

  • Woohoo, you go girl! You look great! I really like the side shots over the course of your diet! It's like.....oops! where'd she go? :-)
  • I've had heel spurs before and I also have a spur on one of my vertibrae. When I found Clarks, I stopped having so much foot and back pain. At first, they only had casual shoes, but now they have athletic shoes too. I haven't tried them, but any Clarks shoe that I have worn has been great. I cannot find a local retailer…
  • I agree with dragonbug, except for one thing. When I was on a diet years ago, my nutritionist upped my carb intake for a couple days to break through a plateau. She had me add a small baked potato to my dinner. Keep at it, sometimes it takes a while for the exercise to show up.
  • I have seen several different calorie counts. My suggestion would be to break it down into ingredients.
  • Welcome! I'm trying to lose 75 by my 50th in February. I'd like to lose at least down to 200 before my son's wedding in September. Good luck on your journey. If you'll encourage me, I'll encourage you. I like your screenname. ~Regina :happy:
  • Weddngs must be a huge motivator! I'm trying to lose so that I don't have to wear a huge tent dress to my son's wedding in September. I would like to lose about 80 lbs. I'm also trying to change my lifestyle, eating right and exercising regularly. This is my first week on this website. I will support and try to motivate…
    in Its time Comment by Regina214 March 2011
  • Welcome! Today is my 4th day! Tracking is essential as far as I'm concerned. It makes me think twice about what I'm about to put in my mouth. Today I added walking. I can't wait to start seeing real results. I am so so very grateful for this website. Good luck in your journey. ~Regina :happy:
  • Welcome Janet! I just started here on Monday. I'm still looking around, but like you, I am determined this time too. My son is getting married in September and I want to be able to wear a nice dress and not look huge. Good luck on your journey to better health. Feel free to add me as a friend. I will try to be as…
  • Thanks everyone for the welcome and the support. I was on here a little while ago and got really motivated. I walked for 30 minutes on the treadmill and then did some upper body weight training. I think I'm gonna like this site!:love: