I cannot eat a burger without throwing up

I am recovering, 4 months into it. I was in Inpatient but after leaving Inpatient I never received a follow up with a Dietitian. So I spent 3 months not eating enough and then binging so I gained an extra 14 pounds (the team was happy with my weight at 150 pounds but I went home trying to self-recover and wasn't eating enough so my body responded by binge eating) so anyways I am now over 4 months into my recovery and I have went from CRAZY hunger like having to eat over 3,000 calories per day and NEVER feeling satisfied to eating FORCED meals. Like if I don't remind/make myself eat I won't because I have no interest in food/eating. I have tracked what I ate today:

Breakfast: 1 piece of toast, 1 laughing cow cheese triangle, 2 yogurt cups, 1 cinnamon roll.
Lunch: 1 bagel with cream cheese, 2 yogurt cups, 1 cinnamon roll
Snack: 2 yogurt cups
Dinner: 1/2 a "Mr. Big" Chocolate Bar and 1/2 a Junior Chicken from Mcdonalds

When trying to eat both the chocolate bar and the junior chicken from mcdonalds I got quite full and felt like vomiting if I had to continue eating.

We got pizza for dinner and I was not able to even look at it without feeling sick, I have saved my pizza and will eat it for breakfast as I am not interested in it now.

I am worried and wondering whether or not you think I should see my doctor about this. I cannot even imagine having to eat anymore then what I ate today, eating the burger made me throw up because it was too much food. i feel sick eating dinner because I am often full. It is like my body is rejecting food. I was SO hungry early in my recovery it was truly like I was never satisfied but now I cannot eat more then this amount or my body rejects it.

Is my body sick? Should I go back to the hospital? Am I doing something wrong that is causing me to be so sick when eating by dinner? Breakfast and Lunch I can eat comfortably but by snack and dinner I am sick. I am worried my body will start losing weight or worse muscle, what do you think?

Btw my body has seemingly overshot it's weight goal by close to 15 pounds. My doctor's were happy with my weight at 150 pounds to 155 pounds but say my weight is also "stable" at 164. However I am worried this is how my body is going to average out and go back to it's set point weight by making me eat dramatically less. I am really concerned :(


  • wonderwoman234
    wonderwoman234 Posts: 551 Member
    Your diet seems like mostly simple carbs and fatty foods. This is not normalized eating.

    Yes, you should see a doctor and registered dietician who specialize in eating disorders. Eating healthy, nutritious foods in adequate portions will make you feel better. You should not be eating so much that you feel ill!
  • snazzyjazzy21
    snazzyjazzy21 Posts: 1,298 Member
    I have to note the food choices. 4 yoghurt cups, two cinnamon rolls, chocolate and a burger for dinner? I agree with the poster above, go and talk to someone. I'd look at trying to focus on more calorie dense foods, like nuts/oils/avocado too. This way you don't have to put so much pressure on yourself to eat a large volume of food.
  • josiebearly11209
    Your diet seems like mostly simple carbs and fatty foods. This is not normalized eating.

    Yes, you should see a doctor and registered dietician who specialize in eating disorders. Eating healthy, nutritious foods in adequate portions will make you feel better. You should not be eating so much that you feel ill!

    I know and you're most definitely right. I felt better when I was in Inpatient care as I would eat meals that looked more like this:

    Breakfast: Cereal with toast and jam, fruit juice and soy milk.
    Lunch/Dinner: A carb like rice, potatoes, veggies and a piece of meat (Chicken or beef mostly)
    Snacks: "Unsafe" Foods such as brownies, cookies, cupcakes, all with a piece of fruit.

    I think I should go back to eating more like that, I am just clueless as I was never given a meal plan so I feel almost like I was left untrained and weaponless and then shoved out into the wild with hungry wolves. I REFUSE to relapse, I just feel like it might be considered sliding back since I am quite obviously dramatically reducing my food intake (Not in an attempt to lose weight but my hunger has declined dramatically).

    After Inpatient for the first 2-3 months I would binge like crazy! Especially at night. I am talking like 3,000-5,000 calories ATOP what I was already eating which was 3 meals and small snacks like a bagel or piece of fruit. But now the ideal of eating even close to that makes me sick.

    I do not want to vomit as that is something done when one purges (I never did purge as I lack an ability to but I do not want to feel as though I am sliding back).
  • kikityme
    kikityme Posts: 472 Member
    I know this is not the same thing at all, but I understand where you're coming from. When I went to get tested for diabetes, I was basically told, yup, you have it. Here's your meds. And that. was. it.

    I had to make another appointment, and basically TELL him he had to refer me to a dietitian as I didn't want to be on meds longer than necessary.

    I realize that may not be an option for you, I live in Canada, so it's no big deal for me to pop in to the doctor and get what I need.

    Other than that, congratulations, it sounds like you're putting in a very good effort.

    Why don't you just try eating what they fed you in the hospital (except, try for better taste :tongue: )
  • ILiftHeavyAcrylics
    ILiftHeavyAcrylics Posts: 27,732 Member
    Can you ask for a referral to a dietician? I think it would be helpful to get some meal plans.
  • Aaron_K123
    Aaron_K123 Posts: 7,122 Member
    I have know expertise with regards to recovering from eating disorders and would advise you seek guidance from a trained and experienced eating disorder counciler rather than canvasing the opinions of strangers on the internet.
  • wheird
    wheird Posts: 7,963 Member
    I would suggest speaking with a dietician and perhaps finding a "sponsor" or sorts that has been through similar issues so you can talk to them when you are struggling. Having someone that can understand may help.
  • PikaKnight
    PikaKnight Posts: 34,971 Member
    Honestly, go back with your team or/and therapist/counselor and physician and talk with them about this.
  • HanamiDango
    HanamiDango Posts: 456 Member
    Yes, speak with your doctor hun! Find a recovery group and dietitian who deals with ED recovery. Recovering from an ED is never easy and I would not just use Dr. Google. Wish I had more advice to give. :flowerforyou:
  • josiebearly11209
    Yes, speak with your doctor hun! Find a recovery group and dietitian who deals with ED recovery. Recovering from an ED is never easy and I would not just use Dr. Google. Wish I had more advice to give. :flowerforyou:

    Thank you ALL! Big hugs to all of you. Firstly I was sudden struck with hunger/tummy rumbles later this evening so instead of waiting to eat until breakfast I ate something now (at 11:30 at night, trying to listen to my body and respond to it's hunger cues). I am going to see my doctor next week so I will let y'all know how that goes.