

  • oh no! triple post! :blushing:
  • oops! double post!
  • Me, too. I was traumatized by my high school gym teacher, and since then have really hated running and team sports (always feeling like I was the bumbling idiot who lost the game for everyone else). In college, I started swimming, and found a sport that I was actually pretty good at, and one where my big feet were an…
  • I've wondered about this as well. I found a couple of interesting articles on the subject of how to eat around an exercise schedule, which you may find interesting: From the Mayo Clinic: Eating and exercise: Time it right to maximize your workout http://www.mayoclinic.com/health/exercise/HQ00594_D And from MSN health:…
    in Confused! Comment by JuliaKia April 2008
  • Coming in to this, I set myself a series of mini-goals... Last night I went to the gym, having already eaten all my calories for the day, and did an hour-long high-impact aerobics class. By the end, I wanted to hit the instructor with one of the dumbbells he made us use. I was SO tired and grouchy. But yesterday was one of…
  • What a great story! Any chance you can tell us a website on which to look up the story?
  • My trainer at the gym recommended that I try to eat 5 or 6 small meals a day - but I'm having a lot of trouble with this. I find that I'm getting very few green vegetables for one thing. But also, it seems to be very time-consuming in preparation. Does anyone have an example "menu" for one day that breaks up my meals, but…
  • Hi everyone! I am so glad I found this site! I am more numbers-oriented than I thought, and have really been enjoying using all the tools here! I'm trying to lose about 10 pounds in 2 months (for a friend's wedding on the beach!), and another 5 with no real date in mind yet. 2 more months? In the first week, I cut back on…
    in Hello! Comment by JuliaKia April 2008
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