to random and that was a big mistake the thing went from walking 2mph abruptly to a…
  • That's brilliant! Its really great motivation. I got a couple years ago when I joined and were still mfps :drinker: :smile:
  • Oh I think there's a good few in that is height/weight range. I've seen a good few posts you might need to go back a bit but there's a tall woman on nearly every page. You can add me for support if you like I'm 29, 5'10 and I've been 172 .:flowerforyou:
  • Haha you never know! Mfp is a big place. Good luck finding your twin :drinker:
  • We're very close!:flowerforyou: 29/f 5'10 138
  • I understand the concept of averages. I don't understand what the poster was trying to say though. If you re-read the post- it is a little unclear and open to interpretation :huh: I just wondered what was meant by the comment. Thanks for taking the time to try to explain though :flowerforyou:
  • I can't edit my op but I meant to include my sw so anyone with similar stats starting out if you'd like please do add me I don't log food anymore but I am active and do weigh in and post I do offer encouragement and support to my mfps :) (or anyone who is dedicated and would like some help/encouragement/friend) f/29…
  • 98lbs wow you certainly know what you're doing! You don't need this but just a reminder, scales are not everything. They are often inaccurate. People get really discouraged by numbers but the truth is, they lie sometimes. They're not totally accurate, not unless you have a team of physicists coming into your house and…
  • What do you mean?
  • I think the best way is to set small goals and then re-*kitten* as you go:) Its good youve consulted your g.p. you're off to a great start. BMI is a good rough guide. There is also now increased emphasis on the importance of fat distribution. Carrying excess fat around the middle contributes to more serious health problems…
  • hahaha no I don't but I am in a small minority of non Catholics. Most of the population are Irish Catholics and would cross themselves passing a church...or if an ambulance passes them...actually theres lots of occasions where I've seen people do that :smile:
  • oooooh great thread, so nice to see all you tall women, I'm always in a minority where I'm from :sad: I hit my goal of 140 back before Christmas 2012 and maintained ever since (until now ) I've decided to take it down a bit lower. I'm thinkin 132 and I'll see what that looks like. I suppose I need more toning so I might…
  • Right everybody who isn't qualified, certified or licensed to give out advice, out you go, off you go now, get out of here.
  • hmm I suppose for me, the crux of it is, did the op ask the forum for opinions on her doctors orders to go to a 1200 cal diet? If she did, fair enough carry on forum carry on but if not...:huh: well I think liberties have been taken. ..and apologies are due. Our op has been upset by some unsolicited advice. Ha do they say…
  • lol :laugh: I re-read that. Im sorry if that sounded a bit harsh. It's just after 3 years on here, I've noticed a pattern. And a lot of the time its the same people over and over again, they think they know best and they're not content to give their own views, they have to put down everybody else's views. You get used to…
  • The problem with mfp is that a lot of people on here 'think' they're an expert except they're not experts at all. Some of it is well-intention-ed but a lot of it is just arrogance and ignorance which is just the worst combination and unfortunately a common combination on these forums. Unfortunately many people on here are…
  • Well I think yes and no. It may have been gradually happening and it has now tipped that point on your scales. Your body will fluctuate back and forth before sticking with a number. The scales often goes up after big workouts but it doesn't mean youve gained weight. Even if your body was like a calculator and you input…
  • D'oh I wasn't gonna return to this...human nature eh. Just to clarify, as stated, if anybody wants to read studies I'd be happy to link them, just send me a pm. In any case my advice to the op was more rounded than about sugar, cherrypicking indeed. To the last two posters and the one previous with the 'butthurt' comments,…
  • If you could just show me your qualifications that entitle you to discredit Dr. Lustig, a leading pediatric endocrinologist, I will listen to your sneers. I might also point out that after speaking so condescendingly to me (I just don't think theres ever any need to be rude to people, theres lots of ways to get your point…
  • There is a mean spiritedness in this forum which is so sad because this used to be such a kind place. Now everybody seems to try and get one over on everyone else. I recommend anyone who doesn't know about the sugar epidemic to go and read up on it. There are plenty of articles available on it. A good place to start is a…
  • To the op, I really wish you the best of luck, do let us know how you get on with your journey. :flowerforyou:
  • Gosh This forum is so argumentative. I mentioned 1200 because it is what most people are using on mfp. I mentioned sugar and cleaning eating because of studies. Are you a Scientist? I am.
  • Well I'm not a doctor so I couldn't give tailored individual weightloss advice - thats why I've said *most people* I mentioned 1200 because I think thats the default setting on mfp. I mentioned 1500 because that was the ops question and having considered minimum bmr I think that if someone has weight to lose, they can on…
  • I still hold you can lose on 1500cal if you're eating clean and a bit active. I think that most people who have weight to lose can lose on 1500. If you can't lose on 1500 calories, you probably don't have weight to lose. I've always thought 1200 was too extreme. It isn't about sticking to a magic number 1200, food is a lot…
  • yes you can. I lost over 60 lbs that way. However you can not lose weight if your calories are all sugar.
  • Where you store fat depends a lot on your genetics. Some people carry on their legs and hips and some on the abdomen. I too am a belly carrier and getting down to that last little bit and then it not budging is frustrating. I feel your pain. How long have you been going with your current routine? I suggest you look to your…
  • Just going through my old topics and I wish I knew then what I know now. watch 'The bitter truth about sugar' on youtube