Why does everyone hate me? The forum Survival Guide.



  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    TL;DR: other n00bs: forums could be useful, but mostly an amazing display of drama you'd have to see to believe.

    I've been to all kinds of message boards. This one is by far the most entertaining. I thought people were rude at first (and yes, some people really are rude and condescending, not just blunt) but whatever. The more I read, the more hilarious it is. This is so entertaining. Just log on, log my calories, then if there's' nothing better to do, I click on any given thread (such as this one, title suggested it would be a goodie, though) and just kinda laugh A LOT.

    To other n00bs: this place is utter insanity. If you like watching drama without partaking, kick back and read the MFP forums. Many laughs and WTF moments guaranteed! That will happen within moments, depending on how quickly you read.

    I just want other n00bs reading this to catch that. I'm not engaging in any ridiculous argument. I'm on the message boards for the lulz and to occasionally offer input *that doesn't have to be taken seriously because we are all different and just because something works for me does not make it gospel* <---that's funny how that's everywhere here too. Laugh it off. Laugh most of it off. Such hypocrisy and body shaming and my way or the highway and misreading that leads to public whipping. Oh, it really is good times!

    I'm not being sarcastic when I say- THANK YOU! Thank you for providing possibly the best, WTF entertainment on the web. I'm not talking about anyone specifically at all. Or to everyone because not everyone is like that. But it's so great.

    10/10. Will check every day for all the hypocrisy and giggles. GRAB YO POPCORN! I'm thinking about recommending it to anyone who wants to be entertained for 10 minutes to a few hours.

    Also- a lot of things can be useful. That being said, really don't post if you're sensitive. Only post if you want to share a success story or contribute to the crazy around here.

  • Wow, now that is very informative! Thank you for this post, some very good guidelines to fallow.
  • snowflake954
    snowflake954 Posts: 8,399 Member
    My advice would be for people to visit a Registered Dietitian. The information they give you will typically be a lot more reliable and helpful than what you will get on here.

    Also they are trained in something called "rapport". People on the internet can be brisk and don't mince their words. However, people in the real world understand that to get their point across, they have to be respectful and kind. Offending people isn't going to help change their behavior.

    This is true, but you will have to pay. Advice here is free--mean or otherwise.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    I like this
    Lesson Four: Stop searching the internet for a substitute to hard work and responsibility.

    if it was easy and there was a substitute there would be no need for MFP as we would all be a healthy BMI that can run sub 3.5hr marathons, all the guy's would have 6-pack abs and the women would have 'thigh gaps', it's not easy that's how you get the feeling of accomplishment when you reach your goal (whatever it is).
    Oh. Well thank goodness there's no substitute then, because I would hate to live in a world where all guys have 6-pack abs and all women have "thigh gaps" and everyone can run sub-3.5 hour marathons, but no mention made about everyone being able to lift huge friggin' rocks. :laugh:

    ^^^^ this this this this so much this

    300lb deadlift versus thigh gap. Umm yeah I'll have the 300lb deadlift please. (yes I know some women can have both, but I don't care if I'm one of them or not. when I can deadlift 300lb then my legs can look however they want to look which surely will be like a fit, strong person so who cares if there's a gap between them or not)


    I choose the deadlift and the marathon. Don't touch my sexy thighs.

    I hate running, so I can't see any point in running for 3.5 hrs even if someone managed to magic me into being able to run that far in 3.5 hrs. So I'll pass on that one and if I ever have to travel that far on foot, then I'm walking. I like walking, especially in the countryside. But each to their own, I am very impressed by people who run marathons, no matter how slowly (quicker is more impressive but just running the distance in any time is impressive enough)
    Just to be clear, I have nothing against marathons! In fact, I'm thinking of doing the C2K5 program again when I get back from Iceland this summer.

    It was the assumption that all men should look one way and all women should look one way and no mention made about strength that I objected to. It smacked too much of "we're all here for the same reason," which runs counter to the spirit of the OP, I think. :bigsmile:

    totally get it and totally agree. and it the bit about thigh gaps that got me, i.e. the assumption that all women are trying to get one..... I don't care even a tiny little bit whether I have one or not. I'd never even heard of them before coming to this forum. they're a non issue for me. Healthy strong legs look great whether there's a thigh gap there or not.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member
    The atmosphere of self-congratulation and mutual moisture is so dense in here, I doubt any real "grip" can be had at all.

    Gripe, though...

    HA! I know. Since the first "THANK YOU! THIS! SOOO THIS! LOVE YOU OP!" reply was posted, in each subsequent reply from the OP, you can observe her ego expanding at a faster rate than the known universe.


    An inflated ego based on an internet thread, how is that even possible? It's ... the.. internet....
    not exactly a world changing accomplishment. You need to spend more time in real life where people earn real kudos for doing real things, I just typed some words at 4AM...

