

  • I agree with the Motown - I also find that a lot of the Glee covers of old and new songs are really great and fun!!!
  • Feel free to add me as well. I lost @ 17 lbs earlier this year but then broke my foot and have had a tough time getting back into this, but I am trying again and could use all the encouragment I can get!
  • I make a frittata almost every Sunday with egg substitute, chicken or turkey sausage, veggies and romano cheese. Perfect for a quick breakfast or lunch all week long. High in protein and low in fat, the possible combinations are endless!
  • I love to make egg and sausage bakes using chicken or turkey sausages, veggies and egg substitute. Cut and saute the sausages with some cooking spray with some veggies and put into a baking dish with a small carton of egg substitute. I like to put in a handful of parmesan or romano cheese but you could really use any low…
  • Don't deprive yourself, just plan! Portion control and planning are your best weapons. I've eaten out in fabulous restaurants, had wonderful meals and still lost weight because I planned well! Depriving just leads to overeating and bad choices, plan! It's my new mantra....
    in I love food! Comment by laromeo May 2011
  • Tremendous - you should be very proud, one more small step in a successful journey!
  • If you can't get fresh - frozen veggies are ALWAYS better than canned. Go for crunchy veggies with some protein in a stir fry with a marinade (there are tons of great ones in the condiments aisles) to add extra flavor and pop!
  • Good luck, it's a great tool! I'm in my third week and have found it amazingly helpful!
  • I enjoy a glass of wine every evening, or a cocktail when I go out, so I just budget them into my calories. Depriving yourself totally just makes you crave it all the more (at least for me). Be realistic, if you can't give it up (and why should you?) just plan!
    in Alcohol! Comment by laromeo March 2011
  • How about a frittata - you can make ahead and cut into wedges you can wrap in paper and eat with your hands. I make them for breakfast all the time. Saute some turkey or chicken sausage with any veggies you like - put into a round baking dish with egg substitute and bake!
  • Congrats on quitting smoking - I did that and it was so hard and I miss it every day... I am new too, here's to successful losses to us both!
  • Congrats, I just joined and this is exactly the inspiration I need!