

  • Thank you everyone, I cannot tell you how helpful you ALL are!!
  • Thank you @SezkyStef!! I am glad to hear you're happy with your weight and that your son is interested in girls more like me. It is very re-assuring for sure :)
  • Btw JoMo I suffered and am recovering from Anorexia and can tell you that restricting yourself of food because of you being unpleased with your weight is a totally awful and UNWARRANTED thing to do to yourself regardless of your weight! I do not care if you're 400 pounds or 40 pounds NO ONE deserves a rumbling belly and I…
  • LOL! You're disgusting...? HE'S disgusting. Posting photos of you without your permission, seriously that is just gross and wrong. Btw I have TONS of unflattering photos taken of me, my friend posted photos of me giving her horse kisses and I look like I am either 6 months pregnant or severely bloated (Which I was neither…
  • Thank you both, ladies!
  • Thank you ALL! Big hugs to all of you. Firstly I was sudden struck with hunger/tummy rumbles later this evening so instead of waiting to eat until breakfast I ate something now (at 11:30 at night, trying to listen to my body and respond to it's hunger cues). I am going to see my doctor next week so I will let y'all know…
  • It is not so much causing me trouble as it is causing anxiety because I am worried I am doing something wrong. However it seems the amount I am eating now is just how much my body wants to eat. Clearly it is rejecting excess food as it made me throw up. I am wondering as it has been mentioned to me that Eating Disorder…
  • I calculated and it was around 1,450 calories total. I do not know my goal of calories, I believe I maintain my weight on A LOT because I have not gained weight in over a month and a month ago I was still binging on large amounts. I am just worried, will eating this little cause me to lose weight? I want my body to…
  • I know and you're most definitely right. I felt better when I was in Inpatient care as I would eat meals that looked more like this: Breakfast: Cereal with toast and jam, fruit juice and soy milk. Lunch/Dinner: A carb like rice, potatoes, veggies and a piece of meat (Chicken or beef mostly) Snacks: "Unsafe" Foods such as…
  • Thank you all, I am going to work towards this goal in a healthy mannersome!