    But you're welcome to have my high fives if it makes you feel better about yourself, I don't need them. *sad face for you*
  • likitisplit
    likitisplit Posts: 9,420 Member
    If we really got to pick, I'd like a sub-2 marathon. And the deadlift.
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member

    I think you need to lighten up and get a grip ....

    You can say that again.. sheesh. Some people need to avoid off key humor like the plague, the wrong powder puff could set off an unstoppable comical murder spree of epic proportions.

    ha, so true ..

    it is an internet thread, don't take it so seriously...

    I'm far too secure in my own existence to worry about the opinion of "random person on internet". Trust me, try having a film reviewed... MFP is cake compared t how mean those *kitten* are.. LOL!
  • mockchoc
    mockchoc Posts: 6,573 Member
    Love it! I would add one more category:

    Help Us Help You - Nothing brings out the butthurt like the posts where the OP only gives out tidbits of information. The OP gets upset that people aren't giving them the answer they are looking for, and the rest of the forum gets annoyed that we have to drag things out of you and you're arguing with us. Then it's all cat gifs and burning dumpsters.

    and then there are those who take this whole concept up a whole level, who ask for advice but fail to mention that they have a medical condition that would mean that the general advice doesn't work for them, then gets butthurt because they're given advice that's suitable for the general population but isn't suitable for them and don't people know that someone with their medical condition shouldn't do that, and then when people say they should have mentioned the medical condition in the OP, they get butthurt again saying that they shouldn't have to post such personal information on a public website..... *facepalm*

    This one always amazes me.
  • LiftAllThePizzas
    LiftAllThePizzas Posts: 17,857 Member
    That's the beauty of the internet, we are all anonymous and half of us don't really give a cr*p how we make other people feel.
    Many of us do not allow words on a screen to control our feelings.

    I agree, I'm the same which is why I'm on here.

    Some people though do, would you agree?
    Clearly, or I would have used the word "all" instead of "many."

    The internet culture emerges from the underlying structure and human nature. Unless you change one or both of those things it emerges from, the internet culture is not going to change. So this leaves several options:

    1- Avoid parts of the internet where you are subjected to the internet culture.

    2- Learn the way the internet culture works and figure out how to mesh it with your personality.

    3- Complain about the internet culture and or scold everyone you come across who behaves in a way you don't agree with. Which will accomplish nothing, apart from entertainment for those who find amusement in your impotent rage.

    It's ironic when you consider the fact that your scolding is directed at the people who are most immune to it, and makes it that much more likely to generate the opposite of the response you were hoping for.

    To be honest I thought the thread was becoming too self congratulatory and needed an alternative view.
    So you didn't actually have a point, you just saw people having a good time and wanted to be a wet blanket?
  • jofjltncb6
    jofjltncb6 Posts: 34,415 Member
    How did I miss this until just now???

    Anyhow, in...

    ...for great justice.
  • QueenBishOTUniverse
    QueenBishOTUniverse Posts: 14,121 Member
    Do the Elder MFPers have their own guild hall?

    get to 2000 posts and you may find out...

    I thought it was called the Wolfpack and had a butt or ab pic requirement, there you go making me confused again!

    Suddenly my posterior is developing a strange sensation.

    They have cupcake parties and run around in their underwear.

    hmm my group has tequila parties with strippers…

    Add a beer volcano and it sounds like my version of heaven!
  • tehboxingkitteh
    tehboxingkitteh Posts: 1,574 Member
    In, to read when I have no social life tomorrow.
  • ZoeLifts
    ZoeLifts Posts: 10,347 Member
    Nice post, OP!! :drinker: :drinker:
  • muzichick
    muzichick Posts: 331 Member
    Anyone who thinks MFP is really unbearably mean clearly hasn't seen too much of the internet.... The meanest people on MFP are like a breath of springtime air compared to a lot of places online.

    Yep! Have you ever been on weight watchers online? Some of the meanest b%tches!

    Hahahaha! I posted a link to this on the Canadian WWers actually.
  • Froody2
    Froody2 Posts: 338 Member
    Does anyone actually read stickies, anyway? It'd end up being just like the search function, hardly used by those who need to use it most.
  • thanks!
  • Lost_Zen
    Lost_Zen Posts: 20
    Got it :drinker:
  • FlyThisKite
    FlyThisKite Posts: 183 Member
    This should be a read before you proceed post!!!
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member
    OP, old beyond your looks.

    I would also add the phenomenon of asking about the simplest of things that a Google search could easily lead to. "what does BMR or TDEE mean?"
    I've never understood that through the years no matter the forum subject matter.
  • DopeItUp
    DopeItUp Posts: 18,771 Member
    Why does everyone hate me?

