Why does everyone hate me? The forum Survival Guide.



  • k8blujay2
    k8blujay2 Posts: 4,941 Member

    Now stop crying and start learning and if you feel the need to sniffle? Go spend an hour reading the comments on Youtube, because you've yet to experience "mean".

    Good Luck!

    I really like this line : )

    Yup... I like this line too... and could add Babycenter and sodahead into it too.
  • randomtai
    randomtai Posts: 9,003 Member

    Now stop crying and start learning and if you feel the need to sniffle? Go spend an hour reading the comments on Youtube, because you've yet to experience "mean".

    Good Luck!

    I really like this line : )

    Yup... I like this line too... and could add Babycenter and sodahead into it too.

    And craigslist forums... at least in NYC. Those are completely anon. :laugh:
  • Pirate_chick
    Pirate_chick Posts: 1,216 Member
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Your totally welcome guys... just getting tired of woe is me threads from the person with 5 posts. Get to know a place before you cry wolf.

    That is all. =D


    Sarcasm... or a victim of everything I just wrote? If the latter I have a solution for you. Step one, remove keyboard from computer and melt with fire. Step two, continue browsing the internet. Your problem is solved, your welcome.

    Have a great day!

    for me its neither. but you can always do the same when you see the woe is me posts too.
    problem solved too.

    wait , you are saying ignore posts that you do no like….


    She said she gets tired. I said she can ignore them.
    Does that answer your question??????????

    no, because you are doing what you are complaining about….irony is ironic….
    if you say so.
    I never said I didnt like or dislike the post. I said that if you get fed up you can ignore.

    Ha! Didn't take long for butthurt to ensue! :drinker:

    lol. why do you guys use that term all the time. Why do you think my bottom is hurting. Is it because I had a different opinion. Lets just agree with what you are saying all the time, is that what stops the name calling?
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member

    Now stop crying and start learning and if you feel the need to sniffle? Go spend an hour reading the comments on Youtube, because you've yet to experience "mean".

    Good Luck!

    I really like this line : )

    Yup... I like this line too... and could add Babycenter and sodahead into it too.

    And craigslist forums... at least in NYC. Those are completely anon. :laugh:

    Maybe the general forums should come with this statement before a newbie posts their first thread.

    If they continue, they'll probably be up for what follows.lol


  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member
    Your totally welcome guys... just getting tired of woe is me threads from the person with 5 posts. Get to know a place before you cry wolf.

    That is all. =D


    Sarcasm... or a victim of everything I just wrote? If the latter I have a solution for you. Step one, remove keyboard from computer and melt with fire. Step two, continue browsing the internet. Your problem is solved, your welcome.

    Have a great day!

    for me its neither. but you can always do the same when you see the woe is me posts too.
    problem solved too.

    wait , you are saying ignore posts that you do no like….


    She said she gets tired. I said she can ignore them.
    Does that answer your question??????????

    no, because you are doing what you are complaining about….irony is ironic….
    if you say so.
    I never said I didnt like or dislike the post. I said that if you get fed up you can ignore.

    Ha! Didn't take long for butthurt to ensue! :drinker:

    it was inevitable...

    speaking of buthurt..where is ole lindz at for this one??????????????????

    Shhhh! Best not to invoke! :wink:

    is the lindz person another one who doesnt agree with what you all have to say. so she too has a sore bottom?
  • chriamaria
    chriamaria Posts: 76 Member
    YOU ARE WRONG WRONG WRONG - chickpeas are the answer to everything, why won't you just believe me, why ohh why


    because you also need tahini, garlic and lemon juice to make hummus, plus oil to fry the felafels in. That's why. Chickpeas are only the answer to everything after they've been made into hummus and felafels.

  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member

    Now stop crying and start learning and if you feel the need to sniffle? Go spend an hour reading the comments on Youtube, because you've yet to experience "mean".

    Good Luck!

    I really like this line : )

    Yup... I like this line too... and could add Babycenter and sodahead into it too.

    And craigslist forums... at least in NYC. Those are completely anon. :laugh:

    Maybe the general forums should come with this statement before a newbie posts their first thread.

    If they continue, they'll probably be up for what follows.lol



    I think you should go a step further, and get technical support to ban all newbies from posting.
  • AmyRhubarb
    AmyRhubarb Posts: 6,890 Member
    :drinker: Our most oft quoted IT Crowd line! :heart:

  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    I stopped reading at the improper use of "your".

    I'm a closed-minded Grammar Snob.

    *Dodges multiple slaps*
  • prattiger65
    prattiger65 Posts: 1,657 Member

    Now stop crying and start learning and if you feel the need to sniffle? Go spend an hour reading the comments on Youtube, because you've yet to experience "mean".

