How to keep Oreos in my diet

I LOVE Oreos, my favorite being the Golden Birthday cake kind. I know they are terrible for me, but I don't want to ditch them. I am at a healthy weight, but I did have a weight problem and am now just trying to maintain my current weight. My problem is that once I eat one, I can't stop. For example, I recently finished a whole box of the golden birthday cake flavor in less than 24 hours and it made me bloated, and clogged up my digestive tract. Shockingly enough, I still want them. However, it's uncontrollable for me not to eat the whole box. One thing I WONT do is cut them out of my diet. What can I do so I won't go crazy and binge on them? This is a very serious topic, and I wish it was not something I had to worry about. However, it is a problem, and I would like some tips and suggestions from people whom can relate to me. Thank You, and good luck to all!


  • leahxxoo
    leahxxoo Posts: 23 Member
    I LOOVE oreos! I'm also addicted to them :) I take a packet of two to work each day and have them on my lunch. 106 calories of sugary goodness... yuuum, I could easily eat a whole box though which is why I only bring 1 packet into work. I'm craving them right now but I've had enough cals today :(:(
  • BlueBombers
    BlueBombers Posts: 4,064 Member
    You don't have to cut them out of your diet, just don't eat a box in one sitting. You can always make a couple fit into your day.

    Self-control, what can I tell you? Take a couple and put the rest away. Out of sight out of mind.

    I find I just don't buy the stuff I used to pig out on as much as I used to. I won't eat it if it isn't in the house. I still buy treats, just not as often. You don't need to buy a box every time you go grocery shopping. Make it a once in a while special purchase.
  • bajoyba
    bajoyba Posts: 1,153 Member
    Would it help to portion out the oreos into individual serving sizes and put them in separate ziploc bags?
  • lsorci919
    lsorci919 Posts: 772 Member
    Self control, moderation and pre-planning.

    No one can help you with that. You have to do it yourself.

    I agree with this. If you don't want to cut them out completely, you need to gain some self control. I love me some junk food but I practice moderation when having my fat snacks. Make sure it fits into your calories for the day.
  • czechwolf52
    czechwolf52 Posts: 194 Member
    Learn some self-control. I love Oreos, poptarts, ice cream, peanut butter, chips, etc., but I only have a serving at a time. I would suggest just quitting them for 3 weeks and then see how you feel about them. I bet you can live without them. But if you truly think you can't live without them but can't control yourself, then buy a small package with 4 or 6 (can't remember exactly how many) from a gas station and make those be your only oreos for a few days. It's going to be more expensive, but if you can't control yourself this might be your only choice.
  • LKArgh
    LKArgh Posts: 5,178 Member
    If the question is how to include oreos in your diet: eat 1-3, save the rest for the next days.
    If the question is how to include 50 oreos in your daily diet because you cannot limit yourself, the the answer is again easy: accept being overweight and not healthy.
  • Francl27
    Francl27 Posts: 26,371 Member
    It's like me and my homemade baked goods. I can't do moderation either right now... so the only option is not to make them anymore. There's no magical solution for self control, or I'd be all over it. In the end, it's your choice, nobody can do it for you.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Interesting topic, although it's been done a few times. This post is in two different forums, so it's got some rather trollish characteristics.

  • Stilllosing26
    Stilllosing26 Posts: 256 Member
    I just want to hear different opinions from different people! Everyone has there weakness, and I guess you can assume what mine is :)
  • establishingaplace
    establishingaplace Posts: 301 Member
    If I want something I know I won't be able to portion out, I'll buy a small package of it. I've seen packets of oreos with 4 cookies.
  • fatcity66
    fatcity66 Posts: 1,544 Member
    @sloth3toes...Haha I was just thinking that...
  • themedalist
    themedalist Posts: 3,217 Member
    Self control, moderation and pre-planning.

    No one can help you with that. You have to do it yourself.

    This. Some people can portion out treats and enjoy them in moderation, some people can't as they become trigger foods. Depends on the person.
  • Jen800
    Jen800 Posts: 548 Member
    unfortunately, self control HAS to play the biggest part here. Don't give them up completely if you don't want to!

    Some tips that I use to prevent myself reaching/eating a ton of something that I love:

    1. cut it in half. That way, 2 becomes 4, and you get double the satisfaction with the same calories.