    Because I don't need to lose weight. I can eat what i want, and I look good. :)

    Well, two of those things are true at least.
  • siqiniq
    siqiniq Posts: 237 Member
    Please learn to use commas instead of question marks.
  • MyChocolateDiet
    MyChocolateDiet Posts: 22,281 Member
    Please learn to use commas instead of question marks.

    Please learn to use "q's" judiciously and realistically.
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    I'd ad one more category; the person who leaps into the forums shouting that she is here to help, she will give support and motivation since we all need it, and incidentally she is a pitchman for ( fill in here; Herbalife, oil pulling, raspberry ketones, acai berry protein shakes, Dr. Oz favorites, whatever brand of snake oil you like) and let's alll do this together, we CAN DO IT with the constant enthusiastic support from her and the use of her particular favorite product. Ummm.... no.
  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123
    i am offended by this post

    its not allowed.

    They will throw you to the wolves and call you dinner!!!! I invited 5 people to MFP and 4 of them left because of this rude forum.I just come on late at night when I'm bored at work,but I would probably never post a topic.If you don't agree with the "Cool Kids" You are labeled wrong and practicing Witchery!
  • MelsAuntie
    MelsAuntie Posts: 2,833 Member
    i am offended by this post

    its not allowed.

    They will throw you to the wolves and call you dinner!!!! I invited 5 people to MFP and 4 of them left because of this rude forum.I just come on late at night when I'm bored at work,but I would probably never post a topic.If you don't agree with the "Cool Kids" You are labeled wrong and practicing Witchery!

    And if you are....so? Who cares about the disapproval of strangers on the internet? Bring on the peasants with pitchforks (yawn).
  • nikkihk
    nikkihk Posts: 487 Member

    And if you are....so? Who cares about the disapproval of strangers on the internet? Bring on the peasants with pitchforks (yawn).

    Pretty much this^^ =D
  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123

    And if you are....so? Who cares about the disapproval of strangers on the internet? Bring on the peasants with pitchforks (yawn).

    Pretty much this^^ =D

    Pretty much the rudeness that I speak of,fortunately, I LOVE the IGNORE feature and I wont see your response (which will be rude I'm sure) so don't waste your time.
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    i am offended by this post

    its not allowed.

    They will throw you to the wolves and call you dinner!!!! I invited 5 people to MFP and 4 of them left because of this rude forum.I just come on late at night when I'm bored at work,but I would probably never post a topic.If you don't agree with the "Cool Kids" You are labeled wrong and practicing Witchery!

    who are these "cool kids" of which you speak?

    Oh you mean the people who use science to argue their case and if someone posts something unscientific.... they post and then people (who mostly don't even know each other that well, or even at all) post to correct the science or to point out that it's unscientific, and because they're all saying the same thing and occasionally making a joke, it makes it look like they're a gang of "cool kids" picking on anyone who doesn't agree with them, when really they're just a bunch of random people who happened to post scientifically correct information on the same thread.

    Interesting, because when I was at school, being good at science practically excluded you from being considered one of the "cool kids"....

    Also, if you post something and people disagree with you, especially lots of people saying the same thing and talking about science, it's not them being mean, it's them trying to give you correct information. That's what this entire thread is about. Being corrected (even bluntly) isn't being mean, it's actually done by people who want you to succeed and don't want you to fail because you believed some of the lie-mongering of someone like Dr Oz or similar who makes a ton of money selling people products that are total garbage but people are willing to believe him and send him money for them because they *want* it to be true....

    but if by "cool kids" you mean people who post funny gifs, then that's not an exclusive club or even a club at all, you can join it just by posting some funny gifs and not taking anything on here too seriously. And they're not a gang either, they mostly don't know each other, just join in with the joking around on the threads. No-one's policing this, there's no bouncers that say "you're not one of the cool kids you can't play"
  • neandermagnon
    neandermagnon Posts: 7,436 Member
    OP: I think you should include a category on your report including this phenonmenon, i.e. where people see a bunch of individuals posting funny stuff or agreeing with each other, and they perceive it as some kind of gang, clique or exclusive club, when really it's people who barely know each other, just interacting in a normal way, having a bit of a joke or all agreeing because they just so happen to hold the same opinion, or they all know the same science...
  • heybales
    heybales Posts: 18,842 Member

    And if you are....so? Who cares about the disapproval of strangers on the internet? Bring on the peasants with pitchforks (yawn).

    Pretty much this^^ =D

    Pretty much the rudeness that I speak of,fortunately, I LOVE the IGNORE feature and I wont see your response (which will be rude I'm sure) so don't waste your time.

    Wow, with that stress level you are going to have a hard time losing weight.

    That's just fact, BTW, stress, hard to lose weight. And if that comment was rude, you are in for a rough internet life.
This discussion has been closed.