

  • You know,I learned to love my fat body more and more as I traveled.Traveling taught me to love my body as is,so many other countries have people who don't give a crap about what others think.I've seen plenty of really big people naked at nude beaches..they were nude,flabby,hairy,and fantastic!! They only cared about the…
  • I love my fit bit...FYI,the website says that you can see your "steps" during the day on your smartphone,but the technology on the fitbit flex does not work with all phones...they have a list of phones on the website. Some of the other models show the steps on the device,but the flex just has lights that glow for every 20%…
  • For weight loss I like the Sargento extra thin cheese..its 40 calories of REAL cheese,not fat free yucky cheese.
  • No, that post should be written, that's why the diet books say "see your Dr. first" so many people start a "diet" without seeing their Dr. and try to lose weight not knowing if they have something that can hinder their progress. I tried to lose weight for months before I was diagnosed with Pcos and Prediabetes.I was losing…
  • Its EASY to tell from these comments who actually READ the book/followed the plan.For the 100TH TIME- Atkins is NOT low carb FOREVER!!! You must go through the PHASES..phases ONE is 20 carbs or less for TWO WEEKS...those carbs should come from VEGETABLES...there are MORE phases and carbs(even BREAD and FRUIT(gasp) are…
  • If you are not hungry then don't eat,trust your body and its signals,as long as you are not eating too low too often,then I don't see a problem with it.
  • Seems like you need to have a talk with your partner.Eating better can benefit the whole family your child included.What I would do is make 1 meal and 1-2 sides.If you made fried chicken for him why not make the chicken,a side salad,and some broccoli? You can have 1-2 pieces of chicken and the veggies and he will be…
  • Boiled egg,string cheese,and an apple. Or 100 calorie pack of walnuts,orange,and Greek yogurt.
  • You just proved her point
  • OP, at my job I rarely see anyone with the same temperature everyday and I take vitals all day on the same 35+ patients. May I ask your age? If you are closer to 60,then it would be normal for your temperature to drop. People under 11 and over 60 have different Temp ranges.
  • Interesting. I know that we don't lose fat cells as we lose weight, they just shrink(while patiently waiting to expand again).
  • Eating a whole package of cookies sounds like emotional eating to me. Did you eat them while stressed, or mindless snacking? I don't cut anything out of my diet. The only thing that I can't have around is Vodka, because I will drink it daily. Now,I just drink on Friday or Saturday and I only bring enough for the day into…
  • Hugs to ya!!!! I used to eat fast food everyday when I first started. What I did was look at the webpage of every place before I decided what to order. Most of the time I had my Burger and a side salad. If I was craving Popeye's Chicken I ate the chicken, half of a small side, and No biscuit or drink...I learned the beauty…
  • About the kids...I know that it can be difficult to diet with a family, but my kids have to eat what I cook or fend for themselves. I always make a protein, carb, and 1-2 veggies, or the usual tacos, pasta, casserole etc.I think that its important to make meals that are healthy for everyone in order to not stress yourself…
  • I like the Atkins shakes. I'm not sure if they will keep you full. I would eat them with almonds if blood sugar is an issue. What works better at keeping me full are the Atkins Peanut Butter chocolate bars. They are filled with Fiber!!! I used to work those hours too, what I did was eat a nice Dinner and carry 100 calorie…
  • How long should one aim to lose 1% per week? How close to your goal can you be and still expect to lose 1% per week?
  • I eat Musslemans applesause and its 50 calories.
  • Now this is how you disagree while remaining pleasant. Love it!
  • Honestly, I drink every weekend. My drinks are just different. I used to drink about twice a week and have Sugary margaritas and colorful girl drinks. Now, I pick one day a week to drink and my mixers are diet soda or 5 calorie Minute maid Peach. I also went from drinking a whole bottle of Vodka/tequila AND 2-3 beers in…
  • I like the Just dance videos on the Wii. If you have Windows 8 there is an app that is free and similar to Just Dance, but it uses the computer camera and that freaks me out lol! Water aerobics are great and walking. The fitbit has helped me and I just try to get as many steps in as I can, I even did extra house work today…
  • Bumping for ya!
  • Pretty much the rudeness that I speak of,fortunately, I LOVE the IGNORE feature and I wont see your response (which will be rude I'm sure) so don't waste your time.
  • They will throw you to the wolves and call you dinner!!!! I invited 5 people to MFP and 4 of them left because of this rude forum.I just come on late at night when I'm bored at work,but I would probably never post a topic.If you don't agree with the "Cool Kids" You are labeled wrong and practicing Witchery!
  • Sex is exercise too!
  • My cycle ONLY comes when I am keto or low carb.
  • I LOVE Jamaica! and they LOVE fat girls! I have been there 3 times and every place that I stayed had traditional Jamaican dishes and lots of American food. The resorts that I stayed at had different restaurants on site like Chinese ,Italian, Burgers.You can make any diet plan fit there and the fish is Sooooo yummy! I did…
    in Jamaica Comment by lovelayla March 2014
  • Don't wait for tomorrow to begin again, start right now! Go for your walk and have a healthy dinner. You can do it!!! I have my calories as a weekly goal for days like this...
  • 100 calorie almond/walnut packs and apples....great on the go and will last in your purse for awhile.
    in sodium Comment by lovelayla March 2014
  • I always feel funny after eating bananas and I am prediabetic. I'm supposed to eat them with nuts or some other fat,but that does not help.Have you had your blood sugar tested? Having the shakes is not normal so yea,talk to your DR.
  • When I was first diagnosed the Dr. gave me Progesterone. I took 2 pills and my period came the next morning. Before that I would say that my period came 1-2 a year for 10 years. I saw MANY Dr.'s who seemed to not know why my periods never came. I started at 10 and they were irregular since then so the DR's would say that I…