    Good Luck!

    I really like this line : )

    Yup... I like this line too... and could add Babycenter and sodahead into it too.

    And craigslist forums... at least in NYC. Those are completely anon. :laugh:

    Maybe the general forums should come with this statement before a newbie posts their first thread.

    If they continue, they'll probably be up for what follows.lol



    I think you should go a step further, and get technical support to ban all newbies from posting.

    You really should stop. You are being ridiculous. That is not what anyone is saying.
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I like this
    Lesson Four: Stop searching the internet for a substitute to hard work and responsibility.

    if it was easy and there was a substitute there would be no need for MFP as we would all be a healthy BMI that can run sub 3.5hr marathons, all the guy's would have 6-pack abs and the women would have 'thigh gaps', it's not easy that's how you get the feeling of accomplishment when you reach your goal (whatever it is).
    Oh. Well thank goodness there's no substitute then, because I would hate to live in a world where all guys have 6-pack abs and all women have "thigh gaps" and everyone can run sub-3.5 hour marathons, but no mention made about everyone being able to lift huge friggin' rocks. :laugh:
  • Fullsterkur_woman
    Fullsterkur_woman Posts: 2,712 Member
    I stopped reading at the improper use of "your".

    I'm a closed-minded Grammar Snob.

    *Dodges multiple slaps*
    Theirs' a thread for that.
  • Therealobi1
    Therealobi1 Posts: 3,262 Member

    Now stop crying and start learning and if you feel the need to sniffle? Go spend an hour reading the comments on Youtube, because you've yet to experience "mean".

    Good Luck!

    I really like this line : )

    Yup... I like this line too... and could add Babycenter and sodahead into it too.

    And craigslist forums... at least in NYC. Those are completely anon. :laugh:

    Maybe the general forums should come with this statement before a newbie posts their first thread.

    If they continue, they'll probably be up for what follows.lol



    I think you should go a step further, and get technical support to ban all newbies from posting.

    You really should stop. You are being ridiculous. That is not what anyone is saying.

    if you say so.
  • tennisdude2004
    tennisdude2004 Posts: 5,609 Member
    :drinker: Our most oft quoted IT Crowd line! :heart:


  • jodycoady
    jodycoady Posts: 598 Member
    I stopped reading at the improper use of "your".

    I'm a closed-minded Grammar Snob.

    *Dodges multiple slaps*
    Theirs' a thread for that.

  • ndj1979
    ndj1979 Posts: 29,136 Member

    Now stop crying and start learning and if you feel the need to sniffle? Go spend an hour reading the comments on Youtube, because you've yet to experience "mean".

    Good Luck!

    I really like this line : )

    Yup... I like this line too... and could add Babycenter and sodahead into it too.

    And craigslist forums... at least in NYC. Those are completely anon. :laugh:

    Maybe the general forums should come with this statement before a newbie posts their first thread.

    If they continue, they'll probably be up for what follows.lol



    I think you should go a step further, and get technical support to ban all newbies from posting.

    You really should stop. You are being ridiculous. That is not what anyone is saying.

    if you say so.
    my suggestion, follow your own advice...but feel free to keep posting as this is amusing me on a slow work day.
  • 3dogsrunning
    3dogsrunning Posts: 27,167 Member

    Now stop crying and start learning and if you feel the need to sniffle? Go spend an hour reading the comments on Youtube, because you've yet to experience "mean".

    Good Luck!

    I really like this line : )

    Yup... I like this line too... and could add Babycenter and sodahead into it too.

    And craigslist forums... at least in NYC. Those are completely anon. :laugh:

    Maybe the general forums should come with this statement before a newbie posts their first thread.

    If they continue, they'll probably be up for what follows.lol



    I think you should go a step further, and get technical support to ban all newbies from posting.

    Again, to compare the nice boards with the rest of the net, I've been on boards where they actually tell newbies they shouldn't be posting until they've lurked for awhile. And most will either outright ignore a newbie, or shred them to pieces.
    I have never seen that happen here, in fact, MFP is very pro new posters. They even allow for the same topic to be posted again whereas most boards discourage posting the same type of posts over and over.

    (Not that I think its a bad idea to get a feel for a board before posting)
  • redheaddee
    redheaddee Posts: 2,005 Member
    Wait..wut? Logic. On the interwebz? Does not compute.
  • IsaTexDesigner
    IsaTexDesigner Posts: 54 Member
    Amen. And as a relative noob(1 month on mfp), I can say that MFPers have helped me break, no smash my plateau, motivated me to work out more, lift heavier weights, do hiit, and eat clean. I THANK them, not take offense!
This discussion has been closed.