Anyone else get the shakes?

I've always been a bit of a grazer, and for some time now I've noticed that I get some odd symptoms if I don't eat every 3-4 hours during the day. I start to shake all over, I feel weak, nauseous and sometimes I start to get tunnel vision...

Today I started off with muesli and berries at around 6.30am, followed by a coffee. My morning snack at 9.30am was some trail mix. Lunch at 12.30pm was a pastrami and spinach sandwich and a some dates. At 2.30pm I ate a banana. By 4.30pm I was shaking and felt faint, I also got hot all over. This was so bad that I had to raid the biscuit jar at work, not the best choice I know, but there was nothing else nearby and I felt like I was going to faint then and there! It's now 5.30pm and I feel fine, dinner will be ready in the next couple of hours. I wouldn't normally worry but having to eat so often is resulting in me blowing out of my calorie limit.

Does anyone else get this? Should I maybe see a doctor about it? I know I have low blood pressure which the doctor said can make you feel faint sometimes, but I'm worried it could be something worse...


  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123
    I always feel funny after eating bananas and I am prediabetic. I'm supposed to eat them with nuts or some other fat,but that does not help.Have you had your blood sugar tested? Having the shakes is not normal so yea,talk to your DR.
  • aqualeo1
    aqualeo1 Posts: 331 Member
    I get this. My face and skin gets hot but I feel cold on the inside. Vision gets strange and I feel foggy. I don't know what it is for sure. I have a feeling it's low blood sugar. My mom is diabetic and she tested mine a few times and it was low. It happens some days and not others but I can't pinpoint what I'm doing differently those days. It does seem to happen more when I do like you said and graze though which is weird to me because you would think eating more often would keep sugar levels more steady. Idk
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    It may be easier to see what's going on if you open your diary. There are lots of different reasons why you may be getting light headed.

    What is your calorie limit? If you've got it set too low then you may be getting faint because you're not eating enough and letting your blood sugar drop too low.

    How is your salt intake? You say you have low blood pressure, this can be exacerbated if you're not eating enough salt.

    How are you iron levels? Feeling faint can be a sign of anaemia.
  • Mrsallypants
    Mrsallypants Posts: 887 Member
    Sounds like hypoglycemia.

    Might want to get some blood work done at your doctor.
  • Thanks everyone. If you want to view my diary then feel free to add me as a friend.

    I probably do need to add a little salt to my meals, my doctor tells me too but I never do out of habit. My blood work always come back normal for iron which can be frustrating.

    Like you aqualeo I cannot pinpoint why I only get this some days and not others. Also, sometimes I can barely eat all day and not get like this. My calorie limit is 1200 as recommended by my doctor and the program.
  • KarenJanine
    KarenJanine Posts: 3,497 Member
    My calorie limit is 1200 as recommended by my doctor and the program.

    This would be the obvious answer. 1200 may not be enough for you. I would certainly struggle to get through the day on that little.

    The 1200 suggested by MFP is not a 'limit', it's a goal. It is also intended that you exercise and eat back exercise calories. You don't have much to lose so I would recommend adjusting your weight loss goal to either 1.0 or 0.5 lb per week. This will give you a higher daily calorie goal.

    NB. Most doctors have very limited knowledge of nutrition. You would be better seeking the advice of a registered dietitian.
  • SarahxApple
    SarahxApple Posts: 166 Member
    Sounds like your blood sugar is dropping especially if raiding the cookie jar helped. I have problems controlling my blood sugar when I exercise but I am NOT diabetic so don't automatically assume you are, do get it checked and perhaps check what you are eating, it could be a case of finding what works for you.

    I hope you figure it out soon I know from experience sometimes these 'episodes' are quite frightening.
  • Woodster83
    Woodster83 Posts: 71 Member
    I get this if I eat mainly carbs, similar to hypoglycemia but I've never been diagnosed with it.

    Since switching to 1 small piece of wholemeal bread and 2 eggs for breakfast, I don't get it at all.

    Basically, I don't eat too many carbs anymore, just an average amount and it's helped loads.

    If I ate cereal for breakfast I'd be shaky and hungry by 11am.

    I always crave a sweet apple or something.

    Hope you get it sorted out.
  • SezxyStef
    SezxyStef Posts: 15,268 Member
    Thanks everyone. If you want to view my diary then feel free to add me as a friend.

    I probably do need to add a little salt to my meals, my doctor tells me too but I never do out of habit. My blood work always come back normal for iron which can be frustrating.

    Like you aqualeo I cannot pinpoint why I only get this some days and not others. Also, sometimes I can barely eat all day and not get like this. My calorie limit is 1200 as recommended by my doctor and the program.

    Wow what program? Doctors unless trained in nutrition aren't the best ones to give diet advice....registered dieticians who keep current are the ones who should be giving that advice.

    In all honesty I get that somedays too...if I haven't drank enough water...I have low blood pressure.

