

  • Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 138 Current Weight:: 8/1/11: 144 Aug 5th : 141.5 Aug 12th: Aug 19th: Aug 26th: Aug 31st (optional):
  • Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 138 Current Weight: 144 Aug 5th (starting weight): 141.5 Aug 12th: Aug 19th: Aug 26th: Aug 31st (optional):
  • Hi Pink. I totally dropped the ball last month, too many vacations and cookouts. Definitely want to get back on track and this challenge really helped me before so would like to join again..... PS - Love the new name. Goal Weight for Aug 31st: 138 Current Weight: 144 Aug 5th (starting weight): Aug 12th: Aug 19th: Aug 26th:…
  • Good Morning.....I'm back. I've been vacationing in the backwoods of Maine looking for those few pounds I had lost. I do think I've found several of them. :ohwell: Today I get back on track!!!! :flowerforyou: Will weigh in next week...don't want to get tooo discouraged.
  • July 1st: 141 (Starting weight) Goal Weight 137 July 8th: July 15th: July 22nd: July 29th: August 1st: I also sucked at this last month. . . July will be tough too I think. . PINK:..... , thanks for doing this thread, it totally helps to keep me accountable. I almost totally fell off the wagon a couple of weeks ago and you…
  • Thu 06/30/11 05:36 AMGoal weight for July 1st 137 June 1st 140 (Starting Weight) June 8th 142 June 15th 139.5 June 22nd 142.5 (I HAVE NO EXCUSE, JUST BEING A LOAD....BACK ON TRACK!) June 29th 140.5 July 1st 141 Hoping to do better next month. I wanted to use June 29th weight, but I'd only be kidding myself.....(and were…
  • Goal weight for July 1st 137 June 1st 140 (Starting Weight) June 8th 142 June 15th 139.5 June 22nd 142.5 (I HAVE NO EXCUSE, JUST BEING A LOAD....BACK ON TRACK!) June 29th 140.5 July 1st I'm glad we get to post again on July 1st. Hoping to be at 139.5. Totally fell off the wagon for a bit this month, but climbed back on.…
  • Goal weight for July 1st 137 June 1st 140 (Starting Weight) June 8th 142 June 15th 139.5 June 22nd 142.5 (I HAVE NO EXCUSE, JUST BEING A LOAD....BACK ON TRACK!) June 29th July 1st
  • Goals for June 13 1. Log in and track Yes 2. Drink plenty of water. Yes 3. Stay on target with calories Yes 4. Get card and Birthday Gift for Jessica! Yes 5. Do Strength Training before Tennis tonight!!!! NO Goals for June 15 - Check household bills and pay Log in Stay under calories Do weight training Go to Kohls and use…
  • Goal weight for July 1st 137 June 1st 140 (Starting Weight) June 8th 142 June 15th 139.5 June 22nd June 29th July 1st
  • Good for you Leela, it feels great when you stay on track doesn't it? I can remember that feeling!!!:blushing:
  • OKay..... Tough weekend. Way off track. Cold and Rainy weekend here in Boston. Actually stayed in bed on and off all day on Sunday, didn't even take calls. It was pretty awesome, but skipped Yoga. Back on the Band Wagon today!!!! Goals for June 13 1. Log in and track 2. Drink plenty of water. 3. Stay on target with…
  • Goals for 6/8 Stay with in calorie allowance. Yes Log into other thread and put down that I gained back 2 lbs. !! :( Yes, Bummer! Do stregnth training! No, ran out of time! Drink prenty of water. Yes Go food shopping and get some healthy food in, running low and making it hard to stay on track. Yes, Finally Goals for June…
  • So hard to take it off, and so easy to put it back on. Just not fair!!!
  • So hard to take it off, and so easy to put it back on. Just not fair!!!
  • Goal weight for July 1st 137 June 1st 140 (Starting Weight) June 8th 142 :embarassed: June 15th June 22nd June 29th July 1st Not a good start at all. Have not been exercising as much as I was and too many cookouts! Getting my butt off this chair right now and going to work out. Also, need to food shop to get more healty…
  • Goals for 6/7/11 Stay on track with calorie allowance. Yes Log in and track food and exercise Yes Get organized for Food Pantry Meeing tonight. Yes Eat a good dinner early and not cheat at the Pantry tonight! Didn't eat a good dinner, but didn't cheat at Pantry. Get exercise in (Again 2 hours of Doubles Tennis ) Yes Drink…
  • Goals for 6/6/11 1. Log in Daily on this thread YES 2. Organize home bills and pay same YES 3. Stay under calorie allowance. NO!! 4. Go food shopping and get more fruits. NO!! 5. Organize desk at work.... NO! 6. Get exercise in (doubles tennis again tonight, not a chore) YES I am not doing very well lately, have to get…
  • June 3 Goals: 1. Make a batch of Steel Cut Oatmeal this AM for the week. (Yes) 2. Burn some calories with exercise (today it's doubles tennis, so it's not really a chore!) Yes 3. Drink more water Yes 4. Eat some fruit. No As you can see, I haven't come on and posted since Friday, not a good thing. Weekends are definately…
  • Hi All, This looks like a great thread. I am on another one, Leela I do think you've joined as well. I think this one will be more fun with better results, I am starting to slack off with the other one where we just weigh in once a week. Looking forward to it..... June 3 Goals: 1. Make a batch of Steel Cut Oatmeal this AM…
  • Same goal as last month, didn't quite make it, but did make some progress. Coming on here and being accountable is helpful. Good luck all..... Goal weight for July 1st 137 June 1st 140 (Starting Weight) June 8th June 15th June 22nd June 29th July 1st
  • Woo Hoo! Made into the 130's! (just barely, but it IS the 130's) Had a verty tough week. Threw an engagment party Friday night for my nephew and his fiance. It was really nice, weather cooperated, it was beautiful. We actually had the yard all cleaned and the pool opened already. Bad part was served some high calorie…
  • So close to the 130's! Had a bad couple of days and got back on tract yesterday. Have lots of yard work to do today. Giving my nephew and his fiance an engagement party on Friday nite. Getting the yard together, looking good but still more planting and mulching to be done, so I will have to skip my Sunday morning yoga…
  • Asking her to join with you sounds like a plan. I've done ww online and this site is better and WAY less expensive. The support you get on these message boards seems way better than weight watchers and I love reading the success stories and seeing the before and after pics. I've had more luck here that WW's. Good Luck.....
  • This is actually my weight from yesterday. I was so excited to see the 140 mark. I can't wait to say I'm in the 130's. Seeing the scale going down is great motivation. This group is really helpful. I also love reading and checking out th pics in the success stories, they definately help get me get my fat *kitten* up and…
  • Hi All, Down one pound, was hoping for two, but considering is was my Birthday and Mother's Day (we celebrated yesterday) this week, I'm just glad the scale didn't head the other way...... Happy Mother's Day!!! DGoal Weight for June 1st: 137 May 1st (starting weight): 143 May 8th: 142 May 15th: May 22nd: May 29th: June…
  • Awesome!!! Congratulations!:drinker:
  • Hello All, I just glanced through this thread and would also like to join. I am 53, as of today, have two grown children, one boy who is still in college junior at Stonehill and a girl who recently graduated from Bridgewater State College. I don't have much time to post but just wanted to claim a spot for now if that's…