1400 calories and exercise?

I am looking to go from about 167 to the weight I was post-ED which was 155-157. I was my happiest at that weight. I have been recovering from my Eating Disorder for quite a while and I speak to a therapist, see my doctor and am in good hands psychologically. I am not concerned about relapsing, I actually have gotten to the point where I am more scared of anorexia and I cannot express how awful I think it is, it is disgusting and it makes me sick to think of how it once held me captive in it's clutches.

I am not looking to lose any 50 pounds or anything like that. I will be more then happy to just be back at the weight I was before my Eating Disorder which was 157 pounds at 5'9 and a half. I am so mad at myself because I was such a lovely weight and I couldn't see it, I was too sick.

Do you think it is possible for someone after recovering fully from an Eating Disorder to gradually (a pound to pound and a half per week, no more) lose weight? My BMR is set at 1900 calories per day and I know that just by cutting 500 calories I can lose a pound per week. MFP has me set at 1,200 NET and I am going to start going for walks or riding my stationary bike or using my hula hoop for exercise. I have usage of my family's treadmill and I am hoping to soon order off of Amazon a work out weighted hula hoop to use as well. I will NOT net anything less then 1,200 at the bare minimum and I am going to eat healthy but also have snacks and desserts. I am not interested in punishing myself ANYMORE.

I am guessing you could say that my question is this. Do you think PHYSICALLY it is possible for a human being to lose weight after an Eating Disorder? If mentally they are sound and have ZERO intent on a relapse.


  • vmclach
    vmclach Posts: 670 Member
    Yes. You can lose weight again. It's physically possible. Focus on getting better first or you will relapse.
  • terbusha
    terbusha Posts: 1,483 Member
    Yes you can. A 1 lb/week goal is a great way to go. The moderate calorie deficit will help you to use this time to turn it into a healthy lifestyle. If you are having trouble staying motivated and are looking for support, I help to run support groups through Facebook. We have lots of people in there that are improving themselves and helping everyone else to stay accountable. We teach about proper nutrition and how to exercise. I'd be happy to chat with you about it if that is something that you're looking for.

  • jennifer_417
    jennifer_417 Posts: 12,344 Member
    Of course it's physically possible...but I recommend you talk to your Dr and your therapist before you do it. Seriously, you are on a slippery slope here and need to be very careful. What would seem like an innocent attempt at losing a small amount of weight can spiral out of control before you even realize it.
  • _KitKat_
    _KitKat_ Posts: 1,066 Member
    Look up the TDEE method. It may help the most and be able to give you a very controlled gradual weight loss. You only want to lose 10lbs. So even a 1/2 lb deficiency may be best. Measuring your food will be necessary with a small deficient and will help you learn portions and have control, which is normally important after a ED. Best of luck.

    Agree with talking to doctors first and have them supervise.
  • lisaabenjamin
    lisaabenjamin Posts: 665 Member
    Of course it is physically possible, you just eat at a calorie deficit (just not such a destructively low one as before!). You're pretty tall and only have 10-12lbs to lose, so 1200 cals net a day sounds quite low to me. Be sensible, don't go for a drastic rate of weight loss (0.5-1lb a week is plenty) and keep talking to the people around you so they can support you.
  • Mischievous_Rascal
    Mischievous_Rascal Posts: 1,791 Member
    Maybe do some research on body fat percentages, TDEE (total daily energy expenditure), weight/resistance training and body recomposition and share that info with your medical professionals. It's a totally different mindset than straight up "losing weight".

    The message boards here have a search function - there is tons of info on this site.
  • josiebearly11209
    Thank you all, I am going to work towards this goal in a healthy mannersome!
  • kaaaaylee
    kaaaaylee Posts: 398
    Just keep your doctor or therapist very closely involved. If you feel like you're on the edge of relapsing, focus on maintaining. Slow and steady.