    But on Sunday when I was at 1200 calories (I normally eat 1600) I had the same thing happen and it transferred over into the next day....yesterday...
  • 47Jacqueline
    47Jacqueline Posts: 6,993 Member
    Yes, 1200 calories is pretty low. I lost weight at about 1450 calories, more if I exercised. Also, it doesn't sound as if you are eating enough protein. Maybe substitute a hard boiled egg for the trail mix.
  • kellymac518
    kellymac518 Posts: 132 Member
    you should talk to your doctor... could be something to do with your blood sugar levels. i have insulin resistance from PCOS and if i don't eat often enough my body feels like its going to collapse and eventually i get the shakes.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    I've always been a bit of a grazer, and for some time now I've noticed that I get some odd symptoms if I don't eat every 3-4 hours during the day. I start to shake all over, I feel weak, nauseous and sometimes I start to get tunnel vision...

    Today I started off with muesli and berries at around 6.30am, followed by a coffee. My morning snack at 9.30am was some trail mix. Lunch at 12.30pm was a pastrami and spinach sandwich and a some dates. At 2.30pm I ate a banana. By 4.30pm I was shaking and felt faint, I also got hot all over. This was so bad that I had to raid the biscuit jar at work, not the best choice I know, but there was nothing else nearby and I felt like I was going to faint then and there! It's now 5.30pm and I feel fine, dinner will be ready in the next couple of hours. I wouldn't normally worry but having to eat so often is resulting in me blowing out of my calorie limit.

    Does anyone else get this? Should I maybe see a doctor about it? I know I have low blood pressure which the doctor said can make you feel faint sometimes, but I'm worried it could be something worse...

    I get this, I'm hypoglycemic/insulin resistant and if my blood sugar drops too low that's exactly how I feel. Just looking at what you said you ate, I'm going to guess you had too much sugar and not enough protein/fat to balance it out. Does the muesli have added sugar in it? Plus berries, plus probably dried fruit and/or chocolate in the trail mix, dates, a banana, then biscuits which you were probably craving to get your blood sugar back up, that's just a sugar roller coaster all day. I'd suggest maybe switching to eggs or cottage cheese or something for breakfast, and try to always have some sort of protein when you're eating something with sugar in it.
  • bren998
    bren998 Posts: 92 Member

    Yes, it happens to me. I have had blood work done and all was normal but my vitamin D. it was low, so I started taking a vitamin & it seems to be helping.
  • SonicDeathMonkey80
    SonicDeathMonkey80 Posts: 4,489 Member
    Eating 1200 calories with 2-3hrs between feedings would give anyone the shakes I think... try eating more snacks in between your meals.
  • aribugg
    aribugg Posts: 164 Member
    You have the same problems i do, and im hypoglycemic. you may not be, but it is something worth seeing a doctor over. until you can get to the doctor, try eating more fruits and carbs and see if that helps any. protein may also be an issue for you ( if it is hypoglycemia) that differs from person to person. so focus on getting lots of fruits, carbs and protein.
  • PaleoPath4Lyfe
    PaleoPath4Lyfe Posts: 3,161 Member
    I no longer get the shakes like that.

    This is one of the main reasons that I like and enjoy a high fat, moderate protein way of eating. My blood sugar stays stable, I am never hungry feeling and my moods are level.
  • Leonidas_meets_Spartacus
    Leonidas_meets_Spartacus Posts: 6,198 Member
    I no longer get the shakes like that.

    This is one of the main reasons that I like and enjoy a high fat, moderate protein way of eating. My blood sugar stays stable, I am never hungry feeling and my moods are level.
    DSTMT Posts: 417 Member
    You have the same problems i do, and im hypoglycemic. you may not be, but it is something worth seeing a doctor over. until you can get to the doctor, try eating more fruits and carbs and see if that helps any. protein may also be an issue for you ( if it is hypoglycemia) that differs from person to person. so focus on getting lots of fruits, carbs and protein.

    The only thing I would say about this is fruit is awesome obviously but it does have a lot of natural sugar in it, so you want to be careful not to overdo it without balancing it out like I'd mentioned before...and simple carbs could be a problem too, once I'd been diagnosed as hypoglycemic and insulin resistant (I have PCOS) I found that really reducing my carbs and increasing protein/fat made a world of difference.
  • AsaThorsWoman
    AsaThorsWoman Posts: 2,303 Member
    It does sound like hypoglycemia or reactive hypoglycemia.
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Cutting down on the carbs took away my shakes. Since June of last year I kept my carbs under 34 a day. Now I am just cutting out carbs like breads, pastas and sugar staying under 100 a day. 90% of my carbs come from fruit and veggies. Most of my diet is high protein.

    You can test if this is the problem for you. Have a bagel and see if you get the shakes with in the next hour.
  • dianefisher47
    dianefisher47 Posts: 234 Member
    This was happening to me also when I ate 1200 calories .I upped them and I am doing fine now...go to and check your TDEE or BMR..I am now doing TDEE minus 20% and feel good :flowerforyou:
  • llgbauer
    llgbauer Posts: 3 Member
    I get low blood sugar too, and I'm pre diabetic too. If I ate a carb meal or snack without much protein, then I will get shaky, hot, weird vision, etc about 2.5-3 hours afterwards. I find that I really can't go in the afternoon for more than 3-4 hours without SOMETHING. It can be a few almonds or a half a pretzel, but it needs to be consistent. If you tell your doctor they may have you do a 5 hour glucose test... which sucks, but it'll will confirm your issues. Good luck. Honestly I just try to figure out how to work around it. There isn't any consistent rules that has worked for me.
  • stef_monster
    stef_monster Posts: 205 Member
    This has been happening to me for years. It was a lot worse when I first started trying to take better care of myself, but I think that was due to me working out too much for the small amount of calories I was consuming. I would get lightheaded, disoriented, hot and cold at once, shaky, irritable, nauseous, sweaty, tunnel vision, dizzy, you name it, if I didn't eat every 3 or 4 hours. It's improved now that I'm eating more protein, but I still snack on fruit, veggies, or string cheese between meals. If I eat a huge meal (600+ calories), I can go 6 or 7 hours with no food without the slightest discomfort. My meals are usually 300-400 calories, though, so I snack to make up for it.

    I've had routine blood work done recently, and my blood sugar was normal after 8 or 9 hours of fasting. I don't think I have hypoglycemia or pre-diabetes or anything- in my opinion, my problem is a simple lack of food for my activity level. Couldn't hurt to get checked, though.

    I've found the best line of defense against the shakes/ blood sugar lows is preparation. I carry food around like a pack rat. I keep sandwich bags with grapes and a serving of string cheese, pre-peeled clementines, apples, almonds, peanut butter/ PB2, hummus, celery, baby carrots. When I'm going somewhere for several hours, I grab 3 or 4 of them so I don't put myself in the 'biscuit jar' situation.

    Best of luck to you!
  • bunkahes
    bunkahes Posts: 216 Member
    Either your eating to few calories and your body doesnot like it or you may have sugar problems
  • Swiftdogs
    Swiftdogs Posts: 328 Member
    I used to have a lot of trouble with the shakes between meals. I don't now, even with a calorie deficit, because I make sure I get plenty of protein and fat. At 1200, you need to make sure you hit or exceed those macros every day. Also consider setting your weekly loss goal a bit lower for a more sustainable calorie number.
  • twerps4jesusjo
    twerps4jesusjo Posts: 34 Member
    I have dealt with this all of my life. I have low blood pressure and low blood sugar (when I don't get enough water and protien).. My best advice is to make sure you are eating protien rich foods and drinking plenty of water. If you start to feel faint, try eating a few nuts and drinking a Powerade Zero. It works great for me. :)
  • Rivers2k
    Rivers2k Posts: 380 Member
    Cutting down on the carbs took away my shakes. Since June of last year I kept my carbs under 34 a day. Now I am just cutting out carbs like breads, pastas and sugar staying under 100 a day. 90% of my carbs come from fruit and veggies. Most of my diet is high protein.

    You can test if this is the problem for you. Have a bagel and see if you get the shakes with in the next hour.

    I posted this earlier ^^^ and just found out me and my coworkers favorite Pizza Place just reopened after burning to the ground 9 months ago. I currently have the shakes from 3 slices of pizza. Not to mention I went over my calories ugh.
  • s1rens0ng
    s1rens0ng Posts: 127 Member
    i get the shakes and feel faint when i smell chocolate.... seriously just get checked out with your doctor as people have already said.
  • sneaks
    sneaks Posts: 19
    I get this. I have PCOS and my understanding is that when I eat food my body produces loads of insulin because my body is basically a bit crap, and then because of the insulin I get a sudden drop in blood sugar. I get the shakes, feel faint. I've even had to be wary about driving at certain times because I've noticed my reactions are strange and I don't concentrate in the same way - I also become very clumsy.

    I'm trying to minimise it be eating low GI- carbs definitely make it much worse, and eating regularly. 7am breakfast, 11am snack, 12/1pm lunch, 3pm snack, 7pm dinner, 9pm snack - I usually come in at 1200 kcals.

    I also have to carry nuts or something small with me in case I get stuck somewhere - 30 mins can send me crashing into a shaky mess.
  • Good to know I'm not the only one out there with this problem!

    I'm going to speak to my doctor about this when I see him next, I'm on anti-depressants which don't help with my blood pressure at all.

    As for the 1200 calories, I follow Michelle Bridges 12 Week Body Transformation (12WBT), 1200 is the recommendation for losing 0.5-1kg per week. I have 5kg to lose. Recently I took a break from the 12WBT and started eating 1500 calories a day, this resulted in me gaining 2kg! So I think 1200 is a good amount for me to lost 0.5kg a week, and to maintain I'd be looking at around 1400. I don't always eat back the calories I burn because some days I only burn 200 and it doesn't seem worth it. Those aren't necessarily the days I get the shakes. I checked these figures with my doctor and he said this is fine as long as eventually I return to eating 1400 calories.

    So it looks like I need to cut down on carbs, watch my sugar intake and increase protein? Protein has been difficult for me because I'm not huge on red meat (not store purchased anyway), I hate eggs and I can only stomach so much dairy in a day. That seems to only leave nuts, seeds and white meat...

    Any suggestions as to how I can up my protein intake?