    2.Hide them up high, where you can't get them. Better yet, ask a family member to put them somewhere and have them "deal" you oreos. Haha.

    3. When taking the ones you're going to eat, don't start snacking until you've already put the box back (again, in a place you can't easily access. The effort to get at them sometimes takes a few minutes, which may be long enough to overpower the craving.) Also, always have them in your hand while you're putting the box back so it doesn't feel like you're depriving yourself of them.

    4. (this one is kinda gross, and I've heard it's sometimes used by those with eating disorders buuuuttt.. when you just gotta have it in your mouth, you can try the "chew and spit" method. Put the oreo in your mouth, chew it up, get the taste all over your tongue, and then spit it out into your hand or into the garbage. I know that it's disgusting, but sometimes it's the only option.

    5. Simply don't buy it!

    Good luck! :smile: :flowerforyou:
  • pelleld
    pelleld Posts: 363 Member
    There are a few foods where I seem to have no control. The easiest thing for me is to just not have them in the house. I am working hard to find a way to have better control but it is a struggle!
  • toronto_j
    toronto_j Posts: 206 Member
    Besides the great suggestions people have made (don't buy them, portion them out etc.), do you think it's possible to rethink your approach? No one feels good after a binge...but if you only eat a couple/day, you get the treat (the sugar, the taste, the mouth-pleasing aspect) without the gross aftereffects.
  • writergeek313
    writergeek313 Posts: 390 Member
    Buy single serving packages if you can't resist eating more than you should. They'll be more expensive than buying the bigger pack, but there's built-in portion control.

    You could also take however many cookies are in the serving size, then put the package somewhere that's difficult to get to (the back of the pantry, a top shelf behind something else in a cabinet). The time it takes to get to it should be enough to make you stop and think, "Do I really need this? Didn't I already have enough?"
  • Quarkles
    Quarkles Posts: 69 Member
    Keep them somewhere where it's a pain in the butt to get them. Personally I keep my leftover Halloween candy (yes, I still have some) either above the fridge where I have to use tongs to grab them, or upstairs. When I want some candy, I take out my two pieces, and then put the rest away.
    The second part is to take your time and eat the Oreos slowly. If you're eating a cookie in 1-2 bites, of course you're going to want more than 2 cookies. But if you can stretch it out so that you're taking small nibbles or eating your Oreo in components, it's easier to be satisfied with less.
    I also find having something to do helps you to eat more slowly. I knit, so if I have chips or something, I usually have a a chip, knit a round or two, and then have another chip.
    It's all about self-control and pacing yourself. It's easy to eat a lot if you're eating fast, but if you take your sweet time, eating less isn't such a problem.
  • mactaffy84
    mactaffy84 Posts: 398 Member
    Self control, moderation and pre-planning.

    No one can help you with that. You have to do it yourself.

  • lovelayla
    lovelayla Posts: 123
    Eating a whole package of cookies sounds like emotional eating to me. Did you eat them while stressed, or mindless snacking? I don't cut anything out of my diet. The only thing that I can't have around is Vodka, because I will drink it daily. Now,I just drink on Friday or Saturday and I only bring enough for the day into my house.

    I would just buy single serving packages if I were you.
  • sloth3toes
    sloth3toes Posts: 2,212 Member
    Eating a whole package of cookies sounds like emotional eating to me. Did you eat them while stressed, or mindless snacking? I don't cut anything out of my diet. The only thing that I can't have around is Vodka, because I will drink it daily. Now,I just drink on Friday or Saturday and I only bring enough for the day into my house.

    I would just buy single serving packages if I were you.

    Maybe try that with the vodka? :wink:
  • Capt_Apollo
    Capt_Apollo Posts: 9,026 Member
    If you can't control yourself then don't buy them. There's no way to fit them in your diet if you eat a whole package, half package, quarter package even.


    i mean, i'm all for moderation, but if you polish off a whole package in one sitting, then you need to examine a few things.

    i think someone suggested buying the smaller snack packs. they usually have 4 cookies in them. buy a box of the snack packs, and keep one in your main cupboard, and the rest in the pantry. this worked for me with sodas, as i'd leave the case of them in the basement (all warm) and only have two in the fridge, so even if i binged, i'd only have two.
  • Velum_cado
    Velum_cado Posts: 1,608 Member
    Oreo salad?