

  • Wow - thanks for all the responses, you guys are an inspiration! I think my next step has to start measuring things more often - I weighed a few things at the beginning but started making guesstimates after that. Also, I'm going to make a real effort to drink more water - maybe carry a bottle with me.
  • 2 human brains (according to the internet - I haven't tested it).
  • I finished the 30 day shred a few weeks ago and just wanted to offer some encouragement. It's HARD but a) it works and b) gave me so much more confidence in what I could do. The first day of all 3 levels I felt awful, but within a few days it was easier so don't be tempted to give up! Now I'm doing a different DVD with…
  • Good idea! I'm on a 33 day streak - feel free to add me.
  • Yes, this is exactly how I feel.
  • ^^This, particularly number 2. I was really self conscious for the first couple of times, then realised everyone is focusing on themselves. Nobody notices anyone else in the general areas, and only ever say supportive things in classes. I must admit I'm not great at going often, but that's because I've been doing workout…
  • Being on here and calorie counting has helped me a lot by making me more aware of what I'm eating. I don't weigh everything (which I know some people disapprove of) but counting more or less how many calories I'm taking in means I'm more likely to consider whether or not it's a good idea to eat something. It also means I…
  • Thanks everyone - I think I'll aim for pasta and some kind of tomato-based sauce, and remember to stay away from the bread.
  • The best thing to do is bear in mind how you felt the first day of level one compared to the fourth or fifth day. It gave me the strength and motivation to think "OK, right now I think I can't do this, but in four days I'll have proved myself completely wrong". It got me through the start of level 2 and 3, and I'm going to…
  • Oh God, I thought I was going to die the first day of level 2! By day 4-5 I was so much stronger though. Same goes for level 3.
  • I finished last week and was so proud of myself! It really works too - but remember it's about size, not necessarily weight, so don't judge it by the scales.
  • Pretty sure they're wrong about that. You can't get really bulked up, but you can still gain some muscle and tone up. All I know is, I haven't lost that much weight since I started about 6 weeks ago, but I've definitely shrunk a bit. I'm the same height as you and slightly heavier.
  • I'm in Britain - we don't usually do the 'doggy bag' thing. If only cheese wasn't my downfall :( Cheese is so good! I'll try my best to avoid it though.
  • You can add me! I'm fairly new to the site and started my 'get healthy' plan at the end of January. I was about to turn 32 and found myself in the same frame of mind as you. It's going pretty well so far. One thing I recommend is taking measurements. I didn't and really, really wish I had! I know how much weight has come…
  • Is that the yoga meltdown? You could try this site by entering your weight and choosing 'power yoga'. http://www.healthstatus.com/calculate/cbc
  • Great choice!
    in Day 1 Comment by TessMacc March 2014
  • I'm not an expert but from the sounds of it you are losing fat but gaining muscle, so no weight loss is fine. Losing inches is a much better judge, so if your clothes are looser you're doing the right thing.
  • Great motivation! Which charity are you running for?
    in Day 1 Comment by TessMacc March 2014
  • Firstly, size 8 is not ugly or disgusting. Try not to feel that way. Secondly, one week would be pretty early to start seeing effects. As other people have said, log food carefully and don't expect to see results happen overnight - some people see it quickly but for others it takes at least 2 or 3 weeks to see any change…
  • I logged them as circuit training for 30 day shred, but I don't know the layout of her other DVDs. Are they still based on strength/cardio/abs?
  • "Yes, and I find it bizarre that some people don't. I wonder whether they also skip work and social events when they have their periods." Yes, I have been known to skip social events that I'd really been looking forward to. I've also left work a couple of times and I make no apology for either. Would you expect someone who…
  • Yes, but not on the worst day. On most days I work out as normal, maybe taking it a bit easier. Of course it depends on you and how heavy/difficult yours are, but I'm disappointed to see some people acting like it couldn't have an affect on working out and saying it's a bad excuse to be lazy - sometimes I've tried on the…
  • @meca85 I had the same thing - started when I had a bit of time off work and then had to keep it up when I went back. It's tricky but doable and I must admit it is worth it. I may HATE her now, but I'll definitely be getting another one of her DVDs. Good luck!
  • @jlg3797 I would have given up ages ago, except my flatmate and I are doing it together and keeping each other motivated. We're trying to choose a new one at the moment but maybe take a break from Jillian! (We'll go back to her later - we have a kind of Stockholm Syndrome attachment to her now).
  • I'm in Leeds! I've sent a request.
    in UK people Comment by TessMacc March 2014
  • I'm 25 days into Jillian Michael's 30 day shred (20 minutes circuit a day) and can really see the difference. She's a bit of a nightmare trainer and I often want to smash her face off the TV, but it does get results.
  • I'm from Leeds and just joined this week. Would love some UK friends to keep me going!
  • Hi - I'm just getting started too. Add me!