weight loss

Hi I'm K.Town, First Timer, I want to lose 30 pounds by NovemberThe Big 50:happy: :happy:


  • afteil
    afteil Posts: 162 Member
    Welcome! I hope MFP can help you on your journey. I love that you are trying to get in shape before your birthday! My mom is right there with you (although her birthday is coming up in may :)) It is never too late and you are never too young XD to get in shape!
    If you have any questions, ask around- I think through these forums you can find the answer to almost any question lol
  • Regina214
    Regina214 Posts: 10
    Welcome! I'm trying to lose 75 by my 50th in February. I'd like to lose at least down to 200 before my son's wedding in September. Good luck on your journey. If you'll encourage me, I'll encourage you. I like your screenname. ~Regina :happy: