Three weeks in and I already fell off the wagon

psibaby Posts: 88 Member
Hi everyone,
Can you share what keeps you going when cravings are calling your name? I am only three weeks into counting calories. I have lost 8.2 pounds total, but the problem is the first week I lost 7.6 and the second week I lost .6. After all of this hard work and trying to eat close to or under calories I couldn't believe I only lost .6 pounds. That low number sent me into a tailspin. I snacked all night and all day today. I am done eating for today (7:20pm my time) and I want to get back on track tomorrow.

I thought I had this. I thought I was doing so well and this was going to work and I just lost it. Please share what you do when you have an off day to get back on track.


  • Dylstep
    Dylstep Posts: 2 Member
    I'd just try to space out what you do eat more over your day. Eat quite a lot but with a large gap inbetween each meal but make sure you monitor the calories you're taking in. That's what I've been doing anyway :)
  • jrkuhler
    jrkuhler Posts: 2
    Are you working out at all too? Your muscle weighs a lot more than fat so if you're gaining muscle that could make it seem like you're not really losing. Try to take measurements of your waist, hips, thighs, arms, etc, and try not to let the scale bring you down! If you are sticking with your goal, you will be healthier and lose weight. Also, I try to only measure myself maybe once a month..good luck!!
  • selfepidemic1
    selfepidemic1 Posts: 159 Member
    What are you craving?
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    If you lost 7.6 lbs in the first week, you probably restricted too much, and that's why the cravings. Follow this advice... Down-Arrow.png And eat sensibly, with a reasonable deficit.
  • jwooley13
    jwooley13 Posts: 243
    I have a list of things that I like to do when I'm feeling snacky. First, I'll almost always make a pot of tea. Slowly sipping something warm gives me something to do and a lot of times can satisfy my cravings completely. If I'm still antsy or stressed, I'll pick up a piece of knitting. Having something to focus on and do with my hands makes it physically impossible to reach for the popcorn bowl. Third, if the weather's nice, I'll pop in a piece of gum and take the dog for a walk. It gets rid of nervous energy and makes me feel generally refreshed!

    Those strategies are certainly not the only options. Find out why you're snacking and find another outlet for those feelings without depriving yourself!
  • krazyforyou
    krazyforyou Posts: 1,428 Member
    You need to understand after a big weight loss, your body needs to readjust and a small weight loss isnt bad. Give it at least one month. As far as snacks, you can eat whatever you like, just work it into your calories and macros. You need to see what your TDEE and BMR is and make a 20% deficet from that and you will certainly lose.
  • Frank_Just_Frank
    Frank_Just_Frank Posts: 454 Member
    The body does this sometimes. For a few months I was gaining and losing the same 5 pounds over and over again....then I dropped 30 pounds....then I gained 10 back and I'm stuck there again...Just keep focusing on being active and eating healthy food at a calorie deficit, the rest is patience. good luck!
  • Singularity84
    Singularity84 Posts: 98 Member
    If I'm really craving something, I eat it, I just try to watch my portion size (only eat one brownie instead of an entire pan of brownies) and then work the rest of my days calories around that indulgence.

    Otherwise, I just end up eating all day, and never quite get satisfied. For me at least, it's better to just give in and let myself have what I want in small doses.
  • gmove
    gmove Posts: 81 Member
    It is difficult to offer any good advice without access to your food diary.

    1) You could have starved yourself during the first week
    2) You could be starving yourself now
    3) You may be eating to many empty calories
    4) You may not be eating enough calories

    Really the possibilities are numerous.
  • enoliaa
    enoliaa Posts: 28 Member
    Enjoy it!
    Just go with the flow, resisting is not good...Start over again, next day. Plan cheating every week (with moderation) and you will be fine...Sometimes, lack of sleep or stress causes cravings but some other time, it just happens, take it in and get over it next day but don't give up.
  • lindanewland37
    lindanewland37 Posts: 38 Member
    It's pretty common to lose a bunch the first week - I have learned not to be alarmed when I don't lose what I think I should. Sometimes I lose little or nothing for a week or even a couple of weeks and then I'll have a big loss. I just keep plugging away and working my plan knowing that the weight loss will show up. Because of diabetes and heart disease I have to stick with these changes in my lifestyle and I know the weight will come off - but I don't expect it to come off by next Tuesday - LOL. It's taken me a year to lose 57 pounds and I expect it to take another year and a half or longer to lose the rest. I quit weighing myself weekly because it was stressing me out when I had no loss or a small loss - so now I am only weighing every few weeks and I don't feel as much (self applied) pressure. As far as the cravings, I was a huge fast food junkie and just had to gut it out - wish I had some great tips for you on that. Distraction does help sometimes though - if you are having bad cravings, find something to keep busy with for a little while to take your head away from the cravings. Hang in there - don't let one week make you throw in the towel. I do read a lot on the message boards for motivation, encouragement, enlightenments and even some entertainment although I don't post much. Best of luck to you for success in the future.
  • The trick for me is to eat something unhealthy if I want to - I just fit it in to my mealplan.
    But of course, the less calories you got to eat in a day, the harder it gets to fit in two cookies or whatever.
    But as someone said, it's mostly about portion size. Just allow yourself to eat "unhealthy" stuff too, but not too much at one time.
  • GiveItAll92
    GiveItAll92 Posts: 26 Member
    If I'm really craving something, I eat it, I just try to watch my portion size (only eat one brownie instead of an entire pan of brownies) and then work the rest of my days calories around that indulgence.

    Otherwise, I just end up eating all day, and never quite get satisfied. For me at least, it's better to just give in and let myself have what I want in small doses.

    ^ I do this exact same thing otherwise I will crave it for days and eat a bunch of unnecessary stuff
  • psibaby
    psibaby Posts: 88 Member
    Thanks for the ideas and the possible reasons. It was emotional eating. In my mind, I know 8 pounds in two weeks is an accomplishment, but for some reason I just got bummed out at the scale and resorted to old habits. Thanks for offering your personal ups and downs with the scale.

    I also like the idea of getting a cup of tea or talking a walk, those are concrete strategies that I can add to my tool-belt. So far I have properly planned for cravings and snacks, I don't deny myself anything, I work it in, but this was different, this was giving in to emotional eating.

    I plan on getting back on track tomorrow.
    You all are awesome!
  • editorgrrl
    editorgrrl Posts: 7,060 Member
    There is no wagon! Eat "healthy" (whatever that means to you) 80% of the time. Fit yummy, portion-controlled treats into your calorie goal. Deprivation can lead to bingeing.

    A healthy loss is .5–2 lb. per week. Weight loss is not linear. Some weeks you'll lose a little, some weeks you'll lose a lot, some weeks you'll maintain, and some weeks you might even gain. Don't panic! All that matters is a downward trend.

    Take photos & measurements, and read this:
  • LVCeltGirl
    LVCeltGirl Posts: 473
    Hi everyone,
    Can you share what keeps you going when cravings are calling your name? I am only three weeks into counting calories. I have lost 8.2 pounds total, but the problem is the first week I lost 7.6 and the second week I lost .6. After all of this hard work and trying to eat close to or under calories I couldn't believe I only lost .6 pounds. That low number sent me into a tailspin. I snacked all night and all day today. I am done eating for today (7:20pm my time) and I want to get back on track tomorrow.

    I thought I had this. I thought I was doing so well and this was going to work and I just lost it. Please share what you do when you have an off day to get back on track.

    I have a glass of water nearby for the cravings (drink the water before giving into the cravings and wait 20 minutes to determine if it's simply a craving, or a true need/desire). You're still new in this and haven't gotten to the point of acceptance that "Weight Loss isn't Linear" so one week you'll have this awesome weight loss, the next week a really small one and then possibly a week or two where you lose nothing, sometimes you'll have a gain (those threw me for a loop at first). This is normal, especially at the beginning of this lifestyle change. You're learning how to eat, how to allow for the times where you "fall off the wagon" (because honestly we all have a bad day, or if we're lucky just a bad meal) and how to keep this up for a lifetime, not just for the timeframe of a "diet".

    Also such a large loss at the beginning is probably water weight. You really want to see weight loss at a pound or two per week. Anything more than that (after the initial week or two of rather large losses) could mean that you're losing too fast and won't keep it off. As with everything in life, there are exceptions to that rule (lose fast = gain back plus more).

    I'm proof that logging everything (the good, the bad and the ugly) does work. It's been at a snail's pace except for recently due to gallbladder removal surgery (lack of appetite and inability to eat too much fat without consequences). You can do this.
  • CharleeCali
    CharleeCali Posts: 51 Member
    I did the same thing. I lost 10 pounds, then gained 4 back in ONE weekend!! I've lost the 4 back now, but I was so mad at myself. The old me would have given up, but this place keeps me motivated.

    You can do this!
  • psibaby
    psibaby Posts: 88 Member
    I quit weighing myself weekly because it was stressing me out when I had no loss or a small loss - so now I am only weighing every few weeks and I don't feel as much (self applied) pressure. As far as the cravings, I was a huge fast food junkie and just had to gut it out - wish I had some great tips for you on that. Distraction does help sometimes though - if you are having bad cravings, find something to keep busy with for a little while to take your head away from the cravings. Hang in there - don't let one week make you throw in the towel. I do read a lot on the message boards for motivation, encouragement, enlightenments and even some entertainment although I don't post much. Best of luck to you for success in the future.

    That is exactly what is was, the pressure of weighing in. I was actually going to do the opposite and start weighing myself more than once a week with hopes that would keep me on track, but your idea is more appealing because it sounds less stressful to me.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Can you share what keeps you going when cravings are calling your name? I am only three weeks into counting calories. I have lost 8.2 pounds total, but the problem is the first week I lost 7.6 and the second week I lost .6. After all of this hard work and trying to eat close to or under calories I couldn't believe I only lost .6 pounds. That low number sent me into a tailspin. I snacked all night and all day today. I am done eating for today (7:20pm my time) and I want to get back on track tomorrow.

    I thought I had this. I thought I was doing so well and this was going to work and I just lost it. Please share what you do when you have an off day to get back on track.
    Your expectations are too high. Your aim should be to lose 1% of your body weight per week IF you're consistent. Throw consistency out the window and of course results go with them.
    Weight loss isn't linear and can be different week to week even if someone does the same exact regimen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • maryjay52
    maryjay52 Posts: 557 Member
    just get back on ..some of us fall off in three hours so you are doing good
  • Boom_Balatty
    Boom_Balatty Posts: 8 Member
    You and I are hitting the same first plateau. Lost 14lbs in two weeks and then the scale stopped dead and has stayed that way for 4 days. It's pretty discouraging, for sure, but it's about a lifestyle change, and not a diet.

    We're all invested in the outcome (of course) but it's not at though there will come a time where you can re-engage in the same habits that lead you to find your way here. It's about finding the correct course and then staying on it, forever. Again, a lifestyle change, and not a diet; a change for life.

    If you find a path without any obstacles, it probably doesn't lead anywhere. You seem like too smart of a person to be the only thing standing in your way. For what it's worth (admittedly little, from a stranger on the internet), I believe in you.

    I like to think of the plateaus as landings on the stairwell down to our goals. Less like obstacles, and more like opportunities to explore the various reasons we might not be seeing the results we want. Some of which, may be outside of our purview altogether.

    I hope you find your motivation, you've already started along the golden path, and sometimes we MUST stumble, in order to keep ourselves from falling.

    ~Will (Boom_Ballaty)
  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123
    Hi everyone,
    Can you share what keeps you going when cravings are calling your name? I am only three weeks into counting calories. I have lost 8.2 pounds total, but the problem is the first week I lost 7.6 and the second week I lost .6. After all of this hard work and trying to eat close to or under calories I couldn't believe I only lost .6 pounds. That low number sent me into a tailspin. I snacked all night and all day today. I am done eating for today (7:20pm my time) and I want to get back on track tomorrow.

    I thought I had this. I thought I was doing so well and this was going to work and I just lost it. Please share what you do when you have an off day to get back on track.
    Your expectations are too high. Your aim should be to lose 1% of your body weight per week IF you're consistent. Throw consistency out the window and of course results go with them.
    Weight loss isn't linear and can be different week to week even if someone does the same exact regimen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    How long should one aim to lose 1% per week? How close to your goal can you be and still expect to lose 1% per week?
  • kdawwg
    kdawwg Posts: 14
    The scale is so mean....don't get on the scale everyday, it can be depressing. Take measurements of your arms, waist, legs...etc...measure those every month or 3-4 weeks. That's such a better way to do it. The scale can go up and down depending on so many different things!

    I just did a program (p90x3) and it was so frustrating to work hard, get on the scale and then see the scale go UP.... so disappointing! I stuck with it and within a couple of weeks the scale would drop pretty good! The muscle that i was putting on eventually caught up and the scale started dropping. Had I not been doing measurements I would not have noticed how much I was losing! Just a thought!
  • kdeaux1959
    kdeaux1959 Posts: 2,675 Member
    As a pastor once said, the natural thing to do when you fall down is to get back up. Naturally, that is always what we do... Yet when we deal with behavioral things, often we allow ourselves to become defeated and mull around in it. If you fall today, by all means, dust yourself off and get back on track tomorrow. One bad day does not make you a failure; you only become a failure when you quit trying. As for me and the cravings thing, I try to find alternatives to calorie dense foods and exercise often can help us keep from eating too much. Sometimes we just have to be like Nancy Reagan said about drugs... Just say no. Eat 5-6 smaller meals and try not to go for several hours without eating... that makes us hungry and when we have snacks around, that is not a good thing. best of luck to you. balance in all things
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    .6 lbs is perfect! Do NOT expect to lose more than that long-term. There may even be months where you lose nothing at all. These are the moments that you need to remind yourself that this is a lifestyle and there is no going back. Either way, you are getting healthier (maybe not thinner...but still healthier!)

    Everyone falls off of the wagon...the trick is to acknowledge that you are off the wagon, and learning to get back on without too much damage done. THIS is what makes the difference between someone who can keep the weight off and someone who can not.

    I find it helpful when I find myself not losing anything to think "i am practicing for maintenance mode!"
  • dakotababy
    dakotababy Posts: 2,406 Member
    As a pastor once said, the natural thing to do when you fall down is to get back up. Naturally, that is always what we do... Yet when we deal with behavioral things, often we allow ourselves to become defeated and mull around in it. If you fall today, by all means, dust yourself off and get back on track tomorrow. One bad day does not make you a failure; you only become a failure when you quit trying.

    Wow...*Stands and applauds!*

    I work as an addiction counsellor and try to convey this message, but I really should just put this quote on the back of my business card....well...actually, then I would not get as much business if everyone listened to this advice.
  • SnuggleSmacks
    SnuggleSmacks Posts: 3,731 Member
    One thing I've found that works for me (and may not work if you live with other people) is to simply not keep indulgent snacks in the house. I don't buy them at all. That way, if I just have to have a snack, my choices are pretty much limited to nuts, yogurt, veggie chips and black bean hummus, carrots or sugar snap peas, or no sugar added 100 calorie ice cream bars. Or I can just go ahead and have a protein bar or shake that I was going to eat later anyway.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,940 Member
    Hi everyone,
    Can you share what keeps you going when cravings are calling your name? I am only three weeks into counting calories. I have lost 8.2 pounds total, but the problem is the first week I lost 7.6 and the second week I lost .6. After all of this hard work and trying to eat close to or under calories I couldn't believe I only lost .6 pounds. That low number sent me into a tailspin. I snacked all night and all day today. I am done eating for today (7:20pm my time) and I want to get back on track tomorrow.

    I thought I had this. I thought I was doing so well and this was going to work and I just lost it. Please share what you do when you have an off day to get back on track.
    Your expectations are too high. Your aim should be to lose 1% of your body weight per week IF you're consistent. Throw consistency out the window and of course results go with them.
    Weight loss isn't linear and can be different week to week even if someone does the same exact regimen.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition

    How long should one aim to lose 1% per week? How close to your goal can you be and still expect to lose 1% per week?
    Till about your last 10-15lbs.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal/Group FitnessTrainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 30 years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • them_and_me
    them_and_me Posts: 60 Member
    Definitely don't get discouraged if you have a bad day! You're doing great! I've found that focusing on small things, one at a time is making the biggest difference between a "diet" and a life style change. For example, I decided in January that I need to stop eating after 8. The amount of calories I consumed before going to bed was silly - really, I just needed to go the hell to sleep. I focused on that for two weeks.. didn't worry what I ate until I had that down. Now it's just the way it is, no food after 8 and I don't even get hungry anymore.

    Also, if you have a bad day, do something to turn it around! Go for a walk! There was a great post I read about Non-Zero days, do something, anything to bring you closer to your goal. No matter how small, just make it a non-zero day.
  • It's okay, you are not alone. If I have learned anything it is that we cannot deny ourselves things that we are used to. I am not saying if you are craving chips to eat the whole bag, but I am saying it is okay to see how many you can have and then eat those. The one thing that is hard for me is chocolate. I am sorry! I am a women and I crave chocolate. When I do, I will distract this craving first by drinking a cup of water and walk around for a little while to wait it out. If the craving is still there, then I will allow myself one small piece. As long as I do not over indulge I am good.

    "Alternative medicine practitioners believe that a shortage of magnesium can trigger a craving for chocolate. Foods that contain magnesium include whole grains, beans, nuts, seeds, and green vegetables such as spinach." found at re

    good luck and hang in there. If you are losing that much weight make sure your nutrition is balanced.

    Tammye M Paz