Dannikinz Member


  • I'm back where I started. In two months I lost all my progress, mostly from stress and being busy trying to graduate. I'm going to be a college freshman and some people who would help me stay on track would help tremendously c: I'll add you!
  • This is my first post in this group by the way~ I'm not a college student yet but will be in a couple months. I'm going to be a freshman attending University of West Florida for a degree in nursing. I want to be a nurse midwife with maybe a minor in nutrition~
  • I've been missing my Bacon Double Cheeseburgers from various fast food restaurants. What can I say? I like 'em all, lmao. Maybe I'll reward myself with one once I lose 15 pounds.
  • Lol, nope. #TeamVirgin o3o Have you ever had a near-death experience or died and been brought back?
  • I'm also new to the group and am now realizing how emotional eating and physical eating are different. Emotional eating can be talked down or distracted. Were you watching a commercial that featured a burger or some desert you haven't had in forever? Are you upset at a friend and just want to eat some ice cream because at…
  • It is true! Just listen to your body and don't force anything. It'll bite you later. I used to always crave pizza because it brought me pleasure as a child. Every time there was a special event or a friend came over, we always got pizza. I used to constantly talk about it and if people would ask me what I wanted to eat, I…
  • I love indulging in... *Laughing with my friends so hard my stomach hurts *Shopping and getting new make-up * Accomplishing the goals I set for myself *Getting closer to the people I love *Time just for myself where I can relax
  • For me, not logging weight gain is cheating.I do a weekly check in every week, so weight gain means that I was doing a behavior (or neglecting one) over and over and over again. I want to be as honest with myself as possible and logging in weight gain gives a small feeling of humility and reflection. It makes me hungry to…
  • April Goals *Overall, be under 175. (lost 10 pounds) * Reduce meat and animal product intake in my diet * Reduce fast food in my diet * Reduce dairy in my diet * Add more quantity and variety in my vegetable intake The main thing to remember when setting new goals is to praise yourself for the ones you've already met. With…
  • I'm bisexual~ Add me (:
  • Hmm.. By the end of March, I want to be down to at least 175 lbs (lose 5 pounds). But honestly, it's not really a hard goal, weight loss is secondary, I just want to focus on portion control, will power, and exercise. Weight loss will come naturally. Add me! We could be weight loss buddies~ (:
  • I'm from Jacksonville, FL~
  • I want to lose about 25 pounds for now but I think that if I'm still not satisfied at my goal weight of 160 lbs, that I will try to strive further. Feel free to add me and I'll accept back.
  • I'm bisexual but it would be great to have more friends and supporters who were also lesbian/bi. :D Feel free to add and message me c: P.S. I'm also new here so getting a couple friends wouldn't hurt